Conspiracy threads

What Do You Feel Should Be Done With Conspiracy Threads?

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TFL has never been a conspiracy board, regardless of the number of posts, and opinions, that might cause someone to think otherwise. There are many places on the interwebs where you may go to read and/or comment upon such. TFL is not that place.

With that, firmly in mind, we are not entertaining even a hint of a place to put such... except perhaps the trashcan. Hence the advisory poll for this thread.
I will not add anything here because it gets me in trouble. But as I read through this thread, I realize we are no closer to a resounding resolution. Back in the beginning, when I voted, it was 5 - 5 for and against. Now it is 33 - 34. Good luck taking this one to the board for a decision. I hope you have an odd number on the court. 'Cause I am seeing a 5 - 4 decision.:rolleyes:

34 to 34 I like it.
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Ah, but remember kirpi97, those who voted who do not post regularly in this area of the board, will not count as heavily as those who do post in this section, regularly.

Like all data points, some votes are given more weight than others.
OK, where are the hanging chads? :eek:

Here I thought the idea was to vote and vote often. This way one person could sway the outcome. And now you are telling me it ain't so. That is so unAmerican. Even "Dancing with the Stars" gives one five votes. I learned my politics on the east side of Chicago. And with a few more deceased members voting and I could be a contender.:D

If I gain a little more weight, will that help my vote carry more? :rolleyes:

Are we getting any closer to a decision on the initial question? I see a few Staff members voicing their position.
I must admit that I find them entertaining, but it perpetuates the stereotypes of gun enthusiasts being paranoid delusional people. Gun people who believe that the government is trying to control us all, are not our best representatives.
Why not let them get fleshed out

Seems to me that if the board is sanitized, people running into conspiracy stuff wont have a decent place to learn the truth. Just the kook boards. Is that helping?

Being afraid to discuss this stuff here or anywhere else is volentarily silencing ourselves.

I dont blame the moderators for being burned out with the same threads coming up so often. Instead of closing threads and forbidding people to talk about this stuff, make a sticky thread that fleshes out the details of the particular issue and, if they come up, people can refer them to the sticky.

Driving people to kook boards and silencing people looking to this board for decent info isnt helping gun owners, it is silencing them and feeding the conspiracies.
Seems to me that if the board is sanitized, people running into conspiracy stuff wont have a decent place to learn the truth. Just the kook boards. Is that helping?

If a person is visiting "kook boards" for information then any debunking here makes no difference.

Its the GreenCheese Conundrum.:D

I would hope this Board remains a place for normal gunowners to hang out. Plenty of places for the "others" to go

WildrobotsatemyfleshAlaska ™
I voted to lock but leave in view. After a number of years as a mental health professional in an isolated rural area, I think I have heard them all. But clearly I haven't. I know the Air Force is not spraying mind control agents from high flying aircraft. And I don't often give much credence to folks with tinfoil hats (actually had one as a colleague in grad school - until he was arrested for contraband herbage). But I would rather that everything be in the open and let folks read them for whatever reason.
Conspiracy theory threads are entertaining for a few minutes but after that..... I pay more attention to the responses than anything else. Kooky and scary at the same time because these people are serious. I say allow for responses but lock them if it gets too crazy. It takes so called experts and kooks to make this whole thing work anyway. This board is filled with both.

Hey El Paso Joe, are you sure the Air Force isn't spraying mind control agents from high flying aircraft? I live down the street from Langley, AFB and I've heard rumors.
Okay, you win. I have my tin foil hat on, two uncoiled metal coat hangers for my antennae, and a kazoo to signal the mother ship. All I need now are the flashing lights. And those cute men in the funny white coats.:D
I've haven't been as active on the board lately as I probably should be, but still consider this one of my main forums. That said, I would have voted to delete them, because I don't want to see the board tainted by anything that lessens our credibility as responsible gun owners. The anti gunners are LIARS and regularly twist reports from the MSM to their liking. If TFL is presented as a conspiracy board and we have plenty of threads that give credence to the claim, we lose ground.

The anti gunners will use and abuse any source they find to promote their cause. Observe the following quote from the anti gunners, the reference in USA Today that's SLIGHTly more accurate and then the following links for further details of "James Ramsey", the "money quote" they all use regarding the sale of fully automatic weapons at gun shows (the GUN SHOW LOOPHOLE).

Coalition to Stop Gun Violence & Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence
James Ramey, a gun show vendor from Texas, has described how gang members purchase firearms at gun shows in border cities: “They send over a scout on Saturday to see if there’s anything they want, then they show up on Sunday with a big wad of money and somebody who’s got a clean record, who’s legal to buy.”
James Ramey of Little Rock, works about 50 U.S. gun shows a year, selling $30 gadgets that turn any assault rifle into a machine gun. He explained how the Mexican gangs buy their weapons at weekend shows in border cities.

"They send over a scout on Saturday to see if there's anything they want," he said. "Then they show up on Sunday with a big wad of money and somebody who's got a clean record, who's legal to buy.";wap2
James Ramey of Little Rock, Ark., was selling Hellfire and Autoburst trigger activation devices, $30 gadgets that turn any assault rifle into a rat-a-tatting machine gun.

Ramey works about 50 gun shows a year. He explained how the Mexican gangs buy their weapons at weekend shows in border cities.
"They send over a scout on Saturday to see if there's anything they want," he said. "Then they show up on Sunday with a big wad of money and somebody who's got a clean record, who's legal to buy."
The poll closed this morning, and I've forgotten to close the thread, until now.

The L&CR mods will take into consideration the poll and your responses in making our decision. Thank you all, who participated.
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