Concealed carry in church???


While I agree with you, most banks talk "customer service" and act "give us deposits" and most Churches talk "salvation" and pass the collection plate, I have no doubt that MOST practitioners see the church as seomthing completely different.

I don't want to disparrage anyone's beliefs or trample on their feelings, but, personally, I stopped going to my wife's family's church regularly a couple years ago when they started displaying a "thermometer" that was trakcing the progress of their $1 million dollar fund raiser to build a new church... Now they have their new building and everytime I go I think about the interest they could've been accruing on the $1 million tax free dollars they blew on the building... the message from the podium seems to sound the same as it did in the older (less than 10 yesrs old, BTW!!) building.

Either way.. I carry a gun when I go.
Does not FDIC stand for federal deposit insurance corporation? What does that have to do with the federal banking system? Banks that use FDIC are not Federal banks, not on federal property, so state law applies as far as I know. GLV
If you let the feds stick their finger in the pie, pretty soon they're gonna want to take a bath in it.
Any time the Fed Govt. get involved in any way, they always want to give you money. The problem is, once you take it, you're bought. If you object to one of their regs or ruleings, they threaten to yank the money.
(Can you imagine how this feels to a Banker?)

Your mind is your primary weapon.
Source: The Akron Beacon Journal

"A 17 year old Akron male has been charged with the attempted rape and robbery of a 71 year old woman inside a North Hill church.
The woman was kneeling in prayer at a pew at St. Martha Church 300 E. Tallmagde Ave about 7:30 yesterday when the teen came up behind her, exposed himself and then tried to sexually assault her, police said. The woman was able to fight the youth and get away, police said."

Ohio has no CCW law.
Akron has a law that limits the length of a knife blade to 2 1/2 inches, and locking blades, regardless of length, are illegal.
Happy ending? The "youth" (as the paper refers to this piece of garbage) is to be bound over and tried as an adult.

A free people ought not only to be armed but disciplined;
George Washington Jan 8,1790--There can be no doubt about the Second Amendment.
I just reviewd WA laws on CCW at <a href="" target="new"></a> and

1)Schools are off limits to carry but in your car picking up/dropping off studen is ok, so is locked in the car when on school grounds.

2)Court rooms / Judges chambers / other rooms used for conducting business of the courts are listed as off-limits but doesn't say anything about other county/city offices (eg: DOL, Revenue, etc.)... so I'm assuming/guessing the metal detectors at the doors are from some overriding federal restriction (only put in place after OK bombing.)

3) There isn't a single word about churches or banks having any restrictions at all. So, being a "reformed" christian (see Ken Cook above)I don't deal with the first, but I cash my checks carrying a .40.


Who is John Galt?
Since I participated inthe Easter Ritual with my Wife's family today and went to their Church, I, of course, got dressed up.

Left my Ugly Utilitarian Glock home and carried my Caspian Clark Meltdown in a Yaqui Slide. :)
I started carrying when I was 21, I'm now 49 and have AWAYS been armed since I first made the decission to carry with the exception of in court rooms and on airlines.

John - NRA - Lifer

<img src=>

1. No weapons in FDIC Banks? This is clearly not the understanding of the LEO's I know in my area. I have discussed concealed carry and banks with several of them and they never raised an eyebrow. Also, in the course I took before my license was issued this was not listed as a restricted place. I think your information is wrong. Banks are not federal property, and the federal government has no control to dictate gun laws therein.

2. You said "If a church is a place to re-affirm your beliefs... why do you continue to go to a chruch that pushes beliefs contrary to your own?"

This is a fascinating response. Most people believe that God is 100% correct, and they are striving to learn his ways and become more like him. If we went to church to reaffirm our beliefs many of us would go to churches that teach tax evasion, selfishness, speeding, lying, adultery, meanness, etc. We go to church to learn what our beliefs and actions should be.

Now to answer the question

At the beginning of Jesus ministry he told his apostles to sell their swords and concentrate on nothing but the ministry. Later, just before he was taken and crucified, he changed his position and told them to sell their coats and buy swords. Why the change?

I believe he knew the hardships that were going to befall his followers and he wanted them to have a fighting chance.

I think most church leaders go along with the liberal media type view towards guns and don't really evaluate the scriptures and the morality of the issue before declaring policy. I can find nothing but pro-self defense references in the scriptures. Self defense is an outright commandment from God. So, why should it be profane to carry tools of self defense in a house of worship? Doesn't make sense does it.

Now, a couple jokes that were posted elsewhere on this site by other folks, but fit this discussion. I appolagize for plagerizing, but they're so good.

Dateline Boston on a Sunday during Puritan times....
Brother Brown comes out of church and meets Brother Jones walking up the street carrying a musket.

Brown: Brother Jones! Whyfor doest thou carry thy musket on a Sunday? Doest thou not realize that if thy time has come, thy time has come?

Jones pauses, then replies: Verily Brother Brown, what thou sayest is the truth. But what if, perchance, I should meet with an Indian - whose time has ALSO come?

How about the Quaker who found a burglar in his house and pointed a shotgun at the intruder. "You would not hurt me," said the robber, "you are a Quaker."

"I would not harm thee for the world," replied the member of the Society of Friends, "but thou standeth where I am about to shoot."

Take care guys. Good discussion.

Steve Koski
Bulldog--thanks for the info re concealed carry in Texas churches. Please refer also to Section 46.035 (i) of the Penal Code, which reads:

(i) Subsections (b)(4), (b)(5), (b)(6), and (c) do not apply if the actor was not given effective notice under Section 30.06.

In other words, it's true that concealed handguns are banned from Texas churches [Subsection (b)(6)]--but the ban only applies if the church provides notice (verbally or by means of the standard posted sign) required in Section 30.06 of the Penal Code.

Effectively, this means that each church is free to ban or not to ban concealed handguns as it chooses. I don't know how many Texas churches actually post anti-gun signs--hopefully, not many.

Take care.
Like I said Steve, my info is that Federally insured banks are a No-carry zone.. also, as an LEO, I can assure you that LEOs are often the WORST source for info on CCW :).

As for the whole church thing... I don't know anyone who has talked to God, but if they do, I'll find out if they think he was 100% corrrect.. and I don't know anyone who really thinks the bible is 100% correct, even if they would like to think they do...

I think it is inane to go to a church that has beliefs contrary to your own... It is like TRYING to have your mind changed.. Why should any gun owner/carrier go to a methodist church if the methodist church is anti-CCW?? Habit? Family? They are "supposed" to? It is not because God or the Bible tells them to, if you think it is, I'd love for you to cite the referrence.

BTW- g. Gordon Liddy Reported last week that a Church in the south was held up on Easter Sunday.. An armed man robbed over 100 worshipers with a pistol. The flock was apparently unarmed sheeps. ;)
I'm a Christian, I carry All the time, my paryer closent is my shower, God has blessed me with a stanless steel handgun. My sunday-go-to-meeting gun is a 2.5 inch blued Dan Wesson M15 .357.

Church bans are fundamentally an assault on
religous freedom. Here is my rationale.

Bans on carry in states that allow should
be postulated on the presumed safety aspects of carry. That's why in TX we have the
51% ban for bars.

There is no intrinsic reason why carrying
is unsafe in church or synagoge.

The ban is an ideological statement about
the so-called sanctity of the place of

Thus, the state is making a statement of
how the church goers must behave when they
go to worship based on a variable that
has not safety aspects or compelling
safety reason for the state to intervene.

This violates religious freedom. Could the
state say you could not wear a hat?

Just my opinion


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