Cop vs guy with AK47

Am I wrong, or does the squad camera show things a bit differently?

How do you mean? That seems to be the way it looked to me. Of course you can't tell from the video about the "Using suppressive fire, Brannan
systematically, methodically shot Dinkheller in the arms, legs, exposed areas that would not be covered had Dinkheller been wearing a bulletproof vest, slowly executing him." part, as you can't see the officer, but I would guess the screams you can hear were probably from being hit multiple times. Otherwise, it sounds pretty close to me.
I believe the reason for the 50 seconds between the guy getting his gun and firing it was due to the fact that he was LOADING IT!!!!! At least, that was what we talked about at the academy. Sorry, that guy has shown more than enough intent to me when he started loading his gun.
cop should've shut him down but he was being a good guy. such a sad situation. i gotta say i've wondered if i could kill in my own defense, i know i could for someone i love but what's my own life weighed against another's, whatever that persons circumstances? i guess it's a decision you have to have made if you're an armed citizen but i'd consider that officer quite noble in his restraint in respecting a life even in objection to the legal rules of engagement.
i have a bit of a lead foot, but i know to give up when i'm stopped, follow every suggestion in terms of keeping my hands on the wheel and body still until the officer asks me to get something. what a bastard though, the killer, i hope he's rotting in a cell.
As someone shipping out for Army Basic in late April or early May and with the intention of a career in law enforcement here is my humble take on this.

The officer told the man to stop around 15 to 20 times but the man refused.
The man returned to his car and began 'working' with a firearm.
The man brandished the weapon for a period of time.
The man points the gun at the officer.
The officer fires and misses.

To me the officer should have restrained the suspect with OC or a taser (neither of which he probably had judging from the aged look in the video). But mostly I'm flabbergasted that the officer after clearly training his weapon in on the suspect misses with his pre-emptive shot and subsequent follow up shots. If a person is unwilling to kill in self defense they don't have business being a patrol officer. If he had time to zero in and take the first shot without being fired at there is no reason he should not have hit the man in the chest (that is being kind, from what appeared to be about 40 feet with an armrest on the car door he should have been able to hit the head). This comes back to patrol officers being undertrained in their firearms, a common problem I have read about in many places. It should be mandatory for officers to have weekly range visits and twice yearly firearms accuracy testing. My silly .02$
This was a prime example of officers being overly paranoid about liability. If you pull the trigger you WILL get sued and there is a pretty good chance you may be indicted. It shouldn't slow you down, but it does and it cost this man his life. From the Line of Duty tape, this officer's problem was not marksmanship. He was a very good shot.

Someone may correct me but when cops shoot at the range their accuracy is up in the high 90% nationally. On the street, it's in the teens. Remember folks paper don't shoot back and cause an adrenalin dump, an increase in blood pressure, pulse, etc. For the LEO's on here remember: train like you fight and you will fight like you train. When the time comes, if you're in immenent danger of death or great bodily harm, fire fast and accurately. At least you'll be around to worry about the lawsuit.

Rest in Peace and Fly High Brother.
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This was a prime example of officers being overly paraniod about liability.

I wonder if that was the case in this instance? Seems perfectly reasonable that in the heat of the moment, liability may be the last thing on one's mind. Seems more reasonable that when push comes to shove, he might not have been able to bring himself to do the deed.

Who knows?

That's another possibility. We all like to think we can do the deed if necessary but there are those that can't. Whichever problem it was, he did overcome it (just too late). Most people would be surprised what goes through your head in heat of the moment, especially if you haven't attuned yourself to the proper "survival mindset". I'm sure some of the LEO's on the board have attended Calibre Press' "Street Survival" seminar and know what I mean. You have to have your mental resolution in place before you can act physically. Unfortunately, you can spend hours a day at the range, but if you haven't taken the time to set your mental and emotional focus you will have bad results when the SHTF. That goes for the CCW sector of the population also. Just my .02.
I'm sure some of the LEO's on the board have attended Calibre Press' "Street Survival" seminar and know what I mean.
Actually, a lot of departments discourage taking that course. They claim it "increases liability (for the dept.) when officers come back with a John Wayne attitude" :mad: .

Believe me, liability and official retribution are on almost every cop's mind, all the time :( . When our dept. decided that point/aim of a firearm was a use of force, and would be scrutinized as such, officer safety went out the window. Early last summer we executed a high risk stop on a car load of gang bangers that were reported to be brandishing an Uzi. I rolled up seconds after the initial stop, and only 2 out of 4 of my guys had their weapons drawn, and those were at the low ready!! :mad: The gang bangers weren't all that concerned (lots of movement in the vehicle) until I put the muzzle of a Colt SMG in their faces. THAT got their attention ;) . The Uzi turned out to be a Tech 9 (loaded), and I later had a "little talk" with the officers :mad: .
Sad indeed, but golly, why did the cop keep yelling and not shooting? When a firearm is pulled, its time to end the discussion. Bet they do more training now in that jurisdiction. What a dumb, dumb cop.
cop vs bg

Every deputy in my agency has watched that video. The bg was armed with a M1 carbine, not an AK. The deputy involved had been spoken to be his Sgt. earlier in the week for "not being polite enough." the deputy seemed to be more worried about P--- off the citizens than taking charge of the situation. He should have called for back up, then charged the bg before he armed himself. Action is always better than reaction.
I hate how you can hear the deputy scream just seconds before the guy shoots over the driver's side of the car. I replayed it a few times and it really is a aweful scream. Talk about being out gunned
^ yeah, that was something i couldv'e done without. Man, after hearing that, and knowing how it turned out, I don't see how someone can come in here and just blatantly say that he was dumb.

He shouldv'e done alot of things differently, but I'm not going to sit here and call a dead police officer stupid, not after hearing that. He's been through enough without you insulting him don't you think?

Rest in peace.
Learn & Regards.

It is terrible. There are many lessons to be learned from the incident.

Fighting is not pretty. It is horrific. If one carries a firearm for personal protection, or as a law enforcement officer, we must try to do the best we can. I have a high regard for LEOs. I understand that their safety is dependent on many factors. I wish he had access to a taser and hope future officers stop odd acting fellows like that much faster and safer. If not, when a gun is presented the situation becomes a gunfight.

Escalation is key in this situation. Every action and reaction built over and extended period of time. We would all interpret the actions differently, but most situations will show little signs of aggression (especially for civilians) and be in short duration. Also, M1 carbines are not pee shooters, which I have read multiple times on various forums. Handguns are always at a disadvantage to rifles.

Thank you for your information Captain Charlie.

Train well. Practice. Mentally prepare. Stay safe.

Merry Christmas to all. I hope everyone is doing well.
Ohhhh. Hearing that policeman scream over the audio sent chills up my spine. That is a horrible event. I suspected the policeman was killed when the perpetrator walked back to his truck and drove away.

I think he should have shot the crazy animal or at least clubbed or pepper sprayed him when he started dancing around or especially when he was reaching into the truck.

Bottom line, the policeman kept giving orders with no consequences. He must have said "Get back" about thirty times and put the gun down about a dozen. You could tell he was scared to death by his tone and you hate to have to shoot somebody but....well that animal should have been dropped immediately. Of course, I've never been in that situation so it's easy for me to say what should have happened.:(
"To me the officer should have restrained the suspect with OC or a taser (neither of which he probably had judging from the aged look in the video). But mostly I'm flabbergasted that the officer after clearly training his weapon in on the suspect misses with his pre-emptive shot and subsequent follow up shots. If a person is unwilling to kill in self defense they don't have business being a patrol officer. If he had time to zero in and take the first shot without being fired at there is no reason he should not have hit the man in the chest (that is being kind, from what appeared to be about 40 feet with an armrest on the car door he should have been able to hit the head)."

I was wondering why it took so long to mention non-fatal force...
I defintely would have sprayed, electricuted, beat, and/or/and/or cuffed that fool. I'm assuming the perp here was drunk or high...
Dealing with a silly drunk is hard enough (and sometimes very entertaining), but an angry/psychotic drunk, is obviously deadly. Hell, a sober angry/psychotic man is dangerous enough...

I'm not a big believer in the words "drop the gun."