Concealed Carry: What works for you?

Couple thoughts.

First, one's ability to draw quickly and to shoot the gun effectively should not be compromised too much in favor of concealability.

And second, while many are enamored with the ubiquitous five shot revolver, if one puts one on a table next to a fairly compact semi auto, one might surprised at how little difference there is in size.
Old Marksman,

You hit that one right on the head. I absolutely find" almost" no difference between carrying my SP 101 2.5" 357 and my Glock 19 in the inside the waist holster.
I prefer the Glock and 15+1 which outstrips a 5 shot revolver. I'm tall and slim
& I found that I can carry both easily and well concealed. Both are easy to pull quickly.
Depends on the day but as I live in an open carry state and if I am going somewhere that doesn't ban it then it's OWB with my M&P 40c in a Desantis Pancake holster. A t-shirt covers good enough so don't get any looks and don't care if I did.

For pocket carry it's an LC9 with Crimson trace laser in a Desantis Pocket tuk.

Sooner or later one of my M&P Shields will make it in the rotation.

State allows open carry but limits mag to 10 rounds so compact or sub compacts is what I end up carrying. Keep the fills size stuff for the range.
i regularly enter facilities that prohibit firearms, which must be unloaded and locked inside my vehicle. (Emphasis added.)

Just curious if that is a law in your jurisdiction or your personal preference.
I've had my carry permit for 2 years or so. I'm 27 now. 34" waist and 5'7.

My first carry gun was a S&W M&P 40 full size. I carried it IWB in the small of back area. I stopped carrying that way when I realized it was very difficult to draw if sitting down.

I've moved through a lot of guns. Now I carry either a Ruger LCP, a Ruger SR40C, or a CZ P07, and an extra magazine for whatever I'm carrying.

I still carry IWB now strong side.

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I'm a pocket guy.

I first started carrying concealed in the early 80's used a Freedom Arms .22 mini-revolver, always in my front pocket. I then upgraded to a NAA mini-revolver in .22 magnum, bought in 2007. Both of these guns were very comfortable to carry, often forgot they were there, had to put my hands on them a few times when an attack seemed to be coming, the crooks seem to back off when you begin to focus on them and put your hand into one's pocket to grab the butt of the gun.

Tried a Raven P-25 semi-auto pistol, all metal, in the 80's was too heavy, so used an inside belt holster. I tried my Glock 19 for pocket carry, too big and heavy, have moved from the mini-revolver to the mouse guns like the Ruger LCP and Kahr CW 380, much more fire power than the small revolvers, and comfortable in the pocket.

Really, though, pocket carry works the best, no risk of anyone seeing a metal clip on a belt.
At my stage of life I'm not carrying anything that I'm going to need suspenders to hold my pants up. I'm not wearing a Batman utility belt with a knife, spare mags or speedloaders and a ring of keys to balance the other side?:eek:
Now all I do is drop my LCP in my jeans pocket or my jacket pocket no muss, no fuss.
I only carry to get myself out of a jam not fight a war!;)
Just my thoughts! :)
[QUOTEloknload At my stage of life I'm not carrying anything that I'm going to need suspenders to hold my pants up. I'm not wearing a Batman utility belt with a knife, spare mags or speedloaders and a ring of keys to balance the other side?
Now all I do is drop my LCP in my jeans pocket or my jacket pocket no muss, no fuss.
I only carry to get myself out of a jam not fight a war!
Just my thoughts! ][/QUOTE]

you are better armed than 97% of people out there and if you know how to use it 99%
Outdoors in winter, almost anything goes. A 4" 629 with Pachs made a wonderful coat pocket carry. A 4" M&P 9 rides nicely in a Safariland GLS paddle holster which covers well with even a loose hoodie. Has a great draw. I have a DeSantis IWB kydex for it as well but haven't decided if that is going to work for me. It's a pretty abrasive pistol.

In summer, my Kel-tec P-11 is a fave. Works well in jeans pocket and also fits perfectly into a cheap Molle phone belt pouch. Holds muh phone too. I've considered something like an LCP but the Kel-tec seems to handle pocket pistol duty very well.
Browning 1911-380. Its small enough to carry but its not too small, like I find most of the 380 pocket guns to be. Its my carry gun, my car gun and my range gun. It does it all.
Recently, I tried a Kimber Micro and a little Sig and I didnt really like them because my pinky finger didnt rest on the grip. Id have had to get an extended mag or something, or I could just keep shoot my Browning as-is.
Glocks: 19, 26 or 36 in a High Noon Holsters Tail Gunner on a Bullhide Belt. Or a Sig 938 in an Alien Gear IWB.
Currently, a LC9 or SP-101 in either a IWB or OWB pancake holster. Sometimes, I pocket-carry the LC9.

I've carried larger (SD9VE), but I prefer my current rotation.
Shield 45 in owb holster a 3/4 oclock and a spare mag on weak side.
My job allows for shirt out so owb works. I have an iwb as well for the times my attire requires it.

S TX so I dont need a winter/summer gun same one yr round.

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Nothing works best, unless you dress the same every day.
My days are never cookie cutter, never the same. Never wear the same stuff. I rarely drive the same car all week. I have to improvise sometimes.

Mostly it's IWB. I have a shoulder rig for other situations as well as a couple of other methods. A good belt is a great foundation. I have never owned a gun belt that was originally meant for guns. I can't bring myself to spend $100+ On a piece of leather, but you can expect to spend more than $12.99 for a good belt.
I got my PT709 when I was 21, carried IWB at about 4 o'clock and it was easily concealable and didn't affect my choice of wear, for the most part. When I got a job, I couldn't carry into work and I was wearing tucked in button up shirts, so I stopped for a long time. Now that I've moved to CO, I don't wear tucked in shirts (usually), but I haven't gotten a permit yet, so I can't carry regardless. When(if) I do get a permit, I'll go back to IWB at 4 o'clock.

However for those days I need to wear a button up tucked in, does anyone have any suggestions?
My job switched to some thin plastic polo type shirts, had to tuck them in. No way possible to conceal in that clingy thin fabric, so I pocket carried at work. I even "invented" a holster for carrying a pistol in a cargo pocket.

I pretty much gave up on carrying at work in the last 10-12 months.
LCP in a Desantis Nemesis since 2008:

I've long been a proponent of carrying as large a gun as I can. Spent a lot of time carrying a Kimber UCII, Full Size 1911, Glock 19, M&P 9 FS, SIG C3, and most recently a CZ P-07.

I'm most comfortable with the G19-CCO size gun with a four inch barrel.

But. I have to say. I finally picked up a Shield for the heck of it and I can't get over how well it shoots and carries. My splits are a little slower, but nothing catastrophic and nothing that can't be attributed at least party to unfamiliarity with the gun.

I absolutely can carry a P-07 size handgun comfortably and I still do. But as easy as it is to carry that gun, it's still far easier to carry the Shield. I don't know. I have to say that I'm considering going with that smaller gun. We'll see.