Costco official statement - they are anti-gun, anti-CCW

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I just can't see paying for the privilege to shop. My last trip to cosco I found the same product I had just purchased at another store for about 20% less than at cosco. That was the last year Cosco got any of my money. If I am going to pay to shop I shouldn't need to compare prices. Now I have another reason.
I wish there was a Costco around here, so I could not shop there because of their policy, instead of not shopping there because there isn't one. :cool:
Good thing corporate policy isn't law in Florida. Concealed means concealed means concealed. If you don't like their policy don't shop there or carry concealed and shop. I won't say what I do when I see the signs.
Am I the new Gunkid? Look, I like tactics. From what I hear, Gunkid went way overboard. I think I try to be logical.
Just talked to a location. The greeter was just mewling. Compete sheeple. The usual crap: "Are you a guard?" Another person said it is against Costco policy. I did not see signs.

If you really like shopping at Costco, just shop there. Unless they see you stealing something they can't just search you and if you are a real CCW you should have no problem keeping your weapon out of sight. The only question is if you ever really needed to use your weapon in the store or in the parking lot, would that sign cause you lots of problems in court.
I normally prefer to avoid anyplace that tries to prohibit my ability to protect myself. So I'd likely not be there in the first place.
BUT.....As far as the parking lot goes, the sign says nothing against carrying in their lot unless they have it posted right on the edge of the property line--"No Weapons Beyond this Point". It's a wide open field as to whether or not they could even try to push something against you in their lot. In the event you had to draw in their lot, they'd likely become your best friend to keep you from suing them over the whole matter. "I come here to shop, not to get robbed/assulted/car-jacked. Is that your idea of safety for your customers? Good thing I can defend myself, because you are completely incapable of providing safety for me".
If a situation arose within the store I'd do nothing different than I would anywhere else. It's their responsibility to provide a safe environment within their store. I think I can handle my personal safety a little better than a 16-year old check-out girl armed with a laser scanner and plastic bags, should a (heaven forbid) life threatening situation ever occure. My personal safety is my responsibility. And if it does happen that I'm forced to draw, that point is made even more clear.
There's a Costco right around the corner from me and I never even been in it. I have nothing to buy there and no need to buy in bulk. Same with SAM's Warehouse. I don't even know what this particular store's policy is or if they have a sign. Maybe I should drive by it and check just out of curiosity.

That aside. Concealed Carry = What they don't know doesn't hurt them and enhances my shopping experience.

Who are they to tell me what makes a good shopping experience for me? It surely isn't shopping in a store that doesn't allow me to practice my rights.

All other places of business seem to be doing just fine allowing me to carry a firearm in their property.

What does Costco think that telling law-abiding shoppers they cannot carry a firearm in their store is going to do? Make a criminal-minded person obey their sign??
I guess you could just ignore it. how are they going to find out, unless there's an emergency and you need to use your gun, then they'd comment you for being a hero for breaking their rule.

And it's a rule isn't it, not a law?

I'd carry anyways.
I go because we like the prices. they are cheaper on a lot of the basics. milk is about 50 cents a gallon cheaper,
butter is about 1/2 the going rate.
meat any where from $1 to 4 a pound less than the supermarkets.

I have sent an email regarding the signs and refuted the basis for their position.
I imagine that its major reason for doing so is it helps to cut down on insurance costs. When they pay their employees decent wages and insurance they have to make a saving somewhere.
How about a national CCW boycott of Costco? I plan on emailing to the above and stating that if my gun is not welcome, then neither am
If you are a Texan and they have a crappy sign and then you protest said crappy sign and they tell you that it is their policy to ban guns and CHLs, they you just got for yourself official notice and thus you can't carry there even if they have no 30.06 sign. Other folks who didn't protest can go carry there as the crappy sign has no effect on them.

Oh, well. No good deed goes unavenged.
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