Confessions of a *gag* McCain Supporter

The Obama joke was hillarious!!!! ROTFL. Good chance if he makes the mistake of naming Hillary his VP. He'll definitely be booked first class on "Ron Brown" Airlines.

I wonder who we pissed off to make crude prices jump. Talking to Brits they have been paying $5-$6 for several years. Met a couple in Maui a few weeks ago and they were telling us how much it costs to drive downtown in England. All measures the govt takes to dissuade folks from driving. Can you imagine??

I believe the culprit lies in OPEC not having the level of reserves they report. Read somewhere where they don't have to be officially audited and merely "state" reserve levels. Just think if they realize that they may only have 10-15 years left as the world's leading oil producer. Logic would have them bump us while they can get away with it. Glad Bush has pushed to drill offshore and said to hell with Greenpeace and the spotted owl, etc.
Obama walked into the pearly gates of heaven and waited in line to get in. He finally got to see GOD and God asks him "Why should i let you into heaven?" and Obama said.. " I was the first black person elected President of the United States Of America!" GOD looks kinda supprised and says "HMMM, when did that happen?" Obama's said " About 10 minutes ago!!"

Sorry, no. Not funny at all. Not even close.:(
Sorry all, but time to grow up.

One of two men will be elected President of the United States this November. Either Senator Barack Obama or Senator John McCain. Barring some seriously strange upheaval, it's going to be one of those two.

Of the two, Senator McCain is closer to being a Constitutionalist. Of those two, Senator McCain has an understanding of what is really going on in the world today. Of those two, Senator McCain has a basic understanding of economics, supply and demand and a free market.

Senator Obama has no respect for the Constitution, a clouded view of foreign affairs and not a clue about any economy other than Marxist.

Which one do you want? A lesser evil or a greater evil? If you opt for neither, you are by default supporting the greater evil. That's a hypocritical action of supporting evil while pretending not to be involved.

If nothing else, Senator McCain understands the world about us and the threat of Islamofascist terrorism. He is more likely to select Supreme Court Judges who are Constitutionalists. He is more likely to support free market solutions to our energy and economic problems - which are the only real solutions.

Sorry all. It's not a pretty sight, I agree. But that's how it is. Are you going to step up or are you going to hide?
One of two men will be elected President of the United States this November. Either Senator Barack Obama or Senator John McCain. Barring some seriously strange upheaval, it's going to be one of those two.

Of the two, Senator McCain is closer to being a Constitutionalist. Of those two, Senator McCain has an understanding of what is really going on in the world today. Of those two, Senator McCain has a basic understanding of economics, supply and demand and a free market.

A) McCain thinks the green zone is perfectly safe.
B) By his own admission, he knows nothing about economics.
C) He graduated bottom 5 in his class, that takes some serious effort.
D) He supports the patriot act, warrantless wiretaps, and signing statements. How exactly is that a "constitutionalist"?
E) Other things McCain doesn't know

Grow up, indeed. I don't mind the anti-obama sentiment, but the pro-mccain statements are way off base.
No matter what, Mccain is way better than Obama, Specially for those of us who like our guns. SECDEF obviously dislikes his firearms, or is a paid employee of the obama campaign to secretly infiltrate the enemy website. It really doesnt matter how I vote, as Texas will without a tiny doubt vote republican. I just want Mccain to win so these stupid bans they have come up with get crushed
Wow, just wow. So many of you are toting McCain out as our only hope.

I cannot even admire your optimism. It's pathetic.

If you consider McCain to be "hopeful" then you are deluding yourselves and trying to pull the wool over the eyes of us who are not drinking that Kool-aid.

If McCain is your definition of hope then I maintain that the situation is truly hopeless.

Some of us are libertarians. We hold out hope for something better and will vote accordingly. We don't drink your kool-aid.

But, many here are lifelong Republicans. Guess what? They are not drinking the kool-aid anymore either. Some of them are so disgusted with your golden boy that they are not voting at all. But some of them will be voting for a third party candidate. Most of them are talking about Bob Barr.

Point is...we are not buying your lies or giving in to your fear mongering any longer. A better future awaits us and you are just holding us back.

I would suggest that you may be drinking your OWN 'cool-aid. You assertions above don't pan out.

People you personally associate with that agree with your points of view obviously don't reflect the sentiment you have protrayed about those here. Here it looks like McCain has a near 70% support (69.31 at time of post). Only 2 people say they won't vote.

One should be cafefull not to project the opinions of those you like to associate yourself with as the common or popular opinion. Remember you like associating with them BECAUSE they agree with you.

As the election draws nearer and the 'change' montra loses it's shine people will look more to McCain. He has a challenge ahead of him to be sure as the Republican 'brand' has taken a hit and he is a Republican but there won't be a mass Libertarian movement this election any more then the others. I respect the Libertarians. They aren't as perverse as the Democrats and are but for a few points of view much like the Republican Party. They need to get a handle on attaining influence and need to pipe up more often then every 4 years in order to hope to effect a change but their own leadership will have to address that.

McCain isn't a firestrom but he isn't at all gone or a lost cause. He is a genuine and honorable man. He isn't beholdant to either side of the isle and that pisses off both sides rather then winning favor from both sides. Agree or disagree with his actions I believe he is sincere in his intentions.
If you are going to tell the story..then at least tell it truthfully.

3 People have stated that they are not voting but 22 people...over 21% have stated that they will be voting for someone OTHER than McCain and Obama. Granted, they would not all have voted Republican (I would not have) but many of those 22 would have voted for a Republican if a decent candidate had been nominated.

But the Republican party didn't field a decent candidate and so 24 (25 minus myself) who might have voted for a good Republican candidate are either not voting at all or voting for a third party candidate. Those people have chosen not to drink your kool-aid.
Remember the election of 2000? Of course you do..who could forget that snafu? 23% means a whole hell of a lot when your party is not getting it!!!!!
The Libertarians swung '02 eh. OK.....Thanks. I'm sure Al would have done better.

What are the Libertarians going to do for us in '08, give us Obama?

You do concede that Obama or McCain WILL be the president no?

Is your point that that Libertarians are going to swing Obama???

The Republican base isn't excited about McCain, granted, but truth is the Libertarians or other 'protest voters' won't make any more impact then they do any other election year.

I understand the GOP position to advise their stronger candidates not to run this cycle. It's a long term good idea. The Democrats are proven incompetents and Obama will go down the Carter route and the American People will be reminded why they kicked them out of Congress and have only voted for them in 3 of the last 10 general election cycles for President. I understand it but I'm not going to let them have it for free. Their going to have to fight for it. And it fighting they will inevitably reveal their true intents and in 2 years we can all hit rewind and then play.

The thing that I found most convincing that this will take effect is that Obama not only has the near exact same flawed perspective as Carter.....he is actually LESS experienced.

The Carter/ Obama parallels would make a good thread.......
No matter what, Mccain is way better than Obama, Specially for those of us who like our guns. SECDEF obviously dislikes his firearms, or is a paid employee of the obama campaign to secretly infiltrate the enemy website. It really doesnt matter how I vote, as Texas will without a tiny doubt vote republican. I just want Mccain to win so these stupid bans they have come up with get crushed

I was originally planning on voting for Ron Paul. Your analysis is very interesting. Do go on. . .

Looks like you only only care about one issue. I care about lots of issues. Guess that makes it harder to pick a candidate, doesn't it?
Bruxley, I never stated that the Libertarians swung any election. Only that percentages matter..which you essentially said that our mere 23% do not.

I never said that Obama would be a good president. Repeatedly I have stated that neither he nor McCain will be a good president.

I concede nothing. The election has not happened yet and many things can happen between now and November. It's possible that McCain may not be on the ballot. Maybe Obama won't. Maybe neither of them will. Maybe they both will. Maybe one will have a recurrence of cancer. Maybe one will get struck by lightening. Or get hit by a bus. Or have a heart attack. Nobody knows anything for sure. I detest both McCain and Obama. I do not wish them ill. Please don't mistake my words here. They are not wishes...but any of them are possibilities.

Will those who don't vote for McCain swing the election for Obama? Maybe. So what? The truth of the matter is that McCain will not have gotten our votes because he doesn't DESERVE them. Obama may be a worse politician than McCain. It could be true. But as bad as Obama may be...his badness will never make McCain DESERVE our votes.

If McCain succeeds or fails will be based on his own merits or faults. He does not own our votes. He does not deserve our votes. And he won't GET our votes.

If that results in Obama winning the election...that's too bad. It sucks. But the blame rests only one place..with those who failed to produce and support a better candidate.
Finally. Took a bit but it came out. Who are the people you are referring to when you say 'our'? Could it be those that failed to produce and support a better candidate......... the 'real' patriots.........the 'real' conservatives..........

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Yes Bruxley, that is EXACTLY who I mean. Not the one issue voters. Not the voters who support their own freedoms but nobody else's. Not the Statists. Not the government apologists.

Patriots. Constitutionalists. Pro-liberty extremists. Anti-federalists. Jeffersonians.
+1 for Archie post

+1 for Archie post

John Wayne" there is right and there is wrong, you gotta pick one"

People who do not vote do not deserve to whine and complain when the Obama machine takes your gun rights away and taxes the h--l out of you.

McCain may not be your cup of tea, but Wright's protégé is not mine either.
Just when things are turning the corner for the better in Iraq, lets not cancel out what our solders have sacrificed -by not voting, or voting for RP.

McCain gives us at least a chance, Obama gives us certain taxes and he believes that these high fuel prices are GOOD! can you believe that?
Sorry SECDEF, you seemed very very pro OBAMA. , I mistook that for anti MCCAIN. Im afraid Ron Paul is another Ross Perot and will swing the vote towards Obama. We will end up with another Idiot like Clinton in office. I blame Ross Perot for the Clinton Years.
Sorry ATTT but the Clinton years were a whole lot better than the Bush years have been. I didn't like Clinton but he did a better job than George and his crew. When Clinton left office the economy was good, we were talking about budget surpluses, we weren't involved in a war, and the powers of the Federal Government were much smaller. It didn't take the Republicans too long to turn all that around.

Frankly the current Republican party scares me.

-They had the Patriot Act sitting on a shelf for a long time just waiting for the chance to push this this package that tramples our rights. I think they were jumping for joy when the Towers fell because they knew their chance to get this abomination passed had arrived. There's a reason they only posted the full text 15 minutes before the vote. They think it's perfectly ok to allow federal agents to write their own search warrants and to make it a crime for you to tell anyone if you are served with one. No calls to your attorney to find out how to proceed or you go to prison. It's not even clear if you state that you have been served with one in court without committing a crime that can/will send you to prison. Seems to me that being able to speak freely is a fundamental right of all people. Here in the US it's supposed to be guarded by the Constitution.

-They have been behind the expansion of the police state and the erosion of our civil liberties under their stupid "War on Drugs".

-They seem to be proud that the US now has a greater percentage of our people in prison than any other country in the world. One in 100 people is now behind bars. Most for non-violent drug offenses.

-The believe that it's perfectly fine to lock people up indefinitely without charging them with a crime.

-They believe that it's fine to TORTURE people!

Does this sound like a group that has basic respect for people? Right now they cannot use some of these powers on US Citizens but you can bet they are hard at work figuring out how they are going to do exactly that. They are already getting in trouble for having abused some of these new powers and using them on US Citizens. No surprise there.

Somehow we made it through WWI, WWII, the Korean War, Vietnam, Desert Storm, and numerous other conflicts around the world without torturing people. Now that we are fighting a bunch of people hiding in caves suddenly it's necessary? With terrorism they have exactly what they have drooled over for decades. An invisible enemy that can never be defeated so war becomes perpetual and the erosion of our civil liberties to fight it just increases.

The Republicans are a flippin' scarry bunch. Obama might tax me but McCain just might drag me away in the middle of the night and lock me up and torture me. If he thinks it's ok to do it to one group that has not been convicted or even accused of a crime then he thinks it ok to do it me.

I'll never vote for another Republican in this lifetime. Their true colors have shown through and what is see is a group that is so power hungry they have lost basic respect for humanity.
When Clinton left office the economy was good, we were talking about budget surpluses, we weren't involved in a war, and the powers of the Federal Government were much smaller. It didn't take the Republicans too long to turn all that around.

Wrong. The recession of that era started before Clinton left office. It started in the fall of 2000. Stock market started falling then. I lost 35K in my 401k account because of it.

They believe that it's fine to TORTURE people!
Somehow we made it through WWI, WWII, the Korean War, Vietnam, Desert Storm, and numerous other conflicts around the world without torturing people.

You really believe that? Really?

When it comes to the terrorists, I really can't feel sorry for them. For a group of people whose goal in life is to kill innocent noncombatants(you and me) because we aren't muslims or because the country we live in is friends with Israel is crazy.

I really hate to say it, and will probably get flamed for it, but I think what would do this country the most good in the long run, would be to get attacked on a large scale basis where we have to do without. Do without electricity, do without food, do without the internet or any other communication, do without the nice things that we all have taken for granted. Once we lose those things in life that we've NEVER lived without(freedom) then maybe, just maybe, all these slackjawed, limp-noodled people who like to say how bad we got it right now, might just understand what bad is.

If we had to fight for our rights, like our forefathers did, then just maybe we would understand how good we really have it here.