Coronavirus panic Ammogeddon 2.0?

I was able to pick up 800 rounds of 9mm, 200 .45acp, and 200 7.62x39 at normal prices in Missouri. Granted, the 9mm was all aluminum cased, but it is going to be fed through my duty gun, so I'm not concerned. I checked two stores locally, and it seems AR platform caliber ammo is moving quick, but not so much handgun.
Bought a 10-22 yesterday. Shop said Monday was busy, but not stupid-busy. Plenty of ammo on shelves too.

Stocked up on some more 22lr ammo too. I should be fine.
I have no problem with fokls buyng guns or ammo

Just as I have no problem with folks buying food or toilet paper.

There is a virus going around.OK.

Do I need an extra 1000 rounds of 9mm to defend my 4 rolls of toilet paper?

I don't understand how my fellow citizens are so easily manipulated nto a hysterical panic.

We aren't pooping more,or eating more food,or shootng more.

I haven't bothered to go to the LGS. The "enough" I had two months ago s still enough.

We are our own worst enemy.

I'm not giving up any guns,but it just does not occur to me I can protect myself from a virus with more ammo.

Its like folks are choosing to live inside some bad "B" movie.

We could just deal with the real,live problems of today
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It is pointless to talk facts. This epidemic is nothing compared to the seasonal flu, but people can't understand it. They can't tell the difference between 600,000,000 and 200,000, or between coronivirus and the black plague. They are in full-throttle monkey mode.

I was putting off buying paper towels. I should have bought them several days back. Yesterday, I decided to see what was available. Knowing there might be issues, I looked online in order to avoid driving.

On Amazon and Ebay, the scum of the earth are selling paper towels for over $20 per roll. Don't ever try to tell me Americans are good people. The profiteers are everywhere, and the hoarders are just as bad. We don't pull together in a crisis. We throw each other under the bus. I went through it after Hurricane Andrew, and nothing has change.

I went to the Office Depot site, and I found a 12-roll package of paper towels for sale. I bought it online, and then I drove to the store when I was good and ready. I only need 6 rolls, but I couldn't get a smaller package. They hid it in the back until I got there.

Thank God I had plenty of toilet paper before the insanity started.

I tried to buy 200 pounds of match .308 yesterday, and today, the vendor called me and said I could only have 100. I told them to keep it. I'm not buying match .308 to shoot my neighbors. I just wanted to shoot my LR308 with decent ammunition. You would think resellers would draw a distinction between neighbor-shooting ammo and luxury target ammo.

On the plus side, people say reloading supplies are not scarce. I bought 500 10mm shells today for the regular price.

Apart from a temporary shortage of things like toilet paper, eggs, and hand sanitizer, things here are not bad. I still eat whatever I want. I have gas and diesel. Bottled water, which I drink because of kidney stones, is still available if you look. I can't imagine what it's like living in a place like New York or Miami, where people treat each other like dirt in the best of times.

Grocery stores will be stocked again in a week or two, but the damage our hysterical response is doing to the economy may take years to undo. The citizenry is supporting its own destruction because the press has filled them with irrational fear, and politicians are dancing to the press's tune. It's amazing to see how easy it is to get America to commit suicide. We are not fit for the WWII generation to spit on.

Any LGS that raises prices should be demolished with a bulldozer. The 2A crowd doesn't need that kind of stink among us.

"Due to overwhelming order volume over the past week we are not currently accepting new orders. We are currently 5 to 7 days behind on filling orders and the priority is going to be given to filling existing orders. We will begin to restore inventory later this week once we have a handle on shipping all orders that have been placed so far. In order to aid us in providing faster service, please do not email to ask when your order will ship unless you need to cancel or change the address. UPS will email tracking info the day the order ships and we are working as fast as we possibly can to fill your orders. We have inventory allocated to fill all existing orders, if you have an order in it will be filled."
I ordered from Palmetto State, and they are talking 14 to 21 days' delay. I don't care. I'm not a panic hoarder! It's unfortunate, but at least they're filling orders.

Starline Brass doesn't mention a delay. Guess I'll be up to my butt in 10mm soon.

I just don't get the panickers. If, for some completely unimaginable reason, I had to use a gun against other people because of coronavirus, I feel sure one or two magazines would be sufficient. If your situation calls for 5,000 rounds, you're going to die, plain and simple. I'll bet no single individual in history has ever had to shoot 5,000 rounds and then survived.

I hope there are a lot of first-time buyers in the mix. Every former gun-hater who buys a gun is on the road to redemption.
We are not fit for the WWII generation to spit on.

Not long before the war started Americans like Henry Ford, Joe Kennedy, and Charles Lindberg were openly supporting Hitler. People scammed during the war, and we had a segregated military. Yet we did come together and win.

This will require the same level of resolve. I'm not giving up on us yet.
The people I most worry about are the ignorant ones with curious kids that think they can throw a loaded gun in their dresser drawer and hope they never have to use it... if you buy a gun you have a responsibility to secure it and lean to use it. Hard to do when you have to shelter in place....
I've been looking for Hodgdon Hybrid and StaBal6.5 locally. Neither of thos powders to be found. Went prairie dog shooting today and on the way home stopped at Cabelas in Sidney, Nebraska. They had both of them. The lady that took my money said a lot of people have been buying reloading supplies. The store had maybe 5 customers, but it was 3 pm on Wednesday and Sidney isn'texactly a metropolis. Scheels and Sportsman's Warehouse have quit taking orders online. This is crazy.
Talked to my brother in Franklin, TN today - gun stores are out of guns and low on ammo.

I wonder how many anti-gun soccer mom types are now gun owners because the you-know-what might very well hit the fan..............
This was posted this morning from one of the more popular gun shops in my area;

We will be open today 11-6
There will be a 10 person limit inside the store.
Yesterday PICS checks were taking over an hour to process. We had people waiting in the parking lot for 4 hours that did not make it into the store. We already have 5 cars in the parking lot this morning at 7:00AM. Hopefully the checks will go faster today.
We are not taking any reservations on anything in the store at this time. We still have piles of home defense shotguns in stock. Decent selection of AR's and we still have tons of handguns. We are completely out of 9mm ammo. We have a small amount that is supposed to come in tomorrow afternoon. We received in yesterday 2,000 boxes of Hornady 223 55gr FMJ $8.99 20rd box. There will be a 5 box limit per person.
Please be patient if you plan on coming in. We are trying to make everything as smooth as we can.
Once again,I have nothing against people buying guns and ammo.

My wild imagination is not seeing a scenario today,in the midst of this epidemic,
that makes a gun and some ammo more necessary than it was 4 months ago.

The supply chain of food,toilet paper,and everything else was adequate 4 months ago.
Its adequate to supply what we need.

Its not adequate to supply our fears. It never will be.

Reacting to our fears makes shortages self fulfilling.

There is nothing about a 75 year old person dying a lung disease that I can solve with a 9mm

I'm not going to shoot anyone over a roll of toilet paper.

What is it you fear? I just don't understand.
It's not fear, it's preparation.

The concern is the third or fourth order effect that results in a social order disruption. Think LA riots, Detroit riots, 77 Northeast blackout, etc. We as a society have simply permitted far to many predators to continue to live among us. These legal system recycles present an existential threat when coupled with a disruption in social order.
It's not fear, it's preparation.

The concern is the third or fourth order effect that results in a social order disruption. Think LA riots, Detroit riots, 77 Northeast blackout, etc. We as a society have simply permitted far to many predators to continue to live among us. These legal system recycles present an existential threat when coupled with a disruption in social order.

We disagree. Those who believe in being prepared were prepared 4 month ago

Those panic buying today are afraid.

Overwhelm the system? Collapsing society? Look up Cloward-Piven and ponder many of our policies, going back to Teddy Kennedy. There as been a plan to overwhelm the system and collapse society since the 60's,and it has been alive and well with some candidates. What else is new?

All the things you mention (LA riots,etc)...are part of my history. I'm Korean War baby..

What did I miss?

Yes,it good to be armed .I've been armed over 50 yrs.

So? Right now,in this moment,what problem can I solve with a gun?
Nobody needs shooting. Sure,I can fear I might be home invaded...but I am already prepared for that.I was a long time ago.
Right now,in this moment,our Governor declared a lot of folks suddenly don't have an income.

Last time I went shopping I got a couple pounds of hamburger,a few links of sausage,a couple dozen tortillas,etc Just what I'll consume easily.

Sure,I have a dozen boxes of pasta and a few cans of spam,some dry beans set back, I can get by a while.

I'm more concerned about the pantrieso f folks I care abut than how many thousand rounds of ammo I have.

If I have a few hundred dollars or more to buy a gun and a thousand rounds...

I'm more likely to get in touch with the folks who have served me food and drink, and added something to my day who are now out of work. Handing them $100 is worth more to me than anything at the LGS.

Give,and help keep the kids fed. That's not about something in your fears,maybe someday. Its real,today.
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I think the bun buying panic is because many cities like Philadelphia have let it be known that they were not going to jail criminals for "minor" things like burglary, car theft, prostitution, and other things because of the virus scare and were going to let them run free and arrest them when things are better. I can see why they are concerned as the crooks know what is going on and will feel free to break the law.