Cops shoot woman wielding a crochet hook redeux

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I wonder where their tazer gun was?

Perhaps that Dept does not carry them. I hate to say it but, if an insane acting person (even a woman) charged at me with a long sharp metal object.... I started to say I would shoot, but I just don't know. I would have to be there.
Shame on you guys for defending the cops!
She was just a troubled woman, with possibly an overdose of any number of drugs or possibly just a mental imbalance. Surely a few cops can handle a nutcase woman without use of firearms. I hope those get sued back to midevil times. I know there are plenty of cops that frequent this forum, and most of them are probably ok. Its these idiots that make people dislike cops so much. (That and they write you ticket for stuff you didnt do and say " tell it to the judge")
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