Concerned about potential results of a foolish action...

An AD, at the very least, is really embarrassing. I respect magnumenthused for being man enough to admit it, but I have seen posts like this before, and I've wondered: How many here, really, have had an AD and are too embarrassed to admit it? (I really don't expect an answer ;) :D )
Sounds like you have gotten some pretty good advice from these folks, I'm glad you lived to put it to good use. My guess is if you didn't find anyone right outside the building you are probably off the hook with wadcutters, glazer safety slugs or hydroshocks are good ammo indoors.
I have used a gun-rug from Bagmaster to secure my "duty" firearm at night, and used a padlock in the zipper tang when my children were young enough that they hadn't yet learned Eddie Eagle's message. Reaction times would be slower, of course, but the act of unzipping the bag would give wake-up time if that is a concern.

Glad no one was hurt!
I guess there hasn't been an instructor giving input. I am an instructor and yes you did do a few things wrong. First, and for the rest of your life, never put your finger on the trigger until, and only until, your sights are on the target. That rule alone would have saved you. Next isn't a rule but it is a necessity in self defense - never, never, never cock a gun for self protection. If you are forced to shoot someone you will end up in court. Maybe not for the shooting itself but for sure by the family of the BG you shot.

In court it can be made to look like you wanted to kill the BG since you cocked the hammer. My main self defense gun, S&W 342PD, has an enclosed hammer. I couldn't cock the hammer if I wanted to. We have two other revolvers that have bobbed hammers. Very difficult to cock the hammer. My wife's defense gun has a hammer but she practices only double action. In an emergency I would expect her to act as she trains.

Glad no one was hurt and you didn't end up in jail. I learned a lot of things the hard way - you don't forget those. From now on - shoot safely.
With your views on never cocking a handgun for self-defense, what are your opinions on the designed method of carry with a 1911a1?
Since it is designed to ONLY be fired with the hammer cocked and is designed to be carried that way I'm going to assume he ain't agin' it.

The "don't cock it" advice (which I disagree with) is based on the fact that a DA revolver is specifically designed so you can fire the gun without cocking it and you thus apparently took the extra time and effort to make it even more hair-triggery and lethal than it needed to be. :rolleyes:

I personally believe that reasoning to not be proved out in reality (no cases for a civilian SD I'm aware of, certainly none in AK) but it does have its own logic.
this time when I cocked the hammer and placed my finger on the trigger, in my tired state I fired the weapon
In all your gun handling - for whatever purpose - memorize and stick to these four rules:

1. All firearms are loaded.

2. Never let the muzzle of a firearm point at anything you are not willing to destroy.

3. Keep your finger off the trigger unless your sights are on the target.

4. Be sure of your target and what is behind it.
The "no cocking" rule would pretty much disarm the guys with Blackhawks.

I'm not an "instructor," but I'm going to use whatever firearm I have in the best manner possible in the unlikely event I have to shoot someone.

One thing for sure, though ... I'm not going to give the cops any details as to how/why I shot and/or what I was feeling at the time until I've talked with my lawyer. I think that "He was attacking me and I defended myself with my firearm. Respectfully, sir, I will not give further details until I have had a chance to consult with an attorney" is the best.

But from the classes I took lethal force is lethal force ... it doesn't matter how you use it or what kind of ammo you have. All that matters is that you were in fear for life or limb.
carebear--my revolver is a double action/single action firearm and fires quite well and accurately in my hand double action. since that is the case i see no reason to ignore the advice of not cocking it. I used to load my 20 ga. shotgun for self defense until I got this. Now being a pump shotgun, one must cock it regardless of course--the great thing about those is that the sound of cocking it alone tends to scare the living crap out of anyone otherwise intending harm or other undesireable actions...assuming they're not crazed/feeling the immortal effects of PCP, etc...

I can proudly say I've never had an accidental/careless discharge with my shotgun...GOSH that would be a mess..Not just a hole in the wall, but many holes in the wall, my desk, my monitor, my subwoofer, window..either way I'm never compromising on gun safety again.
the great thing about those is that the sound of cocking it alone tends to scare the living crap out of anyone otherwise intending harm or other undesireable actions

Now see, this is where you need some training! If you take a decent HD class, they'll tell you NOT to rack the slide...for a couple reasons.

First, that means you have one less shell in the mag that could have been used for SD. Second, all that does is gives away your position in your house. You're not looking to go after the guy, but shore yourself up, grab a cell phone and defend yourself if he/she/it comes through that door. Florida has Castle Doctrine now where you can stand your ground, but most states don't have that. Here in VA you can't even shoot someone stealing your stuff in the house, unless they are specifically trying to hurt *you* in the process. All we can do is call the cops. :(

Honestly I think much of what you've learned needs to be thrown out and re-learned via professional teachers, especially when it comes to legal issues in your state. Just yesterday I talked with a lady that has her CHP and keeps something in her purse. She's having issues with her daughter's ex-boyfriend and stated, "If he ever comes on my property I'm gonna shoot him.".

Oh boy. He'd be in the hospital and she'd be in jail...and I told her that.
I would never keep a gun under my pillow

and I would also never practice drawing with it loaded. as much as I move in the night I would kill my self with a gun there. :o :o :o :o :o :eek:
I'm with Stephen426. Get a gunsafe with a digital lock system on it. Keep it locked up when you're not at home, unlock it for when you're there. These safes aren't terribly expensive and your weapon will be more secure. Take safe handling classes and read all you can about shooting and gun handling. Safety is priority one when you own a handgun.
My question was why did you cock it in the first place?

It is not a single action revolver :confused:

But it is not important

So you recommend keeping a shotgun for home defense loaded (1 in the chamber?).

Hmmm....I never really thought about it, cause I rely on my handgun, but I unload that too before putting it in a gun rug for the night. (kids around, etc., and just feel an attack would not be as...imminent/immediate as "on the street")
chris--If you have an actual family to defend however, Id rather learn to clear the house and draw attention to me, scare the crap out of the bad guy, then let them roam through and slay my family...
chris--If you have an actual family to defend however, Id rather learn to clear the house and draw attention to me, scare the crap out of the bad guy, then let them roam through and slay my family...

Do a house clearing drill sometime and you'll learn it's not something you'll ever learn unless you've got a fireteam backing you up. You can muddle through, but it's dangerous. If you've got a family, you should have a plan in place to get everyone in your secure area, hold tight, and call 911.
Well I don't have a family yet. Glad I've got time before I do heh. Right now it's me and my roommate. I have a gun, he has quite the ability to kick some major ass. My ability there is limited due to limited experience.

We attended (he still does but I lack money for it currently, hence limited experience) a top notch martial arts school called Power Kicks, studying Hap Ki Do and Tae Kwon Do. Charles Michael Nestor is the master there. Loooooong training record as a cop, having served under many many PD's, Military experience as combat control in the air force, and all while training in martial arts since age 14. When he came to HKD/TKD he trained (and still trains) under Samuel Yang (I can't remember the guy's Korean name right now). Mr. Yang trained under the founder of HKD. Hit if you want more info so I don't make a book-length thread heheh. At any rate the training at that school is truly quality. You actually earn your rank, it's not given to you even if you do badly on tests. But it's also not about rank there, it's about skill. Anyway I'm going to stop rambling now hehe.
If its a DA Revolver I never use it by cocking it I always use DA mode only.
IMO thats the way a DA Revolver should be shot.

The only to pistols I use Single Action are a Colt SA and a Ruger .44 Mag SA