Coronavirus panic Ammogeddon 2.0?

Gun shops remain open out on the west coast of Arizona on the boarder of California on the Colorado River but products in those stores are getting just plain scarce.

Not much better on the internet either. Check out current availability of assembled AR uppers and lowers.
Well My wife and I got sick, my prepping supplies paid off as I haven’t been able to leave the house for the last 3 weeks. Did get some gun maintenance done when I got to feeling better. Now back to my soul-sucking job on Tuesday. Believe it or not, I got 3 interviews lined up within the next two weeks, even in this climate... next goal for the year is to go out and shoot more, as I haven’t much in the last couple of years. I’ve even kept up on my resolution... to not delve into politics on TFL. Things are looking up. Oh and I lost 25lbs before I got sick and couldn’t exercise, soon to continue.
* California temp ruling: No background checks to buy ammo.

See topic on this forum, for those who missed it.

District Judge Benitez. Notice the word >> Temporary <<, but still a precendent, no?
What's changed in SIX weeks

Needed a new kinetic bullet puller. Went to my local, NE TN, gun store (LGS). Still lots of new firearms but prices were UP 15%. I could tell the guns still on display from six weeks ago had been re-tagged. Very thin on 9mm and .380 ammunition but plenty of .22. The used gun selection was down by 66%, Still lots of Kahrs in stock. Shot guns were sparse but a decent supply of used rifles. And, no kinetic bullet puller! Those stats on April background checks must be accurate. My stock of lead and primers is diminished.
Five days ago I stopped in my local Rural King farm supply store to pick up a couple boxes of Eley Club .22LR. They have it for $5.79 which is a great price. It was the only .22LR they had on the shelves. The centerfire ammo was about picked clean. I asked the guy behind the counter, Pandemic scare? He laughed and said that particular Rural King sold $40,000 worth of ammo in two weeks. He though it odd that I only bought 100 rounds of Eley. I told him that will last me two to three weeks of rimfire bench rest practice. He's used to selling to plinkers that shoot 500 rounds a session, and now of course the hoarders. I'm well stocked up on plinking .22. I learned from the last great shortage to keep two years worth on hand.
Yeah, I don't get my panties in a bunch over panics. Its not first, surely will not be my last so I have what I would imagine I would ever NEED as well as a fair amount of want.

Buy when times are good. Sit back and marvel at the the bad times.
Oh and I lost 25lbs before I got sick and couldn’t exercise, soon to continue.
..I found em....want me to UPS em to you?:rolleyes:

I'd done so well too. I dragged my butt to the swimming pool every single morning @ 5:30 to swim for an hour 7 days a week. I managed to drop 105 pounds. Then they closed the pools - and I put 25 pounds back on due to lack of exercise. This stupid lockdown is quite literally killing me. Heck with the virus.: rant/off

On topic - things look like they are opening up here in NE Ohio again. Time to think about laying in some reloading supplies.
I bought two five-shelf bookcases. This allowed me to unbox my hard copies of the Official Records of the War of the Rebellion. I'm going to buy two more and this will allow me to pull the books that are doubled up and make it easy to find what I'm looking for.

If you anticipated the problems, you don't have to join the panic.

Regarding the virus, it is a bioweapon and I was told to take 22 mg absorbed Vit C per lb of body weight (use liposomal C) plus 1 gram Chaga (taken as a tea) daily along with 2000 mg Vit D-3, 30 mg Zinc and 2 mg Cu.
Just a reminder: The Firing Line forum is for discussions of firearms, shooting, and that's about it (except in Legal and Civil Rights). This particular thread is about ammunition availability during the coronavirus pandemic. Please stay on topic.
The ammo situation at JGSales has improved.
Last night their bulk 7.62x39 was clearly less than what I noted about two weeks ago.

I didn’t check any other chamberings at JGSales.

Academy is still sold out on a few chamberings, mostly because they never raised prices.

This is to help other people. My ammo storage began years ago and am baffled that so many people didn’t use their initiative years ago, and decided to join the animal herd panic.
Just came back from the Lawton Academy store. Only one AR-15 type rifle, they usually have 15-20. The Ruger Mini type rifles are gone. All the powder is gone along with the .22 caliber bullets. The .223/5.56mm bulk ammo in cans was gone.
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Just came back from the local Runnings store and they are completely out of anything painted Black, handgun racks are empty, and almost all pistol ammo is long gone. No powder or primers to speak of either.
Buzzcook , Don't know if its been asked yet, what caliber do you use for virus?

the ammo is to fight the people not the virus (Civil unrest)

home invasion, looters , rioters , car jackers, assault , rapists, ex cons released from prisons / jails

9mm - 45 acp
Tale of Two Countries

A good friend lives in Kiev Ukraine. We talked how our countries were dealing with this. Its CRAZY there. Home invasions are off the chart. Like here the bad guys have plenty of handguns the good guys no. Like our Liberal states you CAN get a permit BUT you must be connected to the big wigs and pay a fortune. IF you get a permit its only good for 5 years. 9mm ammo runs $700-$800 a thousand........actually its not unlike New York or California.:D:D:D:D:D
Maybe NOT Corona19 related but still "eye-opening". Ran out of IMR 4198 powder for loading .223 on Friday. I had purchased that pound on April 30th, 2015 for $31.95. Yesterday, at the same local gun store, I purchased another pound of the same powder for $38.95. Almost a 22% price increase. Doesn't matter what pushed up the price -- inflation IS at hand.
Thallub, I agree with you 100%. AR 15's and I would think many hand guns. I plan to save my pennies until this is over and see what the used market looks like.
Old Shooter Hubbard went to the cupboard...

Here's a shot of the HANDGUN ammunition shelves at a local (Twin Cities Minnesota) Fleet Farm on Memorial Day 2020. Extremely slim pickings!


The rifle ammunition shelves were well stocked and they had .22LR Federal bulk packs (325 rounds for under $20) so no worries on .22LR or rifle ammo but really sparse for handgun ammunition.

I have been "sheltering in place" (sittin' on my butt) and haven't got for a few weeks so I don't know if this has been going on here for a while or is just a Memorial Day weekend thing. (BTW Fleet Farm was packed with people all trying to "social distance" in a crowded store...I think the store video cameras could have some hilarious contents.