Concealed carry...... Where do you live?

Also from Reno, Nevada.

just a note: It IS legal to carry on or into school property and public buildings (like the police stations)if:

A: A sign or metal detector is NOT posted at EVERY entrance to the building, or

B: If you have written permission from the person in control of the building (i.e. principle).

There are no laws against having a firearm "near" a school here. Or a hospital for that matter.

As far as the Clark County serial number thing, I think that would violate state pre-emption laws. Only the state may decide what information a local agency may request, but I could be wrong.

Unfortunately, Nevada doesn't recognize out-of-state permits, and does not offer non-resident permits. Yet.

Shall Issue. You must take a course that lasts no more than 8 hours and "qualify" (shoot 50 rounds and keep it on a huge piece of paper).

Take the certificate of training to the Sherriff's office with $100 for the OSBI, $15 fingerprint fee that they do there, and 2 passport photos. Wait no longer than 90 days and then it's good for 4 years. Renewal is cheaper but I can't remember how much.

Florida, Here in FL it is all done by mail,you need photos, fingerprinting and proof of gun instruction. Nonresidents may hold also! Stu Gotts
Hey, denfoote, after reading that I don't know about AZ being "shall issue". I don't cotton to no booklearnin' bein' attached to mah raghts! (okay, I was kidding)

I'm from rural Georgia (meaning the part other than Atlanta). License took a few bucks, a 15 second questionaire and a print of my triggerfinger. About a month wait. Renewed last November for about 15 bucks. I know this may not pass the common sense test for some other folks, but I like having nothing besides a background check for a permit. I'm paranoid enough to think that the Atlanta PD's would make the test damn near impossible, and out here in the sticks the target would be an old VW beetle parked 5 yards away.
Here in Idaho, we are an open carry state, though I rarely see anyone doing so, at least in town. CCW is shall issue, no carry in courthouse or schools, as far as I know resturants and bars are not restricted. Basic safety training req'd (I think the hunter safety course applies), $56 initial cost for 4 years, $40 renewal. Coolray, WA is Pi$$ing me off, ID grants reciprocity to WA for CCW, but WA does not for ID residents.

"Contrary to what I hear with the bad things in Kali, I found the San Diego Sheriff's office to be quite friendly. I remember leaving my interview and somehow knowing that I would be approved. 6th sense."




When I moved to San Diego 4 years ago from TX, I was told
by several different gun shops and FFLs to not even bother
applying for a CCW as it would be a waste of time. Maybe
not the most reliable source for info, but all seemed to
say the same thing.

How were you able to get a CCW permit?
Do you live in rural San Diego county (I'm in city limits)
or have a job that requires you to carry lots of
cash or work late hours? Or, was I given bad information?

Any insight as to the requirements or circumstances
that would qualify one to get a permit in San Diego
would be appreciated.


I live in CA and have my CCW. Applied to Sheriff in my county (rural area, by CA standards, in central valley). Permit is good statewide, except Federal Buildings, Courthouses, Schools, National parks, and bars.

1. background check, fingerprint
2. 16 hour class
3. test (very easy)

Whole process took 2 months, and cost just under $200.

This is the second county in CA where I've had a permit. The first one was Sacramento county about ten years ago.
Florida also. As Stu Gotts said, its all done my mail. Supposed to get it within 90 days. I got mine in 75 days. But they misprinted my birthdate. And, after two years, the replacement is so fuzzy (picture and print), its hard to read now... I'm getting ready to ask for another replacement.
People's Republic of Massachusetts:

May issue state (if shief likes you, you get a permit)
Since requirments for CCW are so restictive (must demonstrate a need, take a class, but no exams), carry is allowed everywhere in the state, exept federal buildings.
You can carry is schools, if chief security officer allows (written permision). Restaurants, bars and night clubs are also not restricted, unless thy have their own policy and measures to enforce it (some night clubs have metal detectors, but once you show them your permit, they let you through anyway).
You can carry any number of handguns on you, as lond as they are concealed.
Permit fee is 20 bucks and that's for 4 years.
In MA, carry laws are designed mainly for LEO, so few civilians who do carry ( :) ) enjoy relative freedom do do so as they wish.
Tennessee permits are now $115.00.

But renewals are only $50. :)

New applicants must first complete a NRA-certified course consisting of four hours of classroom work [HEAVY emphasis on liability issues] and four hours of range work.

What say all us Tennessee TFL'ers get together? There are proposed changes to the law this year that we should discuss and support. If you're a member of TFA you know what I mean.

I'll be happy to coordinate...I'm in Middle Tennessee and travel to East Tenn. regularly.
South Carolina

Shall Issue. It takes an eight hour training class, fingerprints, 3 photos, and $50.00. Wait about 90 days and a permit is yours, provided you passed the background check.

Permit holders are also exempted from NICS when purchasing a firearm. :)

We are restricted to only one handgun purchase in a 30-day period. :(
Oregon is shall issue state.

$35 safety & legal-issues course. Very general, no shooting qualification. $65 for first 4 years, $50 for consecutive 4 year periods. Pretty liberal provisions for carry. Just the usual restrictions: Courthouse, Federal property, businesses that post a sign disallowing carry (I've only seen them on a couple of gun shops).

There are two bills going through our state legislature: One to ban carry in places that serve alcohol, and one to ban carry "while under the influence of intoxicants." It does not state that you have to be behaving in a dangerous, reckless or illegal fashion. Simply that you are in possession. Strangely, it includes in the definition of "intoxicants" any "controlled substance." So, if you happen to take a prescription drug like Tegratol (a pain medication, from what I can tell from the 'net), you could be arrested at any time you were in possession of a firearm.

These were drafted by state Senator Ginny Burdick, our wannabe Dianne Feinstein. Obviously these "no-tolerance" laws would leave CHL holders defenseless in some restaurants. She is also planning to prohibit CHL holders from being on school grounds. See: Early stands on gun bills portend legislative battles

More info available from OFF via my signature.
Hey BarrySDCA and foghorn and other Californians with CCW!!!

I am intrested in your "cause statements" for needing to CCW in Calif.


email me if you wish...

Jerid Johnson
Kentucky is a shall issue state. There is a two day class with a $75 fee. this class covers the places you can't carry, explains the right to defend yourself, and you have to shoot at a man sized target at 7 yds.

After passing the class you receive a certificate in about 3 weeks. You take the certificate to the sheriff's office with a picture and pay a $60 fee. In about about 3 weeks you can go back to the sheriff's office and pick up your permit.

The permit is good for five years and you can carry anywhere except bars, schools, courthouses , jails, day care centers, churches, and federal property. (i hope i didnt miss any).

You can carry anygun or combination of guns you can conceal. you can also carry other weapons that would otherwise be illegal, such as, large knives, billy clubs, throwing stars, nunchucks, ect.

The crime rate is really pretty low in Kentucky and I have heard that it has went down even more after the ccw law was passed in 1996.
I spent $125.00 for a ten hour class that includes a written & a proficiency test on a blue silhouette target at a local range. The fee for a four-year license is $140.00. Depending on what the instructor offers on the class package, additional expenses will be for 50 rounds of ammo for the proficiency test, passport size photos, a trip to your local sheriff's office for fingerprinting and certified mail with return card (which for me is a must) when you mail out the application package.
You undergo an extensive background check starting from your local law enforcement up to the FBI. Processing time if I remember it right took about 8 to 10 weeks.
Have a good day.

[Edited by WilDJ on 01-19-2001 at 09:32 AM]