Cop Charged for Leaving Police Dog in Hot Car

A fine and a couple of weeks off with no pay . He will then apply for some kind of PTSD and get it . He comes back but does not get another dog . He retires ASAP and the beat goes on
Did you take note of the name of the sheriff?
Joab commented:
Why is this always thrown out whenever it is a cop involved?
Do you really think that you would be held without bail or convicted and jailed without trial on a misdemeanor charge?

In Ohio animal abuse is a felony with a 1 year minimum sentence. Manslaughter is only 6 months.

Who now lives in FL, but I have no intention of abusing animals.
In Ohio animal abuse is a felony with a 1 year minimum sentence. Manslaughter is only 6 months.
Different states have different laws
But how does your comment reference the one you highlighted?
The cop who hasn't got enough sense to know his dog will die in a hot car,or is so scatter brained that he can't remember he is in there,is part of the same pool of officers as the officer in Minnesota whose accounting is destroying Larry Craig.

I don't trust the judgement of cops any more than the general population.
they don't even have the intrinsic value of any critter Americans are willing to eat.
I don't know what "intrinsic" value people have
I don't know what "intrinsic" value people have

Here, I'll make up a little value chart for you...

1 human's life = whatever value your society places on human life (a pretty big deal in the US)

1 chicken's life = whatever you can sell the chicken for

1 dog's life = no value at all for everyone except the dog's owner

Pronunciation: in-'trin-zik, -'trin(t)-sik
Function: adjective
Etymology: French intrinsèque internal, from Late Latin intrinsecus, from Latin, adverb, inwardly; akin to Latin intra within -- more at INTRA-
1 a : belonging to the essential nature or constitution of a thing <the intrinsic worth of a gem> <the intrinsic brightness of a star>
The cop who hasn't got enough sense to know his dog will die in a hot car,or is so scatter brained that he can't remember he is in there,is part of the same pool of officers as the officer in Minnesota whose accounting is destroying Larry Craig.

Agreed that the original LEO in question is scatter brained for forgetting his dog, but after reading reports on the Larry Craig incident, I did not get that impression of that to expound a little on why you think that (maybe another thread to keep this on topic)

I don't trust the judgement of cops any more than the general population.
Well I think your last statement is correct...LEO's are part of the general population, they are all human, so what does that statement mean?
It sort of relates to this thread and some others have brought it up in their responses...but

how many of you think a k-9 dog should be treated more like a LEO than a tool, as one poster put it, in the LEO's arsenal?

I am going to reserve my judgment on this until I hear some answers, I honestly dont know how I fall on this one really annoys me that these animals, when used by police are elevated to the same level as a human officer. They are just animals. They are tools to help the officer, like his gun, his badge, his flashlight, his car.

The "just animals" argument, and equating a trained police dog with a flashlight is plain unethical, IMO. One doesn't have to be a PETA fanatic to think animals deserve decent treatment.

The "just equipment" attitude resulted in many military dogs being simply abandoned as surplus when we left Viet Nam. Those dogs at least should have been humanely shot rather then left to the tender mercies of the locals. Anyone familiar with the methods of dog slaughter in the East knows what I mean.

I admit my attitude is influenced by the fact that I've been a dog owner for the past 40+ years, and prefer the company of my dogs to that of some people!
I didn't say the words COP! I could care less if he was one. I JUST STATED IF IT WAS ME!

If he was a officer, and a dog handler he sure as hell should have been aware of the problem.

I see kids, dogs and other animals left in cars, trucks all the time. Here in New Mexico, It only take say, 15 minutes and your car can reach 160 degrees inside.

A few years ago, some poor older man was left in a car at Wall Mart and died. People Just Don't Get It!!:barf:

That's the problem with people these days! They think they are so far above animals while they are nothing more then a animal them selves. In the Nasty Metropolises, They have no regard for life. They treat other people as a harvest. Harvest them for there shoes, Harvest them for there wallet, Harvest them because they looked at you wrong, Harvest them because They have the wrong clothing on!

I harvest Deer, I harvest fish, I harvest Elk. I have raised to a higher level then harvesting family members. They look after me, I look after them.....

To me, the main concern here should be what the officer is charged with, and how he is punished. Police dogs are either "officers" or they are equipment. Either is acceptable to me, but they must be one or the other, and whichever one they are judged to be, that they must remain.

The officer who "forgot" the dog was in the car should face the same charges as anyone else. If the dog is considered an officer in that jurisdiction, then charges of manslaughter(?) negligent homocide(?) whatever(?) would seem appropriate. What ever they charge a suspect with that kills a police dog (adjusting for the fact that it was unintentional).

There is little that is more irksome than when it appears that our faith and trust is abused. Police officers who do not face the same legal peril for what they do, as a private citizen would is one of those things.
Post 9 and 25:

+1 oldbillthunderchief.

A few years back a retired actor in Jupiter, FL (guy who used to play Tarzan) had a pet tiger that got loose. Subsequently, a FWC officer shot it from about 20 feet away, 5 rounds with an M4. A thousand people held a candlelight vigil for the animal and denounced the killing.

I love animals, too, but for crying out loud, It's not a human being.
Leaving his K9 partner in the car and letting him die is akin to leaving his duty weapon(s) on the front porch and letting them get stolen. He deserves punishment.

Oldbillthunderchief said:
That Vick character is going to rot in a hole for several years because some dogs died... I think a human quarterback is worth a lot more than some animal, no matter how deplorable that quarterback may be. The life of an animal or two is not a big enough deal for that kind of punishment
Though you and I never communicate directly, I always respected you and your opinions on this board. The statement you made above erased every bit of respect I ever had for you. It takes a person who is devoid of all morals to view torturing animals as
not a big enough deal for that kind of punishment
VUPDblue,my sentiments entirely.I am a biologist and perhaps look at things differently.It's interesting, people think that because they have a bigger brain,all other animals can be used or discarded on a whim.
One bad guy knocks an officer out, all of his tools are useless, but his dog can and will take that bad guy out, or die trying.

A gun will not push itself against your holster to shoot a bad guy, your dog wants to help you.

A gun can't sniff out drugs. It cannot find a kid or an Alzheimer's patient who is lost in the woods.

A dog's life is not at all equal to a human life, but people get so wrapped up in what happens to dogs because dogs are in some ways like children, they are eager to please and they are totally dependent on their care givers.
Old Bill; my wife and I just adopted an unwanted dog from the Humane Assoc. To say that the life of an animal is worthless to some of us in the US is not correct. Tell that to the thousands of grieving owners and their families that have had to deal with the poisoning of their beloved pets by the Chinese gluten in the food they lovingly lavished on them. No, our new pet is not a highly trained K9 officer, but she is still a member of our family, and to say she is worthless is an affront to my wife and I. If SHE were reading this thread she would not be kind at all. Pleases bear in mind that not all humans are unkind and unfeeling towards animals. Perhaps Mr. Vick should be subjected to the abuses suffered by some HUMANS BY HUMANS at ABU GHRAIB with the assistance of their dogs. CB.
Well I think your last statement is correct...LEO's are part of the general population, they are all human, so what does that statement mean?

Then lets make sure the same rules apply to them as to non badge wearing folk.

No deparment punishment at tapayers expense. He is charged, he deserves jail time. Lets let the jury decide. If the guy is so absent minded that he "forgets" that his dog is in the car, he does not need to wear a badge.
JOAB , the sheriff of that county is Joe Arpaio but the guy is a Chandler cop . The sheriff has been publicly asked his take on the situation but deftly skipped around any judgements . It's not his call .
"I do not relish the idea of compounding his sadness. However, Lovejoy must be treated like anyone else in similar circumstances."
Doesn't seem all that skippy to me

The sheriff's investigation showed Bandit was in Lovejoy's patrol car from about 9 a.m. to a little after 10 p.m. on Aug. 11. During that time, the investigation found that Lovejoy ran errands for his wife, napped for a short time and later ate out with his wife. Lovejoy later found the dead dog in the car.
Doesn't seem like any rug sweeping going on.
Pretty damning actually, and from the sheriff's office which is conducting an official investigation,(but has no say?)
I was told (but have no proof) that the Sheriff will investigate in order to avoid any impropriety since Chandler has a small PD . They also use the Maricopa jail . If Sheriff Joe does take it over the cop is toast . Sheriff Joe is a no nonsense guy .
This happens to little defenseless children all the time, an average of 36 times a year. I can forgive this guy much sooner than I can someone who would leave a child to boil to death in a car. Being the father of a 3 year old I blubber everytime I read those stories. I do think, however, that he's too irresponsible to continue as a police officer. He should be barred from that for life.