Could someone please tell me.....

OK, my turn to put my $.02 in!!! (mmmm...soapbox....)

We have a six year old daughter, who, from the time she was old enough to understand, has been brought up around our firearms. My husband and I have cleaned the guns around her, taken her with us to the range, etc..,. She even knows where we keep them. Soon we will invest in a .22 to begin teaching her how to shoot and handle a firearm herself.

With her, she has never been the type of child to go around sneaking into cabinets and dresser drawers. We will see with our next child (due anytime BTW) and adjust our plans accordingly!

Guns in the home are as "normal" to her as crayons and scissors, and therefore aren't a temptation to her. She KNOWS that the guns, along with other off-limits objects in the house (our 4ft long sword) are forbidden, and she also knows the consequences for disobedience. (the consequences for disobedience are consistent).

At night, our handguns stay within easy reach, loaded and ready to go. She wouldn't be able to get at them, considering they are under our pillows! During the day, the guns go up high, where she can't reach them, still loaded and ready to go. She knows that Mommy and Daddy's bedroom is off-limits, it's no-man's-land! (woe to her if she dares tread on the hallowed ground!) Plus, she is 100% supervised-by myself-and thus doesn't have the opportunity to grab a gun. When her friends come over, the guns are DEFINITELY out of reach, though.

That's just the way we do things in our household, and thus far it has worked rather well.

Keeping our firearms loaded at all times is quite important to us, as we were just robbed a few short weeks ago. Luckily, the little punks only took stuff from the outside of the house. Otherwise, they would have met up with our good friends SIGSauer and Mossberg, et al. :-)

Larry P, is the offer to shoot your AR 15 open to North Texans as well? I for one would love to have a go-'round with one! :-)

BTW, how in BLAZES do you make those smileys work? ARGHHH!!!!!!

Janet Reno, aka "tertiary adjunct 5 of 12"... "We are BIG BROTHER. Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated..."

[This message has been edited by Darthmaum (edited June 28, 1999).]
Darthsmaum, I'm glad that your child knows better to not touch the firearms. YOu can come over and train mine LOL. Congrats on the baby! and the smileys are like follows
:nospace) :)
:nospace) :(

[This message has been edited by Miss Demeanors (edited June 28, 1999).]
Now that my wife has spoken her piece, I'm gonna get up on the soapbox (though, unfortunately, she has already said much of what I would have regarding children).
To Miss D:

Your circumstances, and your child, are, of course, different from ours, so what we do MIGHT not work for you, but I can recommend this to you and anyone else reading this- Do NOT keep your guns, knives, TNT, Lightsabres, etc., a mystery from your children, as that is the surest way to make them a temptation. Even if she knows they are there (such as the kitchen knives), but doesn't understand what they are for, she will be tempted to find out by experimentation. Someday she will be of an age that you can't put them ANY higher, or she will figure out the cabinet locks, and what then? I would hazard to guess that if she understands that the knives Mommy uses for cooking are SHARP and dangerous and HURT (w/o actually being cut by them, hopefully) she would be less likely to want to touch them. You have to teach her about them, not just make them some sort of "forbidden fruit". This also brings me to another point- she also has to be raised to understand that Mommy MUST be obeyed, it is not optional. I am sure you already do this, and the consequences are consistent and fair. This will go a long way toward raising a happy, healthy, and societally-functional child. I think it safe to say that most of the goblins you hear about in the news that cause Rosie, et al. to scream for new gun laws lacked this dicipline as a child. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't dream of telling you how to raise your child, just encourage you to help her become a resposible and rational adult just as you yourself are. I must say it's quite refreshing to see someone who isn't a gun owner stand up for our rights with us. Which leads me to my next SB. (SB= soapbox)

Too often the "sheeple" of this country consent to have rights restricted, or taken away altogether, simply because it's a right THEY don't use (such as the right to keep and bear arms). Many gun owners are guilty of this, as well (though I am comfortable in the knowledge that noone on this forum fit this description. WOOHOO!!). Here's a hypothetical example- Congress wants to ban "Assault weapons" (i.e. semi-auto rifles that LOOK military but are functionally identical to more "traditonal" looking guns), those who own such guns are of course upset, but the hunters consent. They say, "I don't care about that, I don't use guns like that anyway". In return for their consent, hunting rifles aren't touched- by THIS particular law. Next time, it could very well be hunting rifles they go after. Rosie mentioned that the NRA (also implies all gun owners) "won't compromise". Given the gun-grabbers track record of deceit, half-truths, phoney sob stories, underhanded tricks, backstabbing, and dirty rotten low down (I love adjectives)outright dishonesty... no, we won't compromise! Every time they demand restrictions, we compromise, then they say that wasn't enough, we want more, and we compromise again. NO MORE COMPROMISE! The line must be drawn- this far, no farther. This applies to ANY of our rights, not just our gun rights. Does anyone seriously believe that if-and-when our guns are gone, the assault on our freedom will end? I don't. Our protection against unreasonable search and seizure is just as annoying to the liberal elite. That would have to go along with the 2nd amendment in order for them to come into every home and take our guns.

Here's an interesting thought- any time the Gov't proposes a new restriction on gun rights, apply the reasoning to some other right. Does it STILL sound reasonable? If not, it isn't- period. Even if it is a right you personally don't exercise, there are others who do. When those rights come under fire, don't stand by and let it happen. Our rights are your rights are EVERYONE's rights. They were hard-won with the blood of patriots in 1776. We desecrate their memories each time we give up our precious freedom.

"Fear is the path to the Dark Side...
Fear leads to gun laws, gun laws lead to disarmament, disarmament... leads to Tyranny!"


"The Second Amendment will be with you, always."
Miss D,

Hey I love the city of Chicago, especially Gino's East Pizza, but I couldn't carry my weapon up there! SORRY! (peals of derisive laughter, Bruce!) but maybe you don't watch Monty Python, huh? DOH!

Let's see if the smiley thing works (oooh, I've stayed up too late!) :)

Janet Reno, aka "tertiary adjunct 5 of 12"... "We are BIG BROTHER. Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated..."
Darthmaum, yay! You got the smiley! I was up too late also and gave you the wrong code for the sad guy it is :nospace( You are right about Gino's East good pizza, and no we cant carry anything around here. Although from reading that tuna thread I am considering getting myself a 10 pound tuna!

Jedi, what you said is very true and I am with ya 100% on that. My girl does know about the knives, checmicals , lighters ect. I have had many talks with her, I just take the extra step by still putting it away. She has never attempted to try and get anything, I just take the extra precautions. :)
Or the big grin :nospaceD :D

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Miss D,
Can't fault you for being extra-cautious. "Playing it safe" is one of the rules I live by (especially now that I have my CHL). Trying to be a "hot-shot" usually will get you, or someone else, hurt. BTW, I have been to ChiTown before, and I don't see how the police there could possibly be adequate to keep the peace. There's just too much city to cover- with the IL gun laws it's no wonder you have such high crime. It's really sad when the elected officials who are supposed to be on your side refuse to look at feasible protective measures simply because it's against their ideology. I know you probably love your city, just like I love Dallas, but if it ever came to the point like it is in Chicago, Darth Maum and I will be outta there with our children. We don't like Big D that much.

As for your assault tuna, you might want to consider electric eels as an LTL alternative. ;)
"Fear is the path to the Dark Side...
Fear leads to gun laws, gun laws lead to disarmament, disarmament... leads to Tyranny!"


"If it isn't Scottish, it's CRAP!"

[This message has been edited by Jedi Oomodo (edited June 29, 1999).]
Like my city? Heck no! I hate it here! I am outside of the city in a suburb but it is all the same. All we have here is pizza. THats it. ChiTown is very bad. I usually dont go down in the city, its no fun , too many people, too many crimes = disaster. The winters are terrible, cold, dreary, and did I mention cold? Not a fun city. maybe to visit for like a day but that would be it. You cant carry guns here, there are so many muggings each day because no one is a threat to a BG. If I could move I would, but seeing that I cant I just stay away from all of that and hang out with the kids!

HMM, maybe I will think about purchasing the eel. I wonder if there is a length restriction?
There are no length restrictions as yet, so write your congressman and let him know you oppose such restrictions. Seriously, if it's legal, get a can of pepper spray and keep it on your keychain. Don't pay any attention to the "10%" or "15%" pepper nonsense. Look on the labeling for something called "SHUs". It needs to be between 1.5 million- 2 million to be really effective. If the label don't say, don't buy it.

I'm serious. They all need an off-the-wall letter now and then to keep them on their toes. :D

Dallas has it's crime, too. Just recently my lawn mower and father-in-law's power sander were stolen off my back porch, while Darth and I were AWAKE watching a movie!! So, it's not all "happy-happy-joy-joy" down here, either, but if you stay in the suburbs life is decent. Sure, the summers are hot, muggy, oppressive, and hot (did I mention that it's hot down here?) but there's nothing yet that would drive me away. I'm sory you can't leave. I believe that everyone has the right to live in peace, unmolested, if they're willing to extend others the same courtesy. I hope someday you can find a better port of call.

May the Force be with you...
"Fear is the path to the Dark Side...
Fear leads to gun laws, gun laws lead to disarmament, disarmament... leads to Tyranny!"


"If it isn't Scottish, it's CRAP!"

[This message has been edited by Jedi Oomodo (edited June 30, 1999).]
Miss D,
Would you perhaps be near Palatine, or Antioch? I have friends in both towns. When I was downtown, it was pretty scary at times, especially walking near the "L" in some places. There were too many "nooks and crannies" where thugs could hang out! If you've never been to Big D, you should come down here sometime. The winters are much milder, but then again, we do have killer summers.
You could also eat some REAL Tex-Mex food! (It was impossible to find a decent restaurant that served Tex-Mex cuisine there.)

"...What will you do without freedom? Will you fight?... Fight, and you may die, run and you'll live, at least a while. And dying, many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that, for just one chance, to tell our enemies, that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our FREEDOM!!!"
I am about 20 min away from Palatine, about 40 from Antioch, used to play darts at the bars out there. I am closer to O'hare! So you rode the famous "L". Sorry you had to experience that! I used to ride those things all the time at night, got mugged twice, and followed off the el once. Im surprised I am still alive! Needless to say I dont even go downtown unless I have to. I hate it. Yay the lake, lets look at 7,000 people crammed in garbage infested beach! No thanks! Always wanted to go to Texas, was in Texarkana (sp) once when little. But I doubt I'd ever get there, well at least until Im rich ;). They just cram too many people together here and thats why its so messed up. At our old apartment there were 12 apts per bldg with about 10 blocks of the same set up all together. we heard shots every night from the woods and all the gang bangers would drive by or sit in the parking lot. Wasnt fun coming home from the grocery store at 11pm, being 7 months pregnant and carrying 10 bags of grocerys up 3 flights of stairs past them a few times! Sure am glad I aint there anymore! You guys are lucky you dont have winter! We have a snowmobile and it is fun once than you are cold and do not feel the urge to go again. Bogus huh? :)
I too have lived in apartments (in the so-called suburbs at that!) where you could hear gunshots and rapes etc. I once opened my door to find two heroin addicted women selling themselves for $10 so they could get a fix. Pretty debase... I also remember seeing one guy get beat up with the butt of a shotgun. Needless to say, his face was pulp!

Snowmobile, huh? Everyone has swimming pools and riding lawn mowers around here (the money-bags, that is...) We just have an inflatable pool for the kiddos. :)

I was up in Chicago in May, and was blown away that it could be 30 deg still! The wind off the lake is unbearably cold.

"...What will you do without freedom? Will you fight?... Fight, and you may die, run and you'll live, at least a while. And dying, many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that, for just one chance, to tell our enemies, that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our FREEDOM!!!"
My goodness Miss D.!
'You cant carry guns here, there are so many muggings each day because no one is a threat to a BG.'
This does not sound like the anti-gunner I once knew. Sounds like someone has had a coming to Jesus and seen the light. See what an open mind and intelligence will get you? You have discovered that firearms are only dangerous in the wrong hands and have a positive use when in the right hands. Good job!
I lived in Champaign for 2.5 years while in grad school, and I thought it sucked with a capital "S." Couldn't see Chicago as a place to live, but I've been looking for a new job and might get stuck there. Still better than NJ.
First and foremost, all early gun laws in this country are based in Jim Crow. Secondly, all federal laws are based on the National Firearms Act, which is very likely completely unconsitutional. All Jim Crow laws should be tossed out, and all unconstitutional laws have no force of law.

If we are to have gun laws, than they need to be lawful, not merely legal, and yes, there is a big difference. All gun laws must be repealed, and the issues raised, some good, need to be examined and dealt with in a lawful manner.

The situation at present is totally unacceptable.