Concealed carry...... Where do you live?


My wife and I paid 75.00 to take the 1 day class together, and have had our "permits" for 2 years. ( I put that in quotes since I think a copy of the US Constitution is actually a valid permit)
What did everyones range qualification consist of? In San Diego I had to hit a 10" circle from 60'. All 10 shots have to hit. Miss one and you fail.


Must prove your life is in danger. ie You ratted out the mob, bikergangs, ex spouce wants your head and you taped there death threats or you are a private detective. Must take handgun self defense course 3 day. Have the fire arms safety course for non restricted firearms and the firearms safety course for restricted firearms. A passport photo. Your local firearm regestar(a local cop) approve of your permit to carry and then... then... you can carry. Only place you can't carry is to public meetings(political rallys, concerts, parades, etc...)

Sounds odd most people think you can't carry in Canada but you can if you know how to bend the rules.

This is allowed in all provinces and territories. Your permit is usually good for only the porvince or territoriy you are in however.

Open carry is also permitted without the defensive handgun course. It is allowed country wide as well for the perpose of defense against predators(bears). Howerver even though the entire country can have this only the province of BC and the territory of the Yukon give this permit. I know my province of NB will NOT.

Went to the sheriff's dept., filled out paperwork, paid $10, sentoff application w/ $15 to ISP, received permit in 2-3 weeks. Good for 4 years. Life is good in Indiana.
Colorado, As stated previously permits are issued at the county level. Mine cost around $25 bucks including fingerprinting. I spent $125 on a defensive class that I could have gotten my permit without but training and documentation never hurts to have. Restrictions are of course Post Offices, Court houses and other Govt. Buildings. The Alchoholic beverage rule was not stated but I generally find it better to just obey that one even if it's not true. I wouldn't want to get caught in a barfight with a concealed firearm on me.
In California, getting approved for CCW is a function of where you live and who you are. Some Counties in the rural part of the state could care less as long as you are a resident w/o some sort of problem with the law. Others say no one(but I'm sure there are exceptions like DiFi and Perata). Most counties are in between. The hardest issue with most people is the fear of applying and being rejected. It took me ten years from saying I should get one to actually trying. The first thing is getting past those who may choose to say their agency doesn't issue or will only if you carry large sums of money, blah, blah, blah. Go up the chain of command until you find someone that actually knows CCW and discuss the issue. Dennis Kennedy has some cause statements, he has a link at

foghorn are the restrictions for bars and schools on your permit? Unless your issuing agency restricts you California has no objections to carrying in either of those locations. MWT

I'm 19. Not only can I not get a Michigan Concealed carry permit, (at least not under the new law, even though I live in the gun friendly UP) I can't even buy a pistol from a dealer. My one handgun was bought from a friend of mine, who, by the way, is a FFL, but it was a private sale.
In Alaska. Just completed my CCW course 12 hours ago. Have to turn in a photograph, fingerprints, costs about $200 total, and the 14 hour course I just took. Had to take a 25 question true/false test and the EASIEST shooting test you'll ever see. Had to make 7 of 10 hits to a silhouette at 7 yards and 6 of 10 at 20 yards. Alaska is a "Shall Issue" state so you don't have to brown-nose the local troopers.
Utah is shall issue. I can't remember the cost of everything, but between the class, liscense, photos, etc. It was about $150. Good for 5 years I believe, with a low renewal fee. But I would have to go get my permit and look.

On my permit it says I can't carry in a national park, school grounds, courthouse, commercial airport facility, or when under the influence of alcohol or medication or drugs.

Not sure why I thought I couldn't carry in a bar. I think that was mentioned in the class.

I also just found out that my sheriff won't renew the license for any guns not on the CA "approved" list. While I think this is bad overall, it does give me an excuse to give my wife for needing new guns.
I'm aware of a stamp with some of those conditions. I can't believe you need to buy a new handgun to comply with that POS law. Please understand you can apply to change your restrictions. I started out with restrictions and after a few years had them removed when getting a renewal. MWT
I will be moving to Iowa next year to attend the Doctoral program at the University of Northern Iowa. I have a carry permit in North Dakota and I am wondering about my options. I know South Dakota will grant an out of state permit, though North Dakota won't. I was hoping I could maintain North Dakota state residency and still get a permit in Iowa, does anybody know if that is possible?