collapsible batons?


New member
I am a college student and often have to walk across campus at night. WHile i do feel safe having some sort of protection on me would be nice. guns are illeagal on campus, so i figured the next best thing would be a baton/asp, i can put it in my pocket or carry it when i walk home late at night.

My question to y'all is this, does anyone here have any expierence with these devices, and if so what type should i buy or what should i be looking for. I have seen steel and aluminum batons so i dont know which is best. Any advice would be nice.

personally, i prefer the steel units as the inertia is greater when deployed. who
knows when i may need to use this to break out a car window etc. but!
may also want to review your local laws before purchasing one, to see what the
ramifications are if carrying one in public. some locales have made this option
used to carry one in my school bag, steel three peice whip stick, belonged to my father who was a cop. I realized after a while, it was pretty useless unless it was on my belt, and even more so because i didnt have any training with it. Itd probably make a good deterrant if someone tried to rough you up, but other than that its useless unless you know what youre doing its just going to get you into trouble. Either excessive force or itll get taken away from you, and then youre in big trouble.

Side Note: If you want something to bust out car windows, get a centerpunch and keep it in your glove box or on your key chain, its hard to break a car window with a baton when youre upside down and underwater, my grandmother can apply enough pressure to break a window with a centerpunch.....course shes six four two fifty
Be Careful

Many states consider a baton an offensive weapon, and having on on you can be as bad as carrying a gun if you don't have a permit. Florida allows you to carry one with a concealed weapons permit, but Georgia did not.

A flashlight is a much better choice, like a big D-Cell Mag Light. They are cheaper, serve a dual purpose, and nobody can classify it as a weapon. Besides, it's heavy enough to really hurt.
batons rock. You DO have to be willing to use it though, and just wade in on someone. It is very difficult to withstand being whacked with one of these. I have seen them break up fights quickly.
Be careful; there are a lot of brands out there, and a lot of them are junk. I recommend staying with a true ASP, although they are a bit expensive.

Training with these is a must. We train hard with the ASP, and our training is full contact (red man).

You DO have to be willing to use it though, and just wade in on someone.
Mannlicher speaks the truth. I've seen too many guys swing these things half heartedly. You really have to be willing to put your weight behind it.
I would definitely check out the local laws regarding these weapons. If you are at college and cannot carry a firearm then a baton in my honest opinion is a better option than a can of seasoning. There are stories about how a guy was sprayed by police only to continue the assault and hurt somebody. You do have to train with it but it can be a very effective weapon. It also has a very effective psychological deterrant. I have a 16" ASP and it is very well made. you can adjust the tension pin to make it alot easier to open should that need ever arise. Please remember that a baton like any weapon is an extension of your body and therefore you must retain positive control over it or you will be the one getting cracked with it instead of the bad guy.
I would definitely check out the local laws regarding these weapons. If you are at college and cannot carry a firearm then a baton in my honest opinion is a better option than a can of seasoning.

Heheh, you must not have ever been sprayed with OC. I would rather get shot, seriously.
The Flavor of Pain

Yep. While it is an entirely acceptable additive to pizza sauce or anything else that needs to spiced up... it is god-awful to be sprayed with. I have caught errant droplets of the stuff on several occasions while working at concerts and let me tell you it is treacherous in the extreme.

I'm sure there are some masochistic types out there who could fight through the pain, but it's awfully hard to win a fight when you can't see your opponent. Trust me, it works.
For night use, I'm also in favor of the SureFire or other high-output tactical flashlights. My SureFire uses only 2 small lithium batteries but it's bright! The advantage here is that even a brief sweep over someone's eyes is dazzling enough to cause night-blind "spots" to allow you to move away. You can repeat several times or against multiple persons and you don't have to worry about which way the wind is blowing.

If you decide to use some kind of baton, however, I have the following advice;
1. Check your local laws and talk to your local PD about it first.
2. Buy quality - don't buy a cheapie "Made in China" unit.
3. Get one that expands to at least 24" or 28". (28" is police baton length)
4. See if you can get some training, ideally from a police officer or someone qualified to teach baton techniques.
5. Study and memorize the effective strike zones and methods.

There's a lot more to it than using it as a "thumper" against someone. Knowing not only where to strike, but how to strike is also important.
It's also important to learn how to break someone's hold on your baton before they can wrench it away.
Check your local laws. Too bulky to be carried everywhere (as a college student). Too offensive to be carried openly. To hard to use effectively without training.

OC spray fits the ticket. Small, legal, defensive.
Pepper spray

I think a cop would be more sympathetic to your side of the story by simply pepper spraying the guy, opposed to beating the crap out of him with a baton. BTW if we got in a fight and tide of the fight turned in my favor, I would be a lot less forgiving (fair fighter) if you were whailing on me with a baton for the first part.
Check your local laws. Too bulky to be carried everywhere (as a college student). Too offensive to be carried openly. To hard to use effectively without training.

Ironically I carried a cheap spring baton when I went to college. There was a side pocket in my backpack that it fit perfectly in. However it was heavy and when I dropped my backpack on my desk just the right way it was LOUD. Check your local laws ( baton are usually the same as a blackjack, in most state they are illegal to carry. You could carry a 4D mag light but this would be bulkier, and slower to draw from a backpack. While surefire's are OK, they don't help if you get mugged in daylight. OC or maybe a good Stungun (if legal in your area) may be the way to go.
Beter Choice

A better choice would be a pepper spray that combines the MCs(Major Capsaicinoids)/pepper + CS/"Military"tear gas from a quality manufacturer.Sabre products from Security Equipment Corp.(in business since 1975)for example, just make sure you get the pepper/CS combination(if legal) as they also sell "Red" sprays that are pepper only sprays.Manfacturer states this formulation is not legal for sale in HI.,NY.,and WI. They do have pepper only sprays in levals lll or ll that can be respectively legal for sale in all 50 states.The little P-22 model goes in my buttoned shirt,P3AT in my pants pocket,a serrated clip folder(seat belts in an emergency)when I leave my property.Inexpensive/comfortable personal insurance, add in a larger spray unit in the door pocket and or the larger unit, larger gun(.38 or up) in belt mounted bag, and a shotgun in the trunk/ behind the seat(all legally done/CCL) if going to/through risky areas.Batons are illegal in Oklahoma even with a CCL,but canes are legal and very good alternative in most locals.
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