Confessions of a *gag* McCain Supporter


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Why whyNOTbarackobama?

This is not where I saw myself several months back. Around the first of the year, before either party's nominee was determined, when it seemed like Hillary was a lock and the Republican race was crowded, I was a staunch RON PAUL supporter. Ron Paul was always a long shot and I didn't expect for him to be around in November but I remained firm in my support as I think that his ideas are the real "change" that this country needs. Then a few unexpected things started to happen: the Republican race quickly thinned out and nobody's favorite John McCain became the obvious nominee. Hillary started to look like less of a lock as long-short Brack Obama unexpectedly pulled even with her and then pulled out in front.

I stated publicly several times before the Democrat ticket was determined that I would not vote McCain just to keep Hillary out of the White House, I would remain committed to Ron Paul through November. If Obama got the nomination though, I did not think I would be able to sit by and allow him to be elected.

Well that's where we are now and this is where I am. As for why I am against Obama....well I'll just let my blog speak for itself. I hope you'll take the time to stop by and check it out and also forward the link to all your friends so come this November they will know whyNOTbarackobama.


Been a Republican for 50 years. All the Republican political machine can give us is the lesser of two evils. Beginning this year I will not vote for any evil. McCain does not have my vote, neither does Obama.
Been a Republican for 50 years. All the Republican political machine can give us is the lesser of two evils. Beginning this year I will not vote for any evil. McCain does not have my vote, neither does Obama.

I agree neither party gave me a choice in my opinion we have two people
that simply are out of touch and really do not care for the American middle
Your vote; your privilege; your right as a Citizen of the United States of America, the greatest Nation on earth--bar none!

But remember when you make your choice...a non-vote is a vote for Obama. Consider an extreme scenario: what if a thousand people feel the same way you do? They probably do, but that's beside the point.

Let's say that the election comes and goes--and Obama wins the Presidency by less than one thousand votes!

McCain is not my first choice--not even my second or third. But he's what we have right now. If we vote for Obama--or even worse, do NOT vote--and Obama wins, prepare for an assault on our gun rights, the likes of which has NEVER been seen before in this country.

Prepare to lose your guns. And, once lost, we will be hard pressed indeed to regain them. Examine and remember the FOPA of '86--the one that closed the NFA register. Does anyone think we'll see the re-opening of the register?

It's not what we want, to be sure--but the alternative is much, MUCH worse. So when election day comes, take a breath, hold your nose, and vote McCain.
Examine and remember the FOPA of '86--the one that closed the NFA register. Does anyone think we'll see the re-opening of the register?

Did the Republican run congress open the machinegun registry: Heck no, they could have cared less. Yep, the Republicans ran everything for six years and they did not do one darn thing for gun owners, despite all the promises of Gingrinch, DeLay, Lott and the whole bunch. You will probably say that they "let" the AWB expire. Well, it was supposed to expire, wasn't it. The Republican run congress passed a law allowing retired LEOs to carry anywhere in the US. They did not trust us ordinary citizens to do the same.

IMO: McCain is just as anti as Obama. I am not drinking the Republican Kool Aid any more. Could care less if Obama is elected. Republican voters need to make a statement that we will not vote for weak-kneed candidates who offer us more of the same. I will NOT vote for McAmnesty.
Powderman , So if I don't vote. It will count as one vote for Obama? :rolleyes: Hmmm So by what you are telling me. Is If I go out and really vote for Obama. It Will that count for 2. Damn I get to vote twice in one year:D

P.s. Yeah nice try.............Mc Bush doesn't have a chance. The Republican party screwed up. It is their fault. Obama will be in the white house.
The last two elections I voted for a Republican not because I thought they were the best choice but because I liked the Democrat less. Frankly I think we would have been better off as a country if either of the Democrats had won. Bush and the Republicans have been far worse than I could have ever imagined the Democrats being. The Republican party is corrupt and rotting right to the core.

I found out what they really think of my rights and humanity. They revealed themselves to be monsters.

When they dusted off the ready and waiting Patriot Act which was their wish list of massive government power expansion. They actually passed a law which allows agents to write their own search warrants and makes it a crime punishable by up to 5 years in prison to mention of they come by and use one of them. I guess they missed that First Amendment. John McCain didn't seem to understand it either. Then they embraced indefinite detainment without charges and BLEEPING TORTURE as perfectly ok practices. Somehow we made it through 2 world wars, a war in Korea, one in Vietnam, and a 40 year Cold War without these but now they are necessary because we are fighting a bunch of 3rd World guys that live in caves? WTF?

If you don't think they want to be able to expand torture and indefinite detention as methods against US Citizens you have your head in the sand. Don't say the Constitution prevents them from doing so. They have already shown how little they care.

I should also add that I am sick of this stupid War on Drugs. It has done nothing but erode our civil liberties, cost us a lot of money, and give us the highest rate of people in prison in the world. That's right folks. The War on Drugs is primarily a Republican idea and thanks to them we have more people in prison, by a rather wide margin, than any other country in the world and the Republicans think that it's just grand.

I'm also sick of hearing about abortion and gay-marriage as though they are real and important issues that our Federal Government should be involved in. How about a serious reform of the IRS? How about getting our troops out of Korea after 50 years? How about abolishing the fed and returning to the gold standard. How about getting us out of NAFTA or securing our borders? The Republicans had plenty of time to make some progress but they set us back decades financially, made us hated around the world, and have eroded our civil rights at every opportunity.

Why should I be voting for them again?

I never thought I'd say it but I miss old Bill Clinton.
IMO: McCain is just as anti as Obama.

Yeah, to the neo-libs, only Ron Paul and Obama are pro-gun. And only Ron Paul is 'conservative.' At least, under the neo-lib definitions of pro-gun and conservative. Simply ignore McCain's vote against the assault weapons ban, his vote for the Protection of Lawful Arms in Commerce Act, and Obama's desire to ban all semi-automatic guns, ban all handguns, and Obama's love of junk lawsuits designed to bankrupt gun manufacturers and dealers. And keep telling us there's no difference between McCain and Obama. Because Lew Rockwell says so. And because neo-libs want "change we can believe in." :barf:
Yeah, to the neo-libs

I know what a quasi-con, pseudo-con, and a neo-con are.

If a neo-lib is someone who does not buy your Republican red herring agenda count me in. I still remember that in 06 when Republicans in congress were about to be trounced,they trotted out their red herring American Values Agenda. Their congressional rule had fallen apart and they wanted a constitutional amendment to prevent flag burning, wanted to outlaw gay marriages and a host of other feel good stuff. It did not work.
I might vote for Bob Barr. But most likely I'll write Ron Pauls name on the ballot. The republican party deserves Obama. This country deserves Obama. Nothing seriously changes until people get hungry.
I KNOW McLiberal may be slightly better than Osama, but it's so hard to stomach the thought of pulling the lever for McLiberal. Every time I hear an Osama supporter or Osama himself, I think "I gotta vote McLiberal" but then McLiberal opens his mouth and ruins it for me again.

I wish he'd just disappear until election day and just let us listen to Osama bin Carter's bolshevik nonsense. That's probably Keating John's best way of getting support.
I dread who will be McCaine's VP will be even more anti-gun. I too do not plan top vote.
Why should I vote to give up one of my lifetime passion's.
Guys, I don't like McCain either, but I sure as heck don't like Obama.

Voting for Paul may make you feel good inside, it would me also, but he doesn't have a chance in hadez of winning this thing. The best he will do is play spoiler much like Perot in '92. That gave us Clinton.

And the earlier post about stopping NAFTA, well, thank slick Willie for that one.

And the post about missing Clinton, I'm sorry, I can't get past the "I didn't have sex with that woman" on national tv and under oath.

Right now we are at a crucial point in America, and the chant of "change" does nothing for me if I don't know what that change is. Remember, there's good change, and bad change. Which are we getting with this guy?

I can't vote for a guy after my guns or a guy that's listened to the crap he has listened to at his church. If he was against what his preacher said, then why did he stay there 20 years?
I'm a Republican who can't stomach McCain and am growing tired of hearing Obama parallel McCain to Bush. We only have to look back to 2000 to realize how much Bush and McCain can't stand one another. McCain is too much of a pacifist and is not in touch with the core Republicans that Bush successfully rallied in 2000 and 2004. I don't think McCain has a chance unless Obama TOTALLY SCEWS up. Don't think I'm gonna vote for Obama but I hate to abstain from voting :( Looks like gun laws will definitely be affected come 2009.
i dont like mcain either, but he is our only hope.
Heard a funny joke guess i should share it.

Obama walked into the pearly gates of heaven and waited in line to get in. He finally got to see GOD and God asks him "Why should i let you into heaven?" and Obama said.. " I was the first black person elected President of the United States Of America!" GOD looks kinda supprised and says "HMMM, when did that happen?" Obama's said " About 10 minutes ago!!"
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Simply put. Obama is against guns. If you like guns, you should be against obama. I dont care what the outcome of the election is. That Marxist will never be my president. If he is elected, I will become a criminal by default
Ill vote McCain , not because i like him and not because he is " my candidate " However he will get my vote because i wont pitch it on a 3rd party , and i do politcal stuff such as fill out every online poll that comes up . Mc Cain will never be " my canadate " rather he is slightly ( and i do mean slightly ) less objectionable than the dem canadate . For myself i want cheap gass NOW so drill the hell out of things , and i understand we have a 2 yr lead time without epa . I understand that our gasoline refinerys are working to capasity now and more oil means more refinerys . For the good of the nation i happen to control some acres in Southeast Colorado . I will actually give all rights , minerals , water , ect for a 10 acre plot for the first guy who will develop a refinery of any sort off the land . If you can make fuel happen , and do it for a year ill give you 10 acres to do it out here . Land i got , fuel bills i got , Build a better system and i will hand off land ( hell then we got another payroll in the county ) , On topic of guns , if you need a factory i might find a few acres next to a rail road tack that i am not currently using , and said could come with a pre extistant siding .
No kidding, we need more fuel now!! Yes we need to get off of it, but .. How about alternatives that actually work before weaning us off oil? ethanol, dumb, takes as much fuel to make it as you get, and only makes food more expensive.
Yes,, Obama, please raise my taxes!!. I only had to pay 66$ to fill up my little car, so, I got an extra 3 or 4 $ you can take. I was planning on using it for something for my kids but, please take it..