Concealed carry...... Where do you live?


New member
It seems that many people on this msg brd carry concealed weapons..

Where is this permitted?? What are some of the courses/checks you have to pass to be permitted?

I live in California and could only dream of this becomming legal.

Has the crime rate been affected by allowing citizens to CCW in your state??
Permitted just about anywhere except gov't buildings and in an establishment that gets more than 50% of it's income through alcohol (Many Coloradans will disagree with what I just said, but in Co the permits are handled county by county, and I asked I asked my county Sherrif (not a deputy, the Sherrif) about carrying in a restaraunt that served alcohol. He advised that the 50% rule was good rule of thumb in our county and he wasn't going to nit-pick. He's very pro-gun)
Checks/courses...basic background check, and proof of training (NRA Pistol course, DD Form 214, or others).
This is a pretty low crime state, and I'm not sure if crime has gone down much, but I'd like to know. Colorado just isn't as good of a barometer of such things as Florida (or other high crime states) is.
Alabama, where the State Constitution includes RKBA

Strangely, Alabama has no training requirement, although I have completed 16 hours of training. All I had to do to get a permit was drive to the County Sheriff's Office, fill out a 4x6 application card with usual personal info, including make/model/serial number of my handgun, my driver's license number, and why I wanted it. "Personal protection" is considered a reasonable response in my county.

A week later, I went back to the sheriff's office and picked up the permit and paid the $20 for the year (fees range by county apparently, the fee may be as low as $1).
I read the laws before I applied for the permit. Some of them are interesting, given what I have learned about some other states. For example, no training req't, out-of-state permits are not recognized, etc.

Concealed weapons are not allowed at courthouses, public protests or in K-12 schools or school buses (though the law says something like "forbidden if you intend to do harm") and a few other places. I didn't notice the thing about alcohol, but I don't frequent those sorts of places anyhow.
I live in Texas. I'm a Border Patrol Agent so I don't need a state permit, however I thought you would be interested in an incident that caused a big push for Texas' concealed carry law. There was a mass shooting at a Lubys in Killeen. Several of the law abbiding patrons had their guns locked in their vehicles and watched helplessly as the shooting occured. And since Texans think a little differenlty than most people on the left coast there was a push for concealed carry instead of more inefective gun control laws.
I live in Virginia, in the Fairfax area.

You can't carry into schools, churches, many gov't buildings, or bars or restaurants that serve alcohol for consumption on premises.

Businesses can post signs saying no CCW on this property, but in the 5 years since "shall issue" passed in Virginia, I've yet to see one on a private business.

I also have my out-of-state permit for Pennsylvania. Pretty much the same strictures apply.
I'm from San Diego. The only places not permitted are court houses and "any place who's primary business is selling alcohol for onsite consumption" (ie. bars). The permit is valid state wide. Mine goes in two year terms and cost around $140, if I remember right.

I guess I should add that you have to go through a 16 hour (I think) training course. You then go down to the Sheriff's administrative offices and apply in person, going through a short interview in the process. You are then sent to do a range qualification at the sheriff range downtown. After that you hurry up and wait while they decide if they want to issue you one or not (CA is may issue). Mine took four months and it was in my mailbox.

Contrary to what I hear with the bad things in Kali, I found the San Diego Sheriff's office to be quite friendly. I remember leaving my interview and somehow knowing that I would be approved. 6th sense.


[Edited by BarrySDCA on 01-17-2001 at 12:03 PM]
I'm from Reno Nevada, and here you have to attend a safety and basic use course and pass a shooting test. Then, a background check is performed and if that is passed, the county must issue a permit by law. The permit is good for 5 years, and two weapons that must be listed on the card by make and model. I believe in the Las Vegas area (Clark County) there is a requirement for serial numbers to be registered. IT is good at all places except buildings occupied by federal agencies, schools, and most state local government buildings, and there I believe they must provide a locker. But, you can carry open in all counties and most towns sans permit, but it is not commonly done in the more populated areas.
Concealed carry...... Where do you live?

I live just outside of Atlanta,Ga issue here is by county,
pretty much same rules apply, gv't buildings, churches, bars
schools ect. Cost is about60.00 dollars. Depending on county
the background check can take up to 6 months, I got mine in
about 40 days. No training is required but I think that there should be some required...

As my handle states, I'm in central Alabama like my friend
Amelia.:D The only thing I would like to say is that in my
county (Jefferson) our pistol license actually declined; from the $20.00 that Amelia paid, to $7.50 for a year.:)

***FootNote: Alabama law states that a sheriff of one county
cannot issue a pistol license to a resident of another county. So, if you live in Etowah County, the sheriff of
Mobile County cannot issue you a pistol license.

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member
I'm in Virginia also.....

I took a one time handgun safety course that cost about $60, filled out and passed a criminal backround check, and paid $15 dollars for the permit which is valid for 5 years. It is renewable for another $15 fee. The only problem I have with the Virginia CCW laws is as stated above you may not carry into an establishment that serves alcoholic beverages. I am always having to stash my roscoe in the car when going out to eat since most eateries also serve alcohol. I really like the Colorado 50% rule already mentioned.
I am from Arizona, which is a "shall issue" state. This means that if you take a 16 hour class, pass a written examination, a shooting proficiency test, and a background check, and pay the $50 fee, the law says that the state has to issue the permit. Arizona also has been an open carry state since it's begining, so it is kinda hard to judge whether, or not the concealed carry law has affected the crime rate. Move here, and your dream will come true!!!;) We are right next door!!!!:D
I live in Iowa. Some counties issue them, some don't. It depends on the sheriff.My county has a history of electing sheriffs who feel it is your right to carry until proven otherwise. I took a three hour safety course and a two page test,paid $10.00. Yearly renewal is $10.00. Good anywhere in the state. Took about a month to get the paperwork back from the state. Aparently the state has the option to over-ride the sheriff because we were told NOT to put down "self defense" as our reason for wanting a permit. A lot of us put down " makes it easier to transport weapons to and from gun club". A lot of people don't realize how hard it is to transport firearms without breaking SOME law. Our sheriff does. We are rural and the crime rate is historically low. The sheriff probably knows 75% of the residents by sight. We have had two murders in the last five years(not residents) and three months ago a man was robbed and assaulted at gunpoint in a town nearby, pop. less than 1000. We carry ocaisionally and the permit makes gun buying a five minute deal every time. No NICS check. There is no weapon listed on my permit. I can't figure out why that should be a requirement. You could carry a different gun every day of the year,but it has to remain CONCEALED. That is how it should be. We both have a little more peice of mind now when my wife travels to the BIG CITY knowing she has a snubby and knows how to use it. It's like any other insurance; you hope you don't need it, but it's best to have it.
I'm in NH. $10 gets me a permit for 4 years, no classes or training required, just a criminal background check and 3 personal references. No carry in government buildings or on school grounds.
RikWriter - it is now 32 since Michigan just joined the list of "shall-issue" states. Colorado also stands a good chance of joining that list this year.

Texas - Spend about $100 on a ten hour class, another $120 (I think - going from memory on permit cost) for a four-year permit. If you stop by the Texas DPS website, there are enough specifics on the concealed carry law to satisfy anyone.

[Edited by Bartholomew Roberts on 01-17-2001 at 11:20 AM]
Tennessee, Shall Issue

here we have carry permits so open carry is legal but not recommended by most, governmemt buildings are a no no, as well as anyplace that sells alcohol, a severe limitation (grocery stores, conveinence stores, restaurants with beer liquor, yada yada) , there is a bill to change this so that as long as the person is not drinking him or herself you can carry in these places

as I recall it was close to $200 with application fee, permit fee, and fingerprint fee, but my memory needs an upgrade
AndABeer, In east TN I paid $50 for the training course and $100 for the CCW, good for 4 yrs. Just renewed for another four yrs. and it was $50. The training course I went through was pretty lame and dangerous. The instructor(local police chief) openly told us to carry concealed until we got our permits--no-no under TN law and other questionable things. The actual course range section was down right scary. One group of instructors at the scoring table you encountered first, telling all applicants(having 35 applicants show at the same time on a 10 lane range) NOT to load magazine or firearms until you actual get on the firing line, the people actually running the line, then telling those waiting their turn to qualify to load up. I looked at my wife who was getting her CCW as well and said keep your eyes open and alert, lets do our qualifying shooting and get the hell out of dodge, this isn't a safe place to be! Sure enough, there was an AD on the line, thankfully no one was injured...
Here in Washington State all you need to do is plunk down $60 ($28 for FBI background check 1 time fee) fill out a sheet of paper,they Print you wait about two weeks and your legal. Idaho and Montana and Oregon grant Reprosicity so I can carry leaglly wherever I go in the NorthWest.

I carry the Dept. Of Justice Laws about CCW in my brief case incase some deputy somewhere tries to jack me up. It explains the CCW totally for the State of washington.

Like most states I cannot carry near or In schools waiting outside for my kid with my gun is also A no no,Govt buildings, Federal Installiations (I service the National guard).

My permit is good for 5 years renews for $32 and with the CCW I can buy a pistol and there in no waiting period. and no law like CA I can buy as many as I want :D Just wish I had more $$$$

Apply at your county sherrif, provide 2 passport photos and $19. If you pass the backround check they MUST issue the permit. Don't carry in Federal bldg.,county courthouse(they provide lock box) and while it isn't spelled-out don't carry in schools. Also state parks are verboten. No course requirements.