Conspiracy threads

What Do You Feel Should Be Done With Conspiracy Threads?

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  • Poll closed .
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Earlier, I said: Comments should be restricted to why you voted the way you did, or why you didn't vote at all.

Maybe I should have said: Comments will be restricted to why you voted the way you did, or why you didn't vote at all.

Oy, try to be haimish and the schleppers come out of the woodwork! :rolleyes:
ron8903 said:
Not only delete them , Id go as far as making
a forum rule, No conspiracy theory threads.
Another member who doesn't read the rules posted in a "sticky" (now) near the top of the forum he's posting in.... sigh.

...the types of posts/threads that will not be tolerated:
  • Drive-by cut and paste posting.
  • Puerile Bickering.
  • Political Advocacy posts, or any purely political topic.
  • Conspiracy Threads/Posts.
  • Posts/Threads on Race, Religion and Sexuality will remain off topic.
  • Posting invectives.
I voted to lock the conspiracy threads, but leave them as a warning to others. However, my vote was based on actively enforcing the following section of the L&CR rules:

At the other end, we will be lowering the exit bar, as it relates to who will be allowed to post here. No Second Chances; No Argument; No Trial; No Way. At best you will receive one warning.
It may be better served to actually HAVE a "Conspiracy Theory" "Fiction" dedicated thread, and LABELED as such. Seriously. Then posts that fit the criteria could simple be moved there. The mods should consider this option. -Goodspeed
I doubt they see it as just silliness on the net
"They" do not just see it as internet silliness. Unfortunately, "they" see it as a reason to do all the things we are trying to prevent. "They" see the radical ranting as a reason to restrict guns even further because of the radical, unhinged people that seem to be leading/populating the gun owning community. Sadly, the "they" in question is the general population and not some black-ops government agency.

This type of behavior falls under the "self fulfilling prophesy" category.

Like I have said in the past, I have tried to initiate many friends to this forum. They have all decided in the end that they do not want to be associated with such nonsense after reading a lot of the radical posts.
It may be better served to actually HAVE a "Conspiracy Theory" "Fiction" dedicated thread, and LABELED as such. Seriously. Then posts that fit the criteria could simple be moved there. The mods should consider this option. -Goodspeed

Respectfully disagree. There is no shortage of sites on the internet for this subject. Entertaining it here serves no purpose to our cause, IMnevertobeHO

Mount their heads, and one or two examples of their particular folly, for all to see on a read-only BUSTED thread! ;)
Earlier, I said: Comments should be restricted to why you voted the way you did, or why you didn't vote at all.

Maybe I should have said: Comments will be restricted to why you voted the way you did, or why you didn't vote at all.

Well this isnt realy your thread, now is it? ;)
I voted to lock them for lack of a better option in the poll. Some of the conspiracy threads, while they violate the forum rules and should be closed, still contain useful info about current legislation etc. However, I have no problem with deletion of threads like the one in this link as they have no useful information in them. I guess I really wanted to vote to lock some and delete others.
Some of these "conspiracy" posts have turned out to have at least a kernel of truth to them.

One in particular that comes to mind, earlier lamented as intertard ramblings, was The Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP), aka the North American Union.

It is now actively being fought for and against on both sides, and incorporates such concepts as currency and identification standards.

My vote was to leave them visible if they are locked, since a large number of them by different users could indicate that something indeed is worthy of our attention.
Conspiracy threads are as worthless as "Tits On A Bull !":eek:

it must be a question of degrees, because i see the conspiracy thread as equal to the SHTF threads. Which i see equal to the topping off the magazine threads and carrying a hi cap with two spares, what would you do if gangbangers raid your farm threads and my caliber is bigger than yours. all i figure at about 1,000,000 to 1. (unless someone is a police or soldier)

but i do get a kick out of them so i voted to keep locking them.

Alert...a left wing version of a conspiracy theorist says "its a right wing conspiracy"
I voted to lock and leave, but don't lock 'em too soon. Allow us a little entertainment by leaving them open long enough for some of our funnier members to respond. WAs recent commentary, that had him doing things like taping a Seecamp to the back of his neck in case SWMBO gets frisky, amount to good, cheap fun. Don't deny us that.
I voted to delete them off the forum. The first reason is because I do not believe they (conspiracies) are true. The second reason they should be removed is that they make gun owners look like kooks when people read them. Tom Gresham won't discuss them on his show Guntalk and I think he presents a good face for gun owners. We should be too.
Originally Posted by:Tennessee Gentleman
because I do not believe they (conspiracies) are true.
That is why they are conspiracy theories. They hold little truth and then create a fictional realm of possibilities.
Originally Posted by:Tennessee Gentleman
they make gun owners look like kooks when people read them
To those who see gun owners as kooks, the conspiracy theories provide no additional ammunition. They already think that. And any theory, conspiracy or not, will not change their mind.

Conspiracy theories are the realm of possibilities. Unless they are backed up with facts, which they rarely are, they survive only to amuse the believer. When they become of a nature that they expound hatred, bigotry, anarchy, etc., then they cease to be theory of any sort. And become a platform of ideology. Which then I agree should be removed and stamped out.

But as I protect my 2nd Amendment Rights, so I honor the 1st Amendment. As long as it doesn't infringe on my right to speak.:D:D
For some reason, the uninformed think touching a gun will turn people in to raging maniacs.

I say delete them, so that people who come across here see us for who we are: balanced, thoughtful people who enjoy guns.

Leaving up the conspiracy threads may help anti-gunners confirm their bias, and I'm not for that.
To those who see gun owners as kooks, the conspiracy theories provide no additional ammunition. They already think that. And any theory, conspiracy or not, will not change their mind.
You are making the fatal mistake of assuming "everyone hates us already, so why care how we come across." The vast majority of people have no opinions regarding gun control what-so-ever. Like the people I have introduced to shooting and then tried to introduce to the forums. They come here with a positive opinions of guns but then leave with a negative opinion of gun owners.
Delete them. They're nothing but noise, put gun owners in a bad light, and take up valuable space on the server that could be used to discuss important manners such as 9mm vs. .45ACP or 1911 vs. Glock. ;)
I voted to delete them.

What PBP said in his first post:
They really do detract from the mission of this board to promote healthy and safe firearms ownership and to portray gun owners in a positive light.

I'm often amused by them, but that's not really the point. Leaving them up, even locked, gives some of these nutty ideas more exposure, and so more credibility with the faint-of-mind...

And, yes, ban repeat offenders.
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