Conspiracy threads

What Do You Feel Should Be Done With Conspiracy Threads?

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It is amazing how many locked conspiracy threads I am looking at in here. They range from borderline paranoid to psychotic. Even when locked they still scream out to any visitor that graces these pages with a loud and clear message that this forum is full of "radicals and loons."

Instead of just locking these threads, and leaving them as land mines throughout the section, why not just delete them? They really do detract from the mission of this board to promote healthy and safe firearms ownership and to portray gun owners in a positive light.
I like seeing them even if they are locked. Makes for some entertaining reading IMO. Pretty interesting how some believe whatever conspiracy they breifly glance at on the internet, then feel the need to "warn" the rest of us.
I'd rather see alot of different subject matter & make up my own mind than have to much sensorship. The Mediators do the most Excellent job on this forum.

What you do not know can hurt you.
Interesting comments. Completely off topic, but I'm inclined to see what everyone else has to say about this...

Personally, I can go either way. I have no clue as to where my co-moderators stand on this. Hmmm, adding a poll might help in a possible decision.

ETA: Added a simple two choice poll. The poll will remain active for thirty days and this thread will be "stickied" for that time. I've set the poll to tell us who voted which way (if you are a constant contributer to L&CR, your vote will likely count more than someone who just stopped by to vote.)

Comments should be restricted to why you voted the way you did, or why you didn't vote at all.
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Get rid of them on basis articulated by PP. Plenty of other places to find stupidity.

Change the motto "more signal, less noise" to "The Only Place on the Internet that Bars Stupidity"

WildihaveanexceptionofcoursesincestupidismynatureAlaska Tm
Come on, you guys, you know the first rule of Conspiracy Club.

You don't talk about Conspiracy Club.

"What you do not know can hurt you."

But in the case of so many of our conspiracy threads, what someone else supposedly knows can give you an annoying headache.
I'd hate to have them used as an argument for further restrictions on firearms ownership via psychological screening before each firearm purchase
I'd hate to have them used as an argument for further restrictions on firearms ownership via psychological screening before each firearm purchase

That presupposes that


are watching:eek:

And that there is a



to use silliness on the net as a reason

To secretly impose Psycological


On patriotic gunowners:cool:

WildolookthethreadonwahttodowithconspiracythreadsturnsintoaconspiracythreadAlaska TM
Busted . . .

It is usually pretty straightforward to identify a conspiracy theory. Most of us who spend any time on the net will encounter them often enough to know.

If the issue, whatever it is, has been around for some time; there's no evidence of it's truth to be found, and it continues to be propagated, it is probably a conspiracy theory.

What if we were to have a category, read only that could serve as a reference for issues that have been already been de-bunked. Maybe call it BUSTED. That way when someone posts on a BUSTED issue, there's no gray area that can be claimed, and they will have been busted, too!

But what's the old saying? Just because you're paranoid, it doesn't mean they aren't out to get you! :D

What about a new issue that sounds like a conspiracy, but there hasn't been time either to verify or de-bunk it? Should we write it off, or investigate first? If we do nothing, and the issue, turns out to be valid, then we may have lost some valuable time.
I second what PBP said and they should be deleted.

The debate between gun control and gun rights often comes down to perception and image.

Having these threads remain for all to see does nothing to help the image of gun owners and creates a perception among non gun owners that we are all nut cases.
What if we were to have a category, read only that could serve as a reference for issues that have been already been de-bunked. Maybe call it BUSTED. That way when someone posts on a BUSTED issue, there's no gray area that can be claimed, and they will have been busted, too!

So that we can stop the drive bys involving ammunition registration and HR 45 etc..

I think this is a good idea if it leads to the banning of individuals from the L&CR forum for failure to read the busted thread and starting a thread about an item contained within.

What about a new issue that sounds like a conspiracy, but there hasn't been time either to verify or de-bunk it? Should we write it off, or investigate first? If we do nothing, and the issue, turns out to be valid, then we may have lost some valuable time.

When an issue moves out of the realm of near impossibility into the realm of possibility I think we, as in the non conspiracy theorist, will all know. Say a bill has a great many co sponsors, is scheduled for a committe hearing, or is voted out of committee then I would venture a guess that it is an appropriate topic for discussion here.

Remember any nutty congressman can introduce any bill they want to, just like any nut can worry about a ban on guns, but that doesn't mean either is going to become law. We all know what many elected officical's position on gun laws are. Their positions are not secret but this forum is about the actual law, cases before the courts, or bills that could actually become law and not the fact that there are politicians that want to ban guns(which is very old news).
"What you do not know can hurt you."

But in the case of so many of our conspiracy threads, what someone else supposedly knows can give you an annoying headache.

Haaaaahaaaaahaaaaaaaa very true.

a few experts in the matter C.I.A., D.O.D
Having these threads remain for all to see does nothing to help the image of gun owners and creates a perception among non gun owners that we are all nut cases.

As if they needed another reason to validate their suspicions, right?

Give us a break.

There are conspiracy theorists galore on both sides of the 2nd Admendment fence.

Shut them down and let them sit there, dead, for all to a warning to all who enter Rome.
I voted to lock them. This made the voting 5 to 5. I don't really give a rats patooty what is done. They are out there and will always find a small mind to repeat them. Then they will be shared for all of us to enjoy, laugh at, agree with. or just tune out as the ravings of a loony.

Aside from gumming up the internet, what harm do they have? Stone has made millions making movies to entertain the loons with his conspiracy theories. Why not give the wannabees a forum here to float their ideas. I only ask that they provide some facts with these ideas.

The next vote will break the deadlock. Enjoy.:D:D:D

Darn, I see that it is 7 - 5 favoring deletion. Where are my conspiracy theorists now???
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As if they needed another reason to validate their suspicions, right?

Give us a break.

I'm not talking about those who are avowedly anti gun. I'm talking about people who don't care either way and seeing stuff like this could push them to the other side of the fence.
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