Cop Charged for Leaving Police Dog in Hot Car

Hey, I love dogs as much as anyone (I really do), but my time of employment at animal control has left me without any idealism in this area of debate.

When it comes to the Vick scumbag I guess I just think that multiple years in a federal prison for doing the things I did every day as an animal control employee in a somewhat more cruel manner seems harsh. At least the fighting dogs got to live an adventerous life first, the ones I sent to the freezer only sat in cages waiting for the needle.

I killed dozens of dogs on a daily basis. It was part of my job. I hated it, but they were dogs, not people. You can't treat dogs as if their lives are equal to ours or you get into a weird PETA mindset and daily life becomes shocking to the conscience. I just don't have that much anger and indignation left in me to waste it on animals.
Well OldBill, I'd like to let you know that there are people who show the same disdain for human life as you do for animals. Let's pray you never fall victim to one of these. Me, I'd fight humans to the death if it wasn't against the law, they can make a choice, an animal cannot.

This cop was wrong, and should do the max, bottom line, in fact, the Sheriffs arrested him today.

Have a great gun carryin' Kenpo day

Well, kenpo prof., I would like you to know that there are people who feel pretty much the same way about animals as you do... PETA, EarthFirst!, the Animal Liberation Front, ect...

If we start prosecuting people with felony charges for the deaths of animals, we are starting down a slippery slope. At the bottom is prohibition of hunting and felony charges for minor animal-related infractions (keeping a dog on a chain in your yard, for example).

We are well on our way down that slippery slope and emotional gibberish by otherwise sane individuals is only increasing the velocity.

If you like to hunt, eat meat, keep pets, ect... it is in your best interest to question what direction we are headed in. Treating animals as humans is a step in the wrong direction and will lead to more of the same.
This is not about the predator/prey relationship that nature makes a necessity,pretty or not.
Or about the imbalances that man has introduced that create the need for domestic animal control.
It is about cruelty,either through gross negligence with the officer,or some sadistic entertainment with Vick.
Well Bill, let me think on this a bit. There was a time that black people were treated similarly, just up until a few years ago really.

Slippery slope that was givin' those black folks a voice huH?

Have a great gun carryin' Kenpo day

Slippery slope that was givin' those black folks a voice huH?
Dogs ain't folks.
Never have been never will be
And I pray that I am dead long before the government pretends that they are
in minnesota if you kill or attack a police dog it is the same as attacking a human in prison sentence. wonder about there? bobn
Giving homeless dogs the needle is one thing, but slamming, choking and drowning an animal because of poor ring performance is something altogether different.

Should animals and people be afforded the same rights? absolutely not.

Should they be treated and kept with a strong degree of humanity? absolutely.
The differences between the Human and Canine Police Officers aside, and looking at this from a budget standpoint, Sgt. Lovejoy destroyed a very expensive tool that took some time to train. Personally I think he should at the very least pay for the replacement K9 for his negligence. I can only imagine he looked at that K9 as simply that, a dog. Not a partner, which the two K9 officers I've talked to view their K9's as. They work with and take their K9 partners home with them every day and night. My question is this though, was Lovejoy on duty during this 12 hours? I may have missed it in the article, but it sounds as though he was.
That's why he's too irresponsible for the job. Anyone this negligent should not be representing the law in daily interaction with citizens. I don't want to wait until he plugs some poor kid in the back by accident.
I initially read the thread title as "Cop Charged for Leaving Hot Dog in Police Car" and wondered if there was some rule about not eating in the police car, and what the punishment would be.
