Could hunt any animal what would it be?

The only things that would ever get me to bother hunting is a tyranosaurus rex, or them thar-- yellow bellied DemoWeasles,which is ,I believe, what Utah Raptors eventually devolved into. Other than that, forget it!


[This message has been edited by ernest2 (edited December 17, 1999).]
Hell I was the one filming it!
Just kidding.
Yeah I rented it from bow shop in riverside kalifornia. Its been a while but remember his warm up shots at a nearby log about 1/8" apart, made me sick. Forgot the name I will post if I see it again at the shop. I have been slacking on my bow stuff as my guns are declared an endangered species by gov-n-r gray. Have my brothers old spoiler bow one of the first with fast flight quit using my hoyt pro hunter, last of the laminate limb fiberglass bows with mag risers, the risers had problems cracking and I needed more poundage. I would love a new hoyt with about 80lbs pull. Maybe after a couple more guns [Ive said that before] my trucks grinding water pump can attest to that. Hope it will make it to the shop thursday to pick up my new $2000.00 308 super match. By the way if I wait on the water pump how many more boxes of gold medal could I get?heehee. It could last until next paycheck couldnt it?

[This message has been edited by oberkommando (edited December 18, 1999).]
Live in Colorado so already do the God's Country elk, etc. Some pay out the yazoo to come out here & that's a hunt of a lifetime.

Think I'd go to Alaska & do a few different critters up there, moose to a sheep, just to get into the varying terrain.

No more predator hunting for me 'cept for the perps & antis. Hear it's open season & I'd be willing to bend the law a bit & bait 'em.
Reno would count. If it looks like a Cape Buffalo and smells like a Cape Buffalo...

Gun control started the Revolutionary War!..."itcta alea est"
The Eveready Bunnie!
Would like a truck full of those little drummers.
Don't know what gun I use though!

Dr. Rob -

If you could revive prehistoric animals for game and eating, why settle for something as inoffensive Utahraptors (the stars of scientist Robert Bakker's Raptor Red).

Check out -

It was thought that megaraptors shared some characteristics with the smaller Utah raptors thanks to parallel evolution but were another species entirely. The size of its sickle claw is listed below and is quite a jaw dropper!

"Huge Robber"

Megaraptor was a large, terrifying late Cretaceous predator with two enormous, sickle-like toe claws. It was a huge, lightly built, fast-moving, agile, bipedal (walked on two legs), bird-like dinosaur. It had a curved, flexible neck, and a big head with sharp, serrated teeth in very powerful jaws.
The second toe on each foot had a 14 inch (35 cm) sickle-like claw and the other toes had smaller claws. When alive, this claw would have been sheathed in a horny, keratinous material much like our fingernails, making the claw even bigger, longer and sharper. The long tail was used for balance and fast turning ability. It had a relatively large brain and large, keen, eyes. Megaraptor was about 20-26 feet (6-8 m) long.
Megaraptor lived during the late Cretaceous period, about 90-84 million years ago.
Megaraptor, along with the other advanced theropods (like the closely-related dromaeosaurids), were among the smartest of the dinosaurs, as calculated from their brain:body weight ratio (or EQ). This made them very deadly predators.

Megaraptor was a carnivore, a meat eater. It probably ate just about anything it could slash and tear apart. When hunting in packs, Megaraptor could probably kill any prey it desired.
Megaraptor walked on two slender, bird-like legs; it must have been a fast runner, considering its legs and light weight. When it ran, it rotated its huge middle-toe-claw upwards and ran on the other toes.
Incomplete Megaraptor remains were found in 1996 in Northwest Patagonia, Argentina by paleontologist F. Novas. Novas named it in 1998 (when it was still thought to be a raptor). Fossils included a huge sickle-shaped claw, metatarsal, ulna, and a finger bone.
Bull**** Gun-zine writers who praise any trash that'll advertise in their rags!


Be mentally deliberate but muscularly fast. Aim for just above the belt buckle Wyatt Earp
45 ACP: Give 'em a new navel! BigG
"It is error alone that needs government support; truth can stand by itself." Tom Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, 1785
We don't have a chaplain here, but I don't view that as any major problem... You can rest assured
that you will not go in that bag until I've said a few appropriate words over you
R. Lee Ermy as Sgt Major Haffner, from The Siege of Firebase Gloria
If you have to shoot a man, shoot him in the guts. It may not kill him... sometimes they die slow, but it'll paralyze his brain and arm and the fight is all but over Wild Bill Hickok
Cape Buffalo with a bow from the ground or crocodile 16+ feet with a bow from a boat.

If I had to shoot a gun it would still be the cape with a double rifle.

They teach conformity, it equals servitude, and that leads to genocide based not on race but resistance,

RE: Eveready Bunny

I would like to put the Eveready Bunny on a fence post and see how far I could blow him with my 12 gauge.
* Cape buffalo: from inside a Bradley, with a .50 cal MG
* 16ft+ crocodile: from a ship with a .300 Weatherby Mag and hand grenades
* Grizzly: with an A-10 and that neat little rotating gun thing that plows fields
when it goes R-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-p! ;)
* Dinosaur things: with a B-52G
* Eveready Bunny: with a stun gun (heh heh heh)
* A former business partner (alone with me in a small room so he can’t outrun me)
with my bare hands! (Well, he acted like he had both the four feet and the two
wings when he got us in trouble!!!!)
* A certain small group of Marines, with a refrigerated truck full of their favorite
beer! (I owe ‘em.)

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!
Oooooh!! I know the answer to this one.
Coyotes & Jacks.

Oberkommando, is the price of an M1A Supermatch in California really $2000 these days?

Just one of the Good Guys