Confessions from an ex-Glock Fanatic

A man's need to evolve caught up to him

I'd bet he's discovered the 1911. It happens to many Glocksters. I love them both.

I will not sell my remaining two Glocks, and I might even get a G30 in the near future. However, I have given up on the 9mm Glocks (except the G26). IMO, they are overated for the accuracy they offer. I also don't really have any interest in changing caliber to .40 or 10 mm. I will stay with .45 Glocks mostly and move on to many other pistol types.
The Glock is a tough-as-nails, $500 production combat pistol. If you want to shoot bullseye, I suggest a Les Baer "guaranteed 1/2 in. at 50 yards" .45.
buzz knox, that was hilarious!

Sounds like your main complaint was the accuracy and precision from the bench at longer ranges. You are trying to make the ultimate defense carry pistol into a target gun.
That said, my favorite Glock is the model 32 because the 357 SIG realy is far more accurate. 1.5" groups are common and consistent from this gun, but at the same time I don't see why I need that accuracy.
I like the Glock 30 also for everything it offers, including accuracy. And, I have found the 9mm Glocks to be very accurate and consistent, though not as precise as the 357 and .45 Glocks. The Glock 23 I cannot defend, as I have found the 3 inch groups it gave me to be disappointing, but the G35 and 27 are very accurate.

As far as the feel and the trigger, that is something you have to judge for yourself. I think Glocks fit great, and I love the trigger.

I drifted from Glock for several years. I thought I had "seen the light" on how cheap they were and that the people that carried them were just afraid to spend more money on a gun. I went out and bought more expensive guns, and carried $2000 1911's and HK's, telling myself that my life was worth the best. They were more work to carry, and after all of that money and effort I was amazed to find out that I did not get any better shooting out of those guns! I ended up coming back to the Glock for carry because they just plain work!

I am going to try out a Steyr S40 though as soon as they get on the shelves. I am open minded...maybe it is a better glock...maybe not?
The Glock 23 I cannot defend, as I have found the 3 inch groups it gave me to be disappointing, but the G35 and 27 are very accurate.

Agreed about the G23. By far, it is the least accurate Glock I have shot to date.

That said, my favorite Glock is the model 32 because the 357 SIG realy is far more accurate. 1.5" groups are common and consistent from this gun, but at the same time I don't see why I need that accuracy.

I will have to give the G32 a try. I have not had the opportunity to shoot a G32 (or 33) yet. I like the fact that you say it is very accurate. How is the recoil compared to the G31? I felt that the G31 was a bit on the sharp side.....

Oh one another matter I forgot to add that I have not tried the special "compensated" Glock C models either. I keep for getting to try those out--of course not knowing anyone who has a "C" Glock doesn't help much. I will try to rent a Comp'd Glock though if I get the chance. I am told that the Compensator is mostly effective in .40 Glocks, 10mm Glocks and .357 Sig Glocks. Is this true?
Quantum, what does your 'bench rest accuracy testing' really mean in a combat handgun? Whats the point? If you can't get decent groups at 7 to 15 yards coming out of the holster, it doesn't mean anything. Neither you, nor anyone else is ever going to have to shoot from a pistol rest in a defensive situation. As far as plastic sights, well, you have lots of aftermarket choices. Whether you like Glocks or not, and whether they 'work' for you or not, hardly stands as proof to the most reliable handgun ever built to date. Anyone else have a gun that ran 170,000 rounds without a problem? And there are undocumented rumors of G17's going 300,000 plus rounds. Personally, I am only crossing the 50,000 mark on one of my G21's, and it did chip an extractor around 20,000 and I replaced a trigger reset spring. In both cases, the weapon was still functional.
what does your 'bench rest accuracy testing' really mean in a combat handgun? Whats the point?

The point is I want every bit of accuracy I can get out of a pistol. I am not worried about combat. Any quality gun should be combat accurate. I shoot for fun and (friendly) competition. Thus, I want the most accuracy POTENTIAL I can get. Why should I settle for "combat" accurate when there are plenty of very accurate guns out there?

Whether you like Glocks or not, and whether they 'work' for you or not, hardly stands as proof to the most reliable handgun ever built to date. Anyone else have a gun that ran 170,000 rounds without a problem? And there are undocumented rumors of G17's going 300,000 plus rounds. Personally, I am only crossing the 50,000 mark on one of my G21's, and it did chip an extractor around 20,000 and I replaced a trigger reset spring. In both cases, the weapon was still functional.

Glocks are the most durable pistols made. They are not necessarily the MOST reliable. I have had perfect reliability from my Sigs so far. Sigs IME are more reliable, but far less durable. I have had a few Glocks that 17 I got rid of was a jam-o-matic. Such is rare, but not ALL Glocks are as reliable as claimed by current fanatics. The two remaining Glocks I have have been 100 percent reliable so far. As long as my G21/G26 continue to stay reliable I will continue to call on them as my duty sidearm. However, (except for the G21) my Glocks stay in the safe when serious target shooting is in order.

Believe it or not, there are other reliable and durable and accurate pistols out there other than Glocks, some of which may have fit Mr. Singularity's hand better.

Yeah, yeah, "Chuck Taylor's G17 this" and "Run over with a truck that", but truthfully, wouldn't it be a dull world if there was only one kind of good handgun on the market? ;)
Believe it or not, there are other reliable and durable and accurate pistols out there other than Glocks, some of which may have fit Mr. Singularity's hand better.

Yeah, yeah, "Chuck Taylor's G17 this" and "Run over with a truck that", but truthfully, wouldn't it be a dull world if there was only one kind of good handgun on the market?

That is my whole point Tamera! :) There is more to the shooting life than 1911's and Glocks! ;) I believe in diversity....I try several brands and if necessary own several. I don't believe in the "only buy brand X" gun mentality. There is no one perfect gun, some are more accurate, some more durable, and others more ergonomic. I must say I do enjoy getting a rise out of die hard fanatics (as I once was). Ok, I admit I am a poop disturber but IMO it is fascinating how a difference of opinion can upset so many die hard brand "X" fans. I respect all good quality brands of pistols, and the more I open my mind the easier it is to find faults in EVERY BRAND. ;)

Let me acknowledge that all replies have been done with class. I appreciate you all giving me a chance to speak my mind without throwing flames in my direction. You all need to be commended for exceptional behavior. :)

Speech over! :D

[Edited by Quantum Singularity on 02-09-2001 at 10:23 PM]

What? Others More durable and reliable? Bull hockey I say! Be advised: you are now on double secret probation until further notice. ;)
So Quantum, are you considering dialing 1-911 now?

Mr Smith,

As in 1911 pistols?

They are nice, no doubt about it. But, they just don't appeal to me. Not taking anything away from 1911s, but I honestly don't see myself needing one. If I were to one day go that route, it would be a Kimber (due to the accuracy). Yep, Quantum is an accuracy nut. ;)

It just hurts when I read your posts contemplating adultery by going with the SteyrS. You're such a bright young man with a bright future ahead of you. ;)
This is what I was told when I strayed from Glockdome, and it ended up being true:

"You'll be back". :)

Maybe Glocks aren't for you, but if you liked them at first, I predict that you will run the gamut, try some other tings, and end up carrying a Glock in the end. That is most people's stories anyway, and mine as well.
Hey, you gotta try other things to keep it fun. Variety is the spice of life. I have lots of fun guns and target guns etc, but when it comes down to my life, I carry a Glock.
It took me a few years to try all the others and have fun, but in the end I came back to my roots ;)
I think what I love most about glocks is that I don't love them. I like them , but treat them as tools and target plunkers. My glock 31 is an excellent combat tool , my 21-C is very accurate and useful for home defense. I have no love or hate for glocks because they don't make my senses happy like a nice 1911 with rosewood grips and a crisp 3 pound trigger , They don't have the rugged feel of an all metal sig p-220 or a 1911. Glocks don't have the ergonomics and grip fit like my sig 239 or 229. The glocks offer rugged service and good reliability . I feel like I am keeping wear off my " good " guns when shooting my glocks. I do feel my glock 36 is perfect for concieled carry , and that the polymer offers light weight and less chance of corrosion. In all I like glocks because they are just well made tools that remove some emotion toward the firearm.
As replied to by WillBeararms:

What? Others More durable and reliable? Bull hockey I say! Be advised: you are now on double secret probation until further notice.

I double that Tamara!
6 Months ago, I saw the light as well...

The light came in a form of a Steyr M40...

I shot the Glock 32, being left handed, the mag release ripped a hole in my finger, and drew blood. Also, I averaged like a 6" group. I shot an HK USP after than, got about a 2" group. I picked up a Steyr, and I smiled...

Name everything you like about the Glock, the Steyr M series has it. Name everything you don't like about the Glock, the Steyr doesn't have it. I find it more glock than a glock, and a definite improvement on "Perfection".

Tenifer? check.. Low bore axis? Even lower. 3 internal safeties? check, plus 2 external. Polymer? Actually, instead of steel embedded in polymer, it's polymer wrapped around a steel gun. Ergonomics? Even better point angle, and the 1 finger groove seems a bit easier.

'Nuff Said!
Lots of great comments here! I agree with what several others said about "coming full-circle." I went a whoring after other pistols and came back to the Glock because it does so many things well.

I did the 1911-thing in the form of a Kimber. The Kimber proved to be no better in quick combat shooting than my Glock, at least in my hands, and the maintenance was two-fold compared to the Glock. Reliability? The Glock wins hands down.

I guess it's a matter of priorities. If you like to tinker, you'll probably buy something other than a Glock. For me a pistol is a tool, a survival tool. It has to be concealable and reliable. The Glock meets that criteria.

Accuracy? My little G26 out shot my full-size Kimber out to fifteen yards. I somewhat agree with the statement, " inaccurate pistols are uninteresting." Having said that, I find it more interesting to see how well I can target shoot the pistol I actually defend my life with.

Is the Glock perfect? No, of course not. I personally don't like the slide width. But in reality, none of the other designs ( Styer, HK, Berreta, Sig) are an improvement in that area. Every design has it's strengths and weaknesses Like I said, "it's a matter of priorities."

The Glock does a lot of things well, at least by my criteria. JohnH
Will Beararms and AirTech

You said:
What? Others More durable and reliable? Bull hockey I say!
When what I had said was:
Believe it or not, there are other reliable and durable and accurate pistols
If you don't take me off double secret probation, I'll hold my breath until I turn blue! :D
Quantico said,
"I have no love or hate for glocks because they don't make my senses happy like a nice 1911 with rosewood grips and a crisp 3 pound trigger , They don't have the rugged feel of an all metal sig p-220 or a 1911. Glocks don't have the ergonomics and grip fit like my sig 239 or 229. The glocks offer rugged service and good reliability . I feel like I am keeping wear off my "good" guns when shooting my glocks."

My sentiments exactly, Quantico! I love my Glocks, but I wouldn't cry over trading one G21 in for another G21 if I had to. I love carrying the G21 because it's accurate and powerful, but if it gets scratched or destroyed -- who cares? I'll get another one just like it for under $600.

I love my SIG's, but they're so pretty and shiny and expensive, and I would hate to see them rusted and scratched from everyday carry.

Glocks are great, but I need variety in my tool box: Some expensive finely-made tools for precision work and some big, fat, gnarly hammers when stuff needs smashin'!