Concealed carry holders--What do you do for a living?

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Fire/Police dispatcher, 911 operator.

"Anyone feel like saluting the flag which the strutting ATF and FBI gleefully raised over the smoldering crematorium of Waco, back in April of ‘93?" -Vin Suprynowicz
I am a Mechanical Contractor Superintendent, Wife is a Contract Administrator for a General Contractor, Daughter is a Dental Hygenist, Brother is a Union Organizer, Cousin is a Secretary and her husband owns a vending machine business, Uncle is a retired College Professor, another cousin is a Security Gaurd, my best friend is an Acountant. We all have our CCW license.
Jim Hall
I'm a customer service rep. for a credit card company and also sale concealment holsters. :)

I'm a technical writer/editor for a company that provides computer software services to the Federal Government.

Prior to that, I started my career writing for a small daily newspaper in Central Pennsylvania, went from there to become Associate Editor of American Rifleman magazine for several years, and then went on to do advertising writing for a large financial institution.

My father is a Civil Engineer.

My mother is a former Registered Nurse and now runs her own busines selling rare and antique books.

My brother is an executive with a mid-size computer technology/sales company.

A very good friend of mine who has his CCW is the author of a number of scholarly books on religion and its place in society.
I am a former US Army Ranger. If you looked at me then, I met the stereotypical description of a gun owner. I had tattoos all over my body and dressed in camouflage. The funny thing is, the guns didn’t even belong to me at that time. They all belonged to Uncle Sam.

I first was working as a part-time physics teacher at a community college. The pay wasn’t very good but the joy of teaching people was unsurpassed. On the side, I worked for my friend’s web development company as a Java and Unix programmer.

Sadly, I wanted a nice house and some new high priced guns. That was when I took an offer to be senior engineer and manage the Applications and Systems engineering department for a fortune 500 company.

I go to work everyday in a sports coat and tie. Some days I wear suits. Low and behold, nobody views me as an evil gun owner. Yet, I am a proud holder of a PA CCW permit.

1911 Addiction
"Rangers Lead the Way!"
CNC Machinist/Programmer here. Never been all that "gung-ho", REALLY don't want to shoot anyone, and although I do have rather long arms, my knuckles do NOT drag the ground. (No matter what my ex-wife may say.)

Formerly Puddle Pirate.
Teach a kid to shoot.
It annoys the antis.
Fraud Investigator in Vermont - no permit required, but I'll answer anyway :D
Wear the coat and tie every day. Carry strong-side belt holster with SW99 or Sig 220 every day.


Die Wahrheit ist eine Perle. Werfen sie nicht vor die Säue.

Those that beat their swords into plowshares will plow for those that don't.
Librarian. My brother, also a concealed handgun licensee, is an architect. I know licensees in occupations from attorney to bus driver to schoolteacher to office worker--basically a cross-section of America.
Unix applications support analyst, work in the IT department of an oil and gas exploration and production company in Houston. (MS in geology, if it matters). Lots of folks here have TX-CHL's.

Glenn- several of my old profs (including my thesis advisor) that I still keep in touch with and even see from time to time have CHLs and are avid shooters. However, they're all in the hard sciences (as opposed to the squishy sciences) or math. I've always thought that might have had something to do with it.
Computer Tech (repair/consulting) in a small island computer shop by day, Recording and FOH Audio Engineer (live sound and studio recording/record production) by moonlight.

Other permitted buddies:

- Good friend and shooting buddy: general contractor (construction).
- another one: former full-time manager for a Seattle band, now works for Metro organizing construction projects
- yet another good friend and shooting buddy: high school teacher
- most of the folks at the sportsman's club (a large # of whom are aquaintances)...and none have fired in defense from their CCW, as far as I know.

Currently working on getting permits for:

- Best Man at my wedding: Full-time Reggae bass guitar player
- Wife: Chef (YES! :))
- Boss: computer tech/networking nut

All of the above are relatively sane. It's everybody else that's crazy! :D

- gabe

[This message has been edited by GRD (edited May 01, 2000).]
During a luncheon today, I found out a fellow manager in my company is also a CCW holder. He manages the Industrial Equipment Engineering Dept. Others I know are:

College Professor at University of Pennsylvania
College Professor at Franklin & Marshall
Both schools costs in excess of 30K a year.
15 co-workers that I know of. All are engineers or chemists
5 lawyers 1 of them is my neighbor
Fishing buddy who is a chemical engineer
Hunting buddy who is a AS/400 RPG programmer
Another friend who is a web developer
This list could go on and on. Most are professionals of some sort.
Me: Education attorney
Father: DOE information officer
In-law: International businessman
4 Colleagues: attorneys

None drag knuckles and all breathe through the nose. :)
I work in the computer repair business, I fix laptops during the day and trick out .45's at night! :) My wife is a paralegal who works for a firm that does foreclosers (she packs too).

"peace, love, joy, and happiness..."
Me, I'm a mugger. I also do drive-bys. Spend a lot of time in jail meeting guys who sell stolen guns.

Oh wait. You wanted to know who had a PERMIT to carry!

I carry without one. So do my buddies.
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