Cop vs guy with AK47

Personally, I think the first mistake made in this situation is when the scuffle ensued. Dinkheller ordered the creep to "get back" when he probably should have subdued him with the asp and cuffed him on the spot. That's assaulting a police officer, after all.

I think what it comes down to is that if you don't expect the unexpected, eventually, some situation that you are confronted with is going to spiral out of control. Dinkheller made a couple of mistakes the outcome of which cost him his life, but that doesn't cause me to mourn his loss any less than if he had done everything he could. He did the best he knew how to do based on the sum total of his training and life experiences. If that weren't the case, it would mean that he was a different person with different training and experiences. Therefore, I do mourn his loss just as I would anyone who died in the line of duty.
That's tragic.

A person armed with a handgun will almost always lose a fight with another person armed with a semi-automatic rifle...unless the person with the handgun takes the upper hand and fires first and accurately.
I think that video is horrifying for several reasons. Obviously watching a police officer get gunned down is terrible. My heart goes out to his family. It also saddens me because video like this spurs on anti-gun activists who say weapons like an M-1 carbine should be illegal. I'm glad that as a carry license holder and private citizen, I only have to reasonably believe I'm in imminent danger to fire rather than waiting until its too late. What a terrible tragedy.
I just finished watching the video that showed the death of Trooper Mark Coates. I have a lot of respect for law enforcement officers because they are forced to run, not walk a fine line. Split second decisions are what they deal with on a daily basis.

Could he have tasered him? Sure if he had one. But take a look at what people are crying about today. "Cops are tasering people all over the place without reason." better tasered than dead if you ask me.....

I think the general rule of thumb is if they are not compliant do what you need to the get them there with varing degrees of force. Whether verbal or physical.

In this situation, start loading a weapon after repeatedly ignoring my commands, acting hostile, and grabbing a weapon, say a prayer because I'm firing.

Just my 2 cents....
What's really sad is the fact that our society, in general, thinks it's almost OK to ignore a Police Officer's instructions...Sad...Very sad...

I've been to some countries (yes, very modern ones) where you get 1-2 chances to comply with what a LEO is instructing, then...Game on.

Sad that our Police Officers have to practice "defensable" Law Enforcement

The value of the video is what YOU can learn.

If you think that you saw an error or errors, then think of what options you would have.

There were multiple judgment and tactical decisions made by the law enforcement officer.

One thing to remember is that you must always be working out an action plan. If you resolve yourself only to be in a reactive stance, the violator, BG orther person will have a time advantage and initiative advantage over you.

Your "police training" should be reinforced and modified by common sense and thinking out of the box.