Cop Charged for Leaving Police Dog in Hot Car

I know someone mentioned this before, but this is an update for those who didnt see it.,2933,295890,00.html

The sheriff's investigation showed Bandit was in Lovejoy's patrol car from about 9 a.m. to a little after 10 p.m. on Aug. 11. During that time, the investigation found that Lovejoy ran errands for his wife, napped for a short time and later ate out with his wife. Lovejoy later found the dead dog in the car.

Almost as bad as the Michael Vick case...put them both in a cell and let em rot for a while.
If I recall correctly, the first story was there was some kind of family emergency. However, that seems to have either 1) been a misunderstanding or 2) a CYA excuse that failed.
Almost as bad as the Michael Vick case...put them both in a cell and let em rot for a while.

Oh, I'd say there's a world of difference between brutally killing multiple dogs (and forcing them to kill each other) for money and entertainment and accidentally forgetting one in a car.

Still worthy of charges...but to paraphrase Pulp Fiction these aren't in the same ballpark, league, or even sport.
Give the poor dog one of the "killed in the line of duty" plaques that some departments have in their K9 division area.
Charge this guy with whatever is harshest.

And who the hell let this guy be qualified as a K9 officer? That dog is their partner! The one who cleared him to have the dog ought to be fired, too!
basically he had better things to do than insure the welfare of the animal entrusted to him and who trusted him for his welfare

Anything else is semantics
One of the most moving photos I've seen, I forget where, was a photo of an old, greymuzzled German shepherd asleep on a bed near a fireplace, and behind him were visible some framed newspaper clippings, including a headline of "POLICE DOG SAVES BOY".

He was a former police dog. The officer whom he was assigned to was allowed to keep him when he retired, as a family dog, and he was resting and enjoying his old age after a life of saving lives and catching criminals. That just made me smile.

And it's why I can't fathom anyone being this criminally negligent. That dog would likely have rushed an armed criminal to save its partner's life. And he left it in a hot car to die.
probably happened becuz it was not his own dog that he paid for

Ofc probably didn't take care of it because he didn't buy the dog with his own money. You notice the same phenomena (lack of care) in shotgun in the patrol car or free pets given w/o any charge.

I remember hearing about animal shelter charging a small fee for the animals that they give away since it results in people taking better care of the animals when they had something invested in it.

I don't know what the going price for the dog is, but say, it's $500...if the officer had to pay $500 for the dog out of his own pocket from the start, I bet he would have taken a lot better care of it.
I remember hearing about animal shelter charging a small fee for the animals that they give away since it results in people taking better care of the animals when they had something invested in it.

I don't know what the going price for the dog is, but say, it's $500...if the officer had to pay $500 for the dog out of his own pocket from the start, I bet he would have taken a lot better care of it.

That whole "charge a small fee" thing is, I think, largely to prevent abandonment or intentional neglect. I don't think it would have prevented this; this was, while callous and (IMO) criminal, simply an accident.
yes, but accident with $500 dog

is less common when you have paid for it out of your own pocket. And most people take a lot better care of their guns when they have paid for it compared to shotgun in the patrol car owned by the agency.
Original quote by:theinvisibleheart
I don't know what the going price for the dog is, but say, it's $500...if the officer had to pay $500 for the dog out of his own pocket from the start, I bet he would have taken a lot better care of it.

A fully police/protection trained dog will go for a lot more than $500. Having owned fully trained German Shepherd Dogs and done decoy work for 2.5 years, I know they go for anywhere from $4000 to $15,000 and up depending on how much training. Most police/corrections/security dogs are fully trained at the time of purchase. Even if they buy a young untrained dog(still around $1200) by the time you factor in all the training expenses(officers and trainers time, money for supplies and vet bills) they get very expensive. As far as I am concerned the officer should go to jail for a good while AND have to pay for the repalcement of the K9 Officer.
Oh, I'd say there's a world of difference between brutally killing multiple dogs (and forcing them to kill each other) for money and entertainment and accidentally forgetting one in a car.

Still worthy of charges...but to paraphrase Pulp Fiction these aren't in the same ballpark, league, or even sport.

I would argue that this is worse...granted having some pitbulls forced to fight one another is a terrible thing as well as killing them when they would not perform, but to have a K-9 officer "forget" about his partner in the car...thats worse IMHO...especially when you take into account that a bg would be charged with assault on an officer if he even remotely harmed a K-9...either way both cases are utterly disgusting.

One of the most moving photos I've seen, I forget where, was a photo of an old, greymuzzled German shepherd asleep on a bed near a fireplace, and behind him were visible some framed newspaper clippings, including a headline of "POLICE DOG SAVES BOY".

I know the picture and I have been trying to find it on google, but to no avail yet.
I know the picture and I have been trying to find it on google, but to no avail yet.

If anybody finds it, please post it. I poked around a bit, but didn't find it...and I'd actually like to see it.
There was a similar incident in Orlando a few years ago, except the officer was on official duty

He had gone into the bldg and left the dog in the running car with the ac on

For some reason the car shut off and in the Florida summer heat the dog died very quickly

Even though the officer did not pay for the dog he was devastated

It has nothing to do with money
K9 cops train and live 24 hours a day with their dog partners and there is as much of a bond as there would be with a human partner, some say more

The cop in the original story just sucked as a partner
We've all had to work with his type at one time or another
I care for all of my animals, and some of my dogs over the years I will remember as fondly, or moreso, than some people I have known. That being said, it really annoys me that these animals, when used by police are elevated to the same level as a human officer. They are just animals. They are tools to help the officer, like his gun, his badge, his flashlight, his car. A dog killed in the line of duty does should not recieve the same treatment as if it were a human officer. It is a dog, a tool. Placing them on the same level as a human is sick.

If I accidentally 'kill' an officers car in an accident, its just a car, but if his dog is in the car, I killed an officer? Please.....
If I did the same thing I would still be in the grey bar hotel, WHAT'S the question??????????

Just Animals??? I would rather keep home with some of my animals the most humans! They Treat Me better! My dogs will defend me. My dogs will tell me when the bad man is about! My dogs Keep the Coyotes away. My Dogs kept my house the only one in a 1 mile circle from being robed. My dogs would Give up His or her life in a heart beat for me. My dogs would Be there before the police. My dogs are family! My dogs eat the same food I do! My dogs are family....
If I did the same thing I would still be in the grey bar hotel, WHAT'S the question??????????
Why is this always thrown out whenever it is a cop involved?
Do you really think that you would be held without bail or convicted and jailed without trial on a misdemeanor charge?

My dogs are family....
And they're still dogs to everybody else
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I love dogs and all, but people have been getting way too worked up over the deaths of animals lately. Dogs are food in large parts of the world and no matter how great any particular dog may be, they are NOT HUMAN. The life of a dog is worth nothing in the US.

If you don't agree, you have obviously never worked for or had any real contact with your local animal control agency. Unless a dog has an owner attached to it, it gets a syringe full of "Fatal Plus" sodium pentobarbitol and thrown into a barrel in the freezer. When you get right down to it, they don't even have the intrinsic value of any critter Americans are willing to eat.

You have to look at these things rationally or you are no better than the PETA freaks. That Vick character is going to rot in a hole for several years because some dogs died... I think a human quarterback is worth a lot more than some animal, no matter how deplorable that quarterback may be. The life of an animal or two is not a big enough deal for that kind of punishment.
Considering the fact that the dog was his "partner" consider the following . You and your partner are part of a group of officers surrounding a building containing an armed felon . There are shots fired and you are hit really bad . After about 20 minutes it is announced that the perp has been caught . Your partner joins the others and after all the things that must be attended to are finished he joins them at the police station . He FORGOT about you . Some partner .The dog was in a vulnerable situation and died through negligence . Since he has been arrested on a "softball" charge of animal cruelty it seems that a deal has already been done . Blah blah this and blah blah that , you did bad . A fine and a couple of weeks off with no pay . He will then apply for some kind of PTSD and get it . He comes back but does not get another dog . He retires ASAP and the beat goes on .