Concealed/open carry

sixgun67 said:
It certainly wouldn't be difficult for a writer to write up a story that would take 1 minute to read on the 6:00 news.

We have had multiple open carry events covered by several news reporters and aired on the news. I've been to two personally myself with the news crews there and have seen the stories on the broadcasts. One event they even broadcast us live - it was a get together to discuss the action we were going to take against the illegal Seattle gun ban that Nickels tried. I am going to a picnic this weekend that the news crews have already said they will cover.

sexgun67 said:
I can also see the need for any/all police agencies to have an educational briefing with all their officers, so that nobody gets harrassed for lack of officer knowledge.
There are no less than 10 police agencies that have created training bulletins for their departments regarding the legality of open carry in Washington. Many other agencies simply plagiarize the existing training bulletins for their own training.;cat=1
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Sefner, Navy, that is absolutely great for your states.
Unfortunately around here we don't hear anything at all in the media, except for the occasional gunshow, and quite frankly, only a select few radio stations/billboards advertise them.
I've seen the looks and heard the wispers that generate whenever an OC'er shows themselves. It just frustrates me to no end that a public mass can be so uneducated, if that is the word. Certainly makes me think long and hard about OCing. I would love to, but I take my gun out of my holster and stash it in the truck before going into a quick stop/store and such. The holster alone gets those same looks.
Hit the nail on the head there, Navy.

The public is so darned indoctrinated by them, it just seems like an unwinnable fight.

Each and every small gain on the firearms front is a breath of fresh air to me.
Interesting thread. I'm also beginning to think I'm the only chic on this forum. If there are any others out there, drop me a line. My dad worked in corrections with sexual predators, so since I was old enough to talk, I was drilled on how to not be a target in public. I don't know that I would open carry if it was legal but I would say it depends on each person. It depends on who you are and how likely you are to be a victim. I'm in one of those demographics that makes me an easy mark, unless I display that I'm not. Again, don't think I would carry open, but being perceived as an easy mark changes when you open carry. If I was a big strapping dude, I doubt I'd even consider it. But the elderly, infirm, gender or orientation variant, slow or female may have a different story. Just throwing in another opinion and a little dose of estrogen. :rolleyes:
Most of the OC people are childish 'look at me I have a gun ' !!
I have been carrying about 3 weeks now. Not one person has said anything, well one did ask about the firearms laws here because he was from out east and wanted to buy a gun. Other than him, no-one, and I have been all over town. As a side benefit, people haven't been tailgating my scooter...:D
Ya know? I keep telling myself, "Self? - Stay outa these threads!" But here I am, wading into the ever controversial "Open Carry Thread!"

Used to be, that an honest man (or woman) never concealed their arms. That was the realm of hucksters; thieves; robbers and other assorted brigands. Those who concealed their weapons were generally bad men with equally bad repute.

Now, we've come around exactly 180 degrees in our thinking, and see those who choose to openly carry as the bad-mens. sigh.

I just don't understand the animosity of some of you, towards how a person carries their defensive firearm... Well, I do understand, actually. It's called indoctrination... Despite what some of you think, carrying openly is a defensive tactic, while concealed carry is a purely offensive tactic.

There is not a single person who can effectively argue that carrying concealed is a defensive tactic. It is not. It cannot be. Look at the very words many of you use to describe the reasons you carry (concealed).

Those words boil down to having the advantage of surprise. Such an advantage is an offensive tactic by its very nature. So then, carrying concealed is a means of using an offensive tactic that is publicly condoned, er, preferred.

I don't begrudge anyone of the ability to carry concealed. In some States, it is the only sanctioned means of carrying the type of protection that someone may need (even if it is needed only once in a lifetime, or never).

What I will say, is that in some respects, carrying concealed is playing into the hands of the anti-gun people. Crooks carry firearms (and other assorted weapons) concealed. They want the advantage of surprise and ambush. As I said, it is an offensive tactic. It is therefore a very small leap in logic to conclude that citizens who carry concealed, do so with the same intent as crooks. I'm sure all of you are tired of that analogy? But it is so easy an argument to make. One which the anti's make all the time, and to good effect.

The argument against open carry boils down to one simple theme: It scares the public. - It scares the public because in metropolitan areas, it hasn't been done in ages.

It is this Fear, that the anti's use. To good effect, I might add. But it is also an argument that fails with much less effort than the opposite argument.

Regardless of which method you choose to carry (assuming you live in a State that gives you such options), I would hope you are serious enough to get training in your particular mode of carry. Preferably, in both modes.
siggygirl, welcome to the Firingline. I would hope you stick around, we need more ladies, like you, to help offset the testosterone that constantly floats around here! ;)
Thank you, Antipitas. I kinda like it here, and I don't scare easily :D Anyone who finds too much estrogen in my posts can feel free to roll their eyes in private (like I do) and do their best to sort out how women can speak. I know sometimes we don't make sense to men. But, we have much to learn from each, both ways around.:)
There *are* a few other women here, sissygirl. ;) I'm one. Vanya is another. One of the moderators, Pax (Kathy Jackson), is also female and responsible for the wonderful Cornered Cat web site ( The guys seem to tolerate the estrogen quite well; for some reason, most men who like to shoot guns just *love* having women around who also like to shoot guns. ;)
It would be nice if the world wasn't uptight about seeing guns on citizens.

On other matters, yes keep you gun concealed, or open carry, one or the other. Me: I would prefer the open carry. But I live in Texas and I HAVE to CC my handgun. I am 22 and young, but I don't do what those other dudes did. :D
Sakeneko, now if you were a dude and called me a sissy, I'd have to arm wrestle you. Or batter you with some kind of verbal assault ;) But you get a pass. I have noticed that I mostly enjoy interacting with the men at the range. Everybody wants to teach me something. Everybody wants to know if I carry and then show me their CCW. I've learned to watch people shoot before I hand them my gun. And I don't let anyone take it apart anymore. Lots hand me their Glock they're shooting that day. Lotsa Glocks out here. And I'm not shy about my preferences. I've also learned not to disparage anyone's gun preferences. I'd like to run into more women that have a CCW so I can see what it is and how they're doing it. It's easy for these boys to carry IWB with 6 pack abs. I've made male friends out here exclusively around shooting. I expect I'll be meeting Kathy at some point. I'll probably go up there and take some classes. She's close by.
It's easy for these boys to carry IWB with 6 pack abs

Not really. You kinda have to wear baggy clothing to conceal IWB. Given this is how I carry, but in my state, it gets very hot-107 at the moment-and despite your build, whether you're in excellent shape or not, it's hard. Actually I think bigger guys have an easier time with IWB. I am not big at all(6 foot 4, 200 lbs), and my XD can stick out quite well. Unless I am carrying SOB (small of back)
I like the shoulder holster carry, and IWB in the fall/winter. For summer, I just wear some baggy cargo shorts, and a t-shirt with a button down. This helps, but, not as comfortable as cooler temp carry.
What I would have done...

If I were a uniformed sworn LE officer, state trooper or a state offical that processes or regulates the citizen CWPs/CC licenses, I'd take both of these yo-yos outside, give them "the talk" ;) run them through the NCIC and explain to them that their statements/actions could lead to the loss of a state license or permit and/or criminal charges.

Concealed licenses mean CONCEALED!
If you want to be a weekend Rambo or Joe Cool save it for the gun shows, gun club meetings or your own home.
Now a strong wind, lifting up to grab an item, bending over etc, may expose your sidearm(s) but that is a minor mishap. To brandish a firearm or carelessly walk around armed(when CWP-license requirements say it must be fully concealed) shows that you are not a mature, responsible adult and should get it pulled.

As Ive wrote many times, "guns are not toys, props or accessories".
As I said before, I have been carrying 3 weeks...almost everywhere. I took my wife to a big fancy restaurant this evening...Captain D's...and wore my firearm in. Nothing was said, not even looks. I did however see the outline of a CC gun on a young fella. I just smiled at him.

I am not out to be Joe Cool or any of those other people you have mentioned. I'm almost 62 years old and decided to excersize my rights under the law of my state. (Colorado) I could go get a CCP for about $40 (last I checked). I don't even have to take the class as I am an older veteran. I chose not to.

As I said earlier, at my age I don't care what other people think. If they get nervous looking at my firearm, they can turn there heads. I do leave it in the truck when I visit my son because handguns make my daughter-in-law nervous. I also took it off when we went to a movie tonight. But, I have carried in all kinds of stores and gone many places on my scooter, I mean hog. :rolleyes: BTW, I like pulling up to Harleys and gunning my engine. Some of those guys almost fall of their bikes with laughter.

There is nothing wrong with open carry and there should be no reason for the people on here to divide the ranks over their own personal opinions. We have enough frustration just fighting of the anti's without fighting amongst ourselves.

So I carry openly, who cares. I don't care if you carry concealed. I'm honest about what I do. I don't go out of my way to bother people and I don't expect them to bother me.
in fact, you have a quicker draw time with open carry.
I'll disagree with this one. In classes I've attended, I've witnessed many who are faster from concealment than those who are OC'ing. It comes down to practice with your chosen system, and realistically, how many actually do that?

Random thoughts on open carry:

For those who choose to open carry, I would suggest some type of holster with good retention capability and take a class on gun retention. I would also recommend not carrying in any position where it is easier for your opponent to draw your gun than it is for you to. Many OC'ers I notice have their gun in a cheap nylon 'gun show special' ($5 Bagmaster nylon clipped to a Walmart belt) that will barely hold the gun in as it is, much less if you were to end up wrestling for it on the floor.

No OC civilian has ever had their gun snatched? I'll not volunteer to be the first.

There is tactical OC and political statement OC. The former almost nobody even notices. The other attracts everybody's attention. A man ought to be able to manage a pistol without the need for a flashing neon sign flashing over him. "Open carry" is often code for, "I'm gonna flex my 2nd amendment rights and screw anybody who doesn't like it".

I prefer concealed because I prefer to remain unnoticed in a crowd.

Perhaps no one has ever been shot first in a robbery because of OC. Again, personally, I'm not volunteering to be the first. If I were a BG, I'd shoot him to make an example.

I doubt there can be any confirmation that someone OC'ing made some robbers go elsewhere unless they get arrested and say so.

I feel that there are places and times where it is not appropriate to open carry. If you are going to do it, OC should be done with common sense. And that is very lacking these days.

I borrowed this quote from someone I know:
It all depends on what you are trying to accomplish. My goal is to be able to protect myself and my family from the evil bad guys out there. The way I can be most effective doing that is to avoid being selected as a victim and have a means of enforcing MY will on the bad guy in the event he is dumb enough to pick me anyway. It is no business of anyone else if I have a gun or not...they don't have a 'need to know'.-Doug Little SI Staff Instructor
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My copy of the Constitution along with its amendments state that we have the right to bear arms. So why is it so shocking that someone is bearing arms? If it is their right to carry a weapon and thats what the law allows them to do, then why question it. Just go about your business.

There are many reasons why someone might open carry such as to be ready against the danger of large bears such as in Alaska and Colorado. Many folks have been killed by bears. Another reason is to make yourself a hard target against thieves which is important if you are carrying a big deposit to the bank or escorting a jeweler who is carrying a load of diamonds. There are jewelers in most every major city in the nation who oftentimes are carrying a load of diamonds.

So why question someone carrying concealed or open? Why question if the concealed guy is showing it around?

If its legal, then its legal. Mind your own damned business...
Open carry

I live in Northern California. It's virtually impossible to get a CCW here. Unloaded open carry is legal but as I see it the only purpose to do that is kind of a protest. Open loaded carry is legal on National Forest and BLM land.
Recently a good friend of mine who moved up to the Sierra foothills a few years ago posted to Facebook that she was out hiking in the hills and saw a man with a "Ginormous Pistol" on his hip. She was so glad that her cell phone had a signal (she didn't call anyone though). She took her dog and went home.
Many of her other friends expressed concern over her safety. A few of the long time residences told her that many of them pack, usually more discretely.
Some of us pointed out that the gentleman was not breaking the law and there was little need of fear.
My point is, open carry seams to frighten some people, concealed carry in the woods here is not legal but people don't freak out. I generally carry "discretely"
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