Concealed carry in girlfriends purse?

Stressfire said:
Even then, according to Ohio law at least, any concealed weapon must be contained in a holster of some sort even with purse-, pocket-, car-, anywhere-carry. If caught, she would likely be charged with illegal possession & concealment of a handgun (felony) and you would lose your weapon most likely permanently.
That's certainly not the law in my state, and it's the first I've heard of it for Ohio. Can you provide a link to the actual statute that says that?
Just rechecked, AB, and I stand corrected.

Holster is only "required" if in a car if you are carrying on your person, otherwise has to be in an enclosure of some sort (glove box).

No requirement to have a holster if your concealing on your person on foot. Perfectly legal to carry in a pocket, purse (but not your wife's), or duct taped across your left man-boob while out and about (as one OCC member stated).

Edit: By perfectly legal, I mean that there is no law stating that it is illegal
That's a well known gang tactic,,,

The gang-bangers in Tulsa are well known,,,
For having their girlfriends carry their handguns.

Of course it's illegal and they don't care much,,,
But it keeps them (the dudes) out of jail.

For seven years as a student and the next six years as staff,,,
I've been carrying a messenger style book bag,,,
I'm thinking of making a nice leather one,,,
And incorporating a pistol pouch in it.

My lady friend carries one named "The Pax",,,
Apparently our very own PAX had something to do with its design.

So if I make one,,,
What would I call the bag?

The Curmudgeon?

Hello Stressfire,,,

Perhaps for that design aarond, call it the American Pallbearer?

Ya know,,,
That's not bad.

I know my friends already call the bag I own a "man purse",,,
They all shorten it's sobriquet to "Murse".

It sure would be nice to carry my full-size pistol,,,
Instead of the mouse guns I usually pack.

Hey Spiff,,,

I haven't seen you here in a while.

Actually I would buy one if they made one that looked like a satchel,,,
Unfortunately they are all definitely women's purses.

I just need to get off my dead @$$ and make one,,,
I've been slow on all my leatherwork lately,,,
For some reason I've been unmotivated.

I carry the satchel anyways (in an oh-so-manly manner),,,
Why not have one to accommodate my CZ-75B.

Thanks egor20,,,

That's more like what I would like to have,,,
That particular one isn't wide enough for my use though.

The reason I still lug around that old satchel bag of mine,,,
Is because I carry a lot of stuff on a daily basis.

Ten years ago you couldn't have forced me to carry a bag,,,
But when I became a student I needed something,,,
And I hate wearing a da__nable backpack.

Thanks for that reference though,,,
It did give me a design idea.

But wait!

I was thumbing around through their website and found this,,,
GTM-0155 Coming Soon - Men's Concealed Carry Briefcase

That's very close to what I use now,,,
I want to see one of these up close and personal.

Thanks again for the reference eqor20,,,
You have probably saved me a lot of work. :)

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Amusing answers to serious question

I see many amusing answers here, but the OP reminded me of a question I have. What are the options for a man to carry concealed? I live in central Texas where it is very often 100+ degrees. Many people try to dress as lightly as possible to deal with the heat. Shorts and t-shirt is my favored attire between April 1 and October 30. Light clothing presents a problem concealing anything other than the smallest pocket pistols. Fanny packs would work, but are cumbersome and somewhat questionable. Backpacks tend to get awkward also. The only bags I have seen that don't look somewhat feminine are laptop bags and that turns into serious luggage. I wouldn't want to carry anything that could be called a "man purse", not because I have any insecurity issue, but it does attract attention. I suppose I could resort to carrying several different things depending on the circumstances, such as backpack, lunch bag, briefcase, etc. I am sure this is probably the solution some guys take. I think however that carrying the same concealment device would be better if one ever got into a stressful situation where he had to go for his gun, rather than fumble around looking for it. Women do have it going for them that they have their concealed carry bags mass produced and marketed for them. Still wouldn't want to be one though.
aarondhgraham said:
My lady friend carries one named "The Pax",,, Apparently our very own PAX had something to do with its design.

Sorry to disappoint, Aarond, but you're mistaken on this one. The Galco "Pax" purse is named for Paxton Quigley, the woman who wrote Armed and Female about a million years ago. I'm not her.

My lowercase username of pax has nothing to do with my real-life name. I hadn't ever heard of Paxton Quigley when I chose it. There wasn't a TV channel by that name at the time, either, and I'd never heard of the anti-gun group by the same name. Rather, I chose pax because it is the Latin word for peace. It serves to remind me to be more of a peacemaker online than I am by nature, and echoes my belief that without armed citizens willing to fight, no nation experiences peace for very long.

I have to be careful when driving and exiting, perhaps to pump gas. When the wife and gun are in the car-she is illegal-(no CPL) and my gun...

Be careful!!
Excellent way for your girl friend to become a convicted felon.

An attorneys wife in Arizona is/was in prison because the Attorney had a CCW. He had his pistol concealed in the car. During a traffic stop, he exited the car. The Police searched the car and because the Wife had access to the weapon she was charged and convicted if carrying a concealed weapon without a permit.

That is why my wife and I became CCW holders.
On occasions where we go hiking and take along our bird dog on a leash, she wears a double backpack (made for dogs) to carry her own bottled water and a fold-up canvas water bowl. I got tired of carrying water for both myself and the dog! There have been occasions where there was also a Walther PPK/S in the dog's backpack (to balance out the water of course). The dog has always been very level-headed and prudent, and has never brandished the weapon in a uncalled for manner. Everyone else in the party is either CCL or LE and might or might not be armed also. There are no Texas laws against a dog carrying a gun! It is well protected by the dog while in her care/custody/control. Someone asked me if I carried a gun while on vacation, I replied.."I have to carry everyday because of my job, I let the dog do it when I'm on vacation!" It wasn't a lie.
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How did you get your CCW and NOT already know the answer to that question?

I'm in PA, I didn't have to take a test or anything, just went to the sheriff's office and filled out an application. Then they gave some papers with basic rules but nothing really too specific. Which realizing now that I have questions that could potentially land someone in jail for me not knowing, I really think PA should have a test for CCW's, not just an application.

And It sounds like I'm gonna have to get her a CCW, I keep my gun in my glove box all the time and she is able to get to it. I didn't realize that was illegal. Is it legal if I get a car mount for my gun (I found some under the steering wheel and side of the drivers seat holsters online) and have it sitting in there and her be in the car without me? It's only illegal if it's concealed in the car right?