Colt&FN get M16 Contracts

Since Greg only knows what he reads, he should read "Heckler & Koch, Armorers of the Free world" by Gene Gangarosa Jr., which is written with the cooperation and assistance of HK. The G11 bankrupted HK, as the 0ctober 3rd 1990 reunification of Germany bashed any chances of recouping the millions
HK spent out of its own coffers on the project. Royal Ordnance promptly purchased them, and later sold them to To British Aerospace.
If you will turn to page 97 and 98 it clearly outlines the G36 is a refinement of the AR18 (which both Royal Ordnance and British Aerospace have manufacturing experience in, and the Royal Ordnance SA80 is based on.
This also allowed HK the contract to fix all of the SA80's in the British arsenal for needed operating capital.
"The G36 was designed with low cost in mind, and appeared at the right time,
and therefore prospered where the G11 failed"
The G36 is refered to as "evolution, rather than revolution"

The XM8 is just a G36 action in slightly updated clothes, and still has great amount of operating parts commonality. So they are very connected, and you can't talk of one and exclude the other.

So tell Us besides what you read on the internet and magazine articles, How many thousands of rounds you have put though these weapons....or what you may have pointed one at( I have pointed a G36, at a living person with full intent to kill if he didnt comply)

Lets see some pics of you with them..Here I am

Full auto, one handed with my issue G36KE1..they are controlable

and with the Rifles, Im the one in plainclothes with the P99 and badge on my belt.


If you want to throw a really good party, you use this whatchamacallit thats on my living room rug. :) James Sullivan did a good job on it.
Yep, good stuff. Still, the G36 (HK50 project) started in 1990. BAE bought them in 1991. The G36 clearly uses a derivitive of the AR18 action (which is well known). But, that has nothing to do with HK's purchase by BAE. Unless the guys at HK have perfected time travel tech. I fail to see how posing with a G36 or engaging in every classic logical fallacy changes that.
Come on Greg do tell us your experiance, you wouldnt want your fans to think its based on HK pistol use, a few hours of gun instruction and magazine articles. Royal ordnance purchased before BAE did. No time travel on that one at all. Bankruptcy is a bitch

and your doing classic avoidence, of your personal experiance that supposedly lofts you oh so on high....we want to know your worthy.(in the real world)

lets see, still in your 20's?
Law classes, finds it incredible that marijuana isnt as easy to get as a boob job. likes to shoot pistols, and read....dabbles in reloading, much to the demise of one of your toys..never been a soldier, cop, or mall ninja.
can lash others with a keyboard..does that about cover it? Fill us in.
That may be the reason Colt receives contracts as a small business.

Doubt it.

ets see, still in your 20's?
Law classes, finds it incredible that marijuana isnt as easy to get as a boob job. likes to shoot pistols, and read....dabbles in reloading, much to the demise of one of your toys..never been a soldier, cop, or mall ninja.
can lash others with a keyboard..does that about cover it? Fill us in.

Lighten up Francis, its just a gun debate.......:D

WildwhoawhoawewhoaAlaska TM
Yep, another one of those threads that just turned into who

could pee the furtherest.

On the face of it the % given are not decernable... Once you hit 99% something either way doesn't mean a whole lot and other factors become much more important... cost.. compatability... etc.

Bottom line is it's a government contract... of course everything about it is flawed.

I'm happy... 33million going through my state is a good thing.
Come on Greg do tell us your experiance, you wouldnt want your fans to think its based on HK pistol use, a few hours of gun instruction and magazine articles. Royal ordnance purchased before BAE did. No time travel on that one at all. Bankruptcy is a bitch

and your doing classic avoidence, of your personal experiance that supposedly lofts you oh so on high....we want to know your worthy.(in the real world)

lets see, still in your 20's?
Law classes, finds it incredible that marijuana isnt as easy to get as a boob job. likes to shoot pistols, and read....dabbles in reloading, much to the demise of one of your toys..never been a soldier, cop, or mall ninja.
can lash others with a keyboard..does that about cover it? Fill us in.

Ha. Nice try. I am also a nerd!

Seriously, there is no need to make it personal. I simply pointed out where you got your facts wrong. That doesn't mean I think you are a liar. It is easy for us to accept information that supports our position without confirming it (something I have NEVER DONE :D ) . You don't have to be a lawyer to think that facts are important. Your post is exactly why I like non-anecdotal evidence. People take these things so personally they are willing to abandon all pretense to reasoned argument and go straight into fallacious personal attack mode.


Oh man, I could totally pee the furthest. :D
You have to realize Im an officer of the court, and Im privy to standard tactics used by lawyers to change the subject, redirect, minimize, selectively omit,and make jabs...all the while offering nothing in return. I see what your doing. Textbook.

Now go ahead and admit what we know, and by ommission proven---you are in no position to be an expert, and you parrot heresay(as you folks so aptly like to point out)

you, have been making personal jabs all along..that too is textbook

its called:
1.if the facts are on your side use the facts.
2.if the law is on your side use the law
3. when neither is on your side, go after their credibility.

you have allready gone after mine...time to state yours :) or squirt more ink like an octipuss to cloud the issue.