Could hunt any animal what would it be?


New member
Cost no consideration. But animal should not be extinct, and try to keep it to four legged, or two winged.

As for me, give me a Cape buff, and my custom dbl rifle [best quality of course]chambered for 8ga kiln gun slugs, with pair of first class tickets to Afrika.
Anything that would be target rich, tasted good on the table and I did not have to clean... :)


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
A T-Rex.

Oh - not extinct...

Uh... Hmmm. Rosie was taken... Reno? Sarah Brady? yeah - something on that line...
I want to hunt people that are damaging to our country. Terrorists.

Physical, or Political Terrorists.
"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
We, the people, are tired of being taxed, penalized, supervised, harassed,
and subjugated by a federal government which exceeds the powers
enumerated in the U.S. Constitution.

[This message has been edited by George Hill (edited December 17, 1999).]
oberkommando, I'm not going to bite into that one. Too many ears. Besides, you already know my joys and hopes for a question like that!!!!!!!


From my cold dead hands.
What an evil question.. as a hunter I'm shocked, its UNFAIR... ;)

well since a Utahraptor (the BADDEST RAPTOR DINO EVER) Is out... guess I can leave the 470 evans nitro express rifle at home...

Cape Buffalo, up close and personal with a .375 h&h magnum bolt gun. Nice bachelor bull with a BIG rack. (why the hell else would I buy a 375) And I AM going to africa before I'm 40.

Of course tracking down an honest to god maneater (lion) would be extremely exciting.. and would probably give me a LOT of gray hair. But I genrally don't beleive in shooting predators.

Other animals i plan on hunting on safari:


Maybe I saw too many Stewart Granger movies as a kid.. or read too much Hemmingway... but I made a promise when I turned 30 that i was going to do the once in a lifetime hunt. And that hunt is about Cape Buffalo.


[This message has been edited by Dr.Rob (edited December 17, 1999).]
I think that if I saw a bigfoot, I'd have to put him away. Mount him on my wall. But we all know they don't exist. I don't know, any small, furry critter usually is the most fun for me. Search and destroy.

[This message has been edited by dent guy (edited December 17, 1999).]
I hear ya rob,

Wanstac, manly man aye, saw fred bear take polar bear with recurve bow, much braver and a lot more skilled than by bow shooting. Im glad to hid "A" Drive disks at 25 yards.

Dago, Dad, George, it's just too damn hard to get tags for those critters these days.
Red Buff with a 4 bore Rodda.

It is far better to dare mighty things, though riddled with failure, than to live in the dull grey of mediocrity.
Giraffe, me on stilts w/chain saw. Take that neck!

Sorry, couldn't help myself. In a much better mood today. ;-)
Personally I'd love to hunt Yellow-Backed Congressweasels, but they're not in season yet. ;)

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
I would also say cape buffalo first choice, then lion, then hippo, then kudu, then polar bear, then coastal brown bear, then moose. (Elephants, tigers, and rhinos are too rare/beautiful/intelligent).
rabbit assassin, you are very welcome to come get your limit of squirrel at my place. It's pecan season now and they are especially thick this year. I have had the little rodents trip one leg on the transformer supplying my 80k pumphouse every day of the week recently. They do hit the ground medium well, but I have no taste for them.