Conical Bullets for 1858 NMA

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I have used the toy caps that come in a strip. Just add a spot from a roll of Legends caps and they work pretty well but not as hot as a regular percussion cap and may not set off subs. You could do like Ben said and add another spot from a roll cap and some FFFG and they should set off anything. Don't use the Chinese roll caps, they're weak.
I wasn't either until I had issues finding projectiles to shoot or finding ones I liked were far too expensive (I have an issue with overpaying). These were/are very big deals to me. Not much worse than being ready to go to the range but having nothing to sling downrange...

I'm not a retiree with a lot of time on my hands looking to cut costs. I have a terrific job and can make a lot more money in the time it will take to cast conical bullets at home.

A pound of scrap lead cost me $1/lb and I could make thirty-five of my 195 grn bullets. Buying mostly Lee equipment got me started fairly cheaply. I easily came out ahead and cast quite a few different projectiles now.

Seriously rodwhaincamo, breathing in lead fumes isn't exactly high on my priority list, much less spending my spare time recycling scrap lead.

Thanks anyway.
TLJohnson, you can contact DD4Lifeusmc about his conical projectiles, and I think Dixie Gun Works sells some conicals as well.

Enjoy Drobs, it's very rewarding to do, just be very careful mixing the .22 lr priming compound as it's friction explosive.
[BlackPowderBen] For making black powder, you can get some potasium nitrate, sulfur, and charcoal, use the 75% Kno3, 15% charcoal, and 10% sulfur ratio, (you can simply use 75 grams Kno3, 15 grams charcoal, and 10 grams of sulfur) mix it in a rock tumbler for 8 hours with lead round balls, spritz some water on the powder, rub it through a piece of window screen onto a tray, let it dry and you've got your own black powder. Not dangerous at all.

Why turn your home and neighborhood into a potential hazard area when BP is doesn't cost much? Besides, you won't be able to match the quality of commercially made BP. And , if you think it isn't dangerous to make, manufacturers would not be making BP substitutes with higher ignition points.
BlackPowderBen - I looked into DGW and the only .45 conical bullets they had were from Buffalo, which they no longer stock. Thanks just the same.
The main reason I think it is a bad idea to make your own black powder is because it falls under strict liability for abnormally dangerous conditions or activities.

In general, the elements of this tort are:

1. The existence of an abnormaly dangerous condition or activity.
2. Knowledge of the condition or activity
3. Damages
4. Causation

For example, someone making BP at home in a residential area not zoned for it would be construed as abnormal, thereby creating a substantial likelihood of harm to persons or property within that vicinity.

Arguably, the mere fact of making BP outside of an approved commercial manufacturing facility and process, points to a dangerous activity, where it was reasonably foreseeable it could result in harm, or at the bare minimum should have been foreseeable.

In short, strict liability imposes responsibility for harm whether or not the person causing the harm displayed any fault or not. Therefore, that person is strictly liable for damages. irrespective of how careful they were in preventing any harm from occurring.

In any event, it is not something I would encourage anyone to do, since it creates a potential risk not only for the person making BP, but other people and property in the vicinity.
Why turn your home and neighborhood into a potential hazard area when BP is doesn't cost much? Besides, you won't be able to match the quality of commercially made BP. And , if you think it isn't dangerous to make, manufacturers would not be making BP substitutes with higher ignition points.

I've been told far too many times how safe it is yet companies that make it have had horrible disasters happen nonetheless. And if anyone knows just how important safety is working with it it is these people.

Actually I do know that homemade powder can be made to rival Swiss/Olde E as it's been done.

At the same time powder isn't exactly expensive (isn't cheap when you have to spend a bit over $100 when ordering online as it's not available locally) and so I'm fine with ordering it. Just the same as I'm fine buying caps, though I must admit I'm curious enough to try making some, though not having to pay that much to get into it (I'm a little leery).
You can try the Castboolits Gun Forum and post in the want to buy section that you're looking for some conicals, I'm sure someone will sell you some.

This is actually a very good idea if you aren't interested in purchasing what DD4 has.
You can try the Castboolits Gun Forum and post in the want to buy section that you're looking for some conicals, I'm sure someone will sell you some.

Excellent suggestion BlackPowderBen, I will look into it. Thanks.
you won't be able to match the quality of commercially made BP. And , if you think it isn't dangerous to make, manufacturers would not be making BP substitutes with higher ignition points.

I know several people online that make bp and chronograph tests prove it's equal to or better than Swiss but it has to be corned, not just milled and screened. Manufacturers don't intentionally make substitutes with higher ignition points.
There are all kinds of anecdotal claims made over the internet, it doesn't mean however there is any scientific evidence to support it, or whether the test conditions were verified by a neutral third party. By contrast, consumers are more inclined to believe commercial manufactures of powder, since they have the resources to manufacture and test their products more thoroughly, over the person making BP in the garage under uncontrolled or unsupervised dangerous conditions.

In any event, if something goes wrong for the person making black powder, they will be held to a strict liability standard and could also face criminal charges. Really not a good idea, when BP is commercially available and can be shipped right to your door.
[Hawg] At a cost prohibitive price for a lot of us when you can make it for pennies on the dollar.

Not being able to afford something is a tenuous argument for a person making
black powder outside of a controlled and supervised manufacturing process and facility. That's why we have laws that address abnormal dangerous conditions or activities.

Secondarily, there are children and teenagers who frequent forums like this who might get the wrong idea, in that, it is okay to make black powder, only to injure themselves or others, along with property.

Considering the available options and affordable BP substitutes like Triple 7 and Alliant Black MZ, it makes perfect sense to look at those available options.
Considering the available options and affordable BP substitutes like Triple 7 and Alliant Black MZ, it makes perfect sense to look at those available options.

You obviously don't live anywhere near where I do or have to live on what I live on. The last T7 I saw was almost 30 bucks a pound where Pyrodex was 19. I can buy Swiss cheaper than T7 and pay hazmat on it. It was always a struggle to buy bp online with having to buy in bulk and pay hazmat so now that I'm not working that's not likely to happen again. Nobody within 100 miles sells real bp and Pyrodex is getting harder and harder to find now that nobody uses bp or subs to hunt with anymore. Making it is becoming more and more a viable option if not the only option.
There are all kinds of anecdotal claims made over the internet, it doesn't mean however there is any scientific evidence to support it, or whether the test conditions were verified by a neutral third party. By contrast, consumers are more inclined to believe commercial manufactures of powder, since they have the resources to manufacture and test their products more thoroughly, over the person making BP in the garage under uncontrolled or unsupervised dangerous conditions.

Actually I talk to a couple of pyrotechnic guys who make their own that is quite consistent and energetic, along with another fellow who has learned to. Your statement here is baseless as you are arbitrarily coming to the conclusion it cannot be done and stating such, which isn't to say everyone can, but to say it can't is pretty absurd. Just as with anything else there will always be parameters, which even the powder companies deal with which is why the match shooters buy from the same lot in bulk. Being fairly consistent isn't as hard as you make it out to be when you A) know what your doing, and B) deal with quality ingredients.

...and affordable BP substitutes like Triple 7 and Alliant Black MZ, it makes perfect sense to look at those available options.

I'm not familiar with anything but Pyrodex (hate the stuff but was given 3 lbs by my father) and Triple7 (I began with this and still use it a little), but these are not as inexpensive as BP excluding imports. I'm at a loss there. It's why I now shoot more Goex Olde Eynsford as it's much cheaper than anything as energetic (which is why I'm not familiar with the others as they are weak by comparison).
[rodwhaincamo] Actually I talk to a couple of pyrotechnic guys who make their own that is quite consistent and energetic, along with another fellow who has learned to.

So what, it is nothing more than anecdotal accounts with no scientific basis or data to back it up. If mainstream manufacturers of propellants operated along that unsupported conclusion, they would soon be out of business. That's why consumers rely on licensed manufacturers who have the facilities, safety procedures and testing in place, rather than some guy making black powder in their garage.
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