Contest Results

Well, the rules on this one never said "Moderators not eligible". Hoisted on my own pitard once again :)....go for it.

"Uncle", huh? Yes, the same. Hope you'll spend some time with us. It seems that the fairer sex is diificult to draw into public discourse on firearms issues. As the future belongs to you, we value your input.

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited 11-16-98).]
surefire 6z and a tactical folder? wait- I think I referred myself.....
ShadedDude recommened this place highly for any and every kind of info on Guns I want to know from people who use them and carry them.
This is pretty cool. He talks about you guys all the time. I know I'm married to him.
Well my thanks go to ShadedDude for the invitation. Great forum!


Northwest Cutlery
Does this mean that MYKL and I have to agree on which prize we want, and mail it back and forth every other week, so we each can have a turn playing with it?


Mouse Assassins inc.
And the winners are.... Kodiac!
Only kidding, BigGuy..that's what you get for moving in the middle of a contest!

Mykl ans Shaded Dude- pick your toys.