collapsible batons?

tnx O6....yes...kinda. was looking for the SCU on the Piexon spray but otherwise,
yes. that comes as close to a 'standard' as one can get with OC. so with the
example you've referenced (HK's ASP spray) 10% @ 2m is so-so. tnx for the
tip :) .

The legality depends upon the state you live in.
For example, in Kentucky you can carry any weapon you want, short of a tactical nuke and its okay, so long as you have a CCW permit. House bill 40 covers knives, swords, pistols, karate weapons, etc...
God bless the Bluegrass State!!!!
(they have the enhanced Castle law too!)

In West Virginia you cant carry one (legally) even with a permit....
(And you can get sued if you shoot, stab, or beat up a home invader)....

Check with your state, and also attend an NRA refuse to be a Victim seminar if possible.....

Now, Grasshopper, let the Old Tengu From the Mountains give yuh the lowdown....

Pepper spray is generally worthless for a couple of reasons. Number one, it doesnt affect drunks much. Number two, it doesn't affect people on Opoids (Oxycontin, Hydrocodone, Xanax, Lortab, Furicet, etc) much. Number three, it doesnt affect crazy people much either.
Chances are, if you get mugged your attacker will be one of the three...Drunk, on drugs, or nutty.
If the biggest threat you have is a sane, tea totalling wimp, it might be a good choice...

You would be better off spraying him in the eyes with hair spray, bug spray or something else that has alcohol in it....Years ago ,a friend of mine in LE told me about a perp that got two whole cans of cap stun sprayed in his eyes and still fought...Till they grabbed some hair spray off a nightstand and gave him a face full.He screamed in agony and rolled on the floor, allowing the officers to cuff him. Turns out, it had alcohol in it, which burned his eyes bad.....
Screw him, the watch commander said...
Ah, the good old days!
Of the various pepper sprays, cap stuns, chemical agents etc. none of them is as effective as the original mace was, and that is no longer for sale...Everything else is a PC wannabe. Look for hair spray or bug spray with rubbing alcohol in it....
You can always claim you just had it on you and fought back as best you could.....

Even though an ASP baton may not be kosher in your neck of the woods legally, its not a bad idea as its carryable and concealable ....
As somebody who got knifed by a mugger in college, I can assure you if you fight them off, chances are they will run away. Remember, these are just street skells looking for an easy score, not a fight. Put up a fight and they generally seek easier prey...
If you fight off a mugger and you use an ASP to do it, chances are that neither the cops or the local prosecutor will care....
That is, if the incident is even noticed by police. Remember, muggers attack in remote areas where nobody is apt to see what happens....

If you lay a theif out with your fists or a stick or a can of bug spray just move on, unless there is a crowd of witnesses. If there is a crowd of witnesses scream for help at the top of your lungs and say things like "did you see him attack me? He attacked me," as people in crowds often are not paying attention. You would not want him to claim later that he asked you for $5 and you attacked him for no reason...
Another good reason to move on is that he might not be alone. Predators often travel in packs....While you are standing around waiting for officer friendly to fill out a report, some other pain pill eating scuzzball could come up behind you and scramble your brains with a crowbar or use your pancreas for dart practice with a switchblade.
Personally, unless I used a gun, I would just move on, unless there was acrowd around....
If I used a gun, I would call 911 immediatly and report the incident....and pray that I did not get sued into oblivion over some human drug incinerator who never worked a day in their life....
John Law will most likely pay closer attention to you if you use a gun, even WITH a permit, or if you use a sawed off pool cue, ninja weaponry or a stun gun than they would over an ASP baton....
Remember, most police are not experts on the law. I have seen law abiding citizens get greif over open carry because the (usually) young officer in question did not know this, that or the other state had open carry laws.
Chances are, they won't realize that the tactical type batons are considered verboten unless you make a big stink about it...
Or you could always carry a big Mag Light flashlight....
Its handy as Thors Hammer in CQB, and yet it doubles as a flashlight and it totally legal to boot. Thing is, its heavy.....