Close in defense options

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Siggygirl: Whatever you decide on keep it to yourself. Suprise is important if you are to prevail. If a gun isn't possible, please consider a knife. You don't need to spend thousands on SECRET techniques. Michael Janich has excellant DVDs. A knife makes no noise, but you must learn to open a folder quietly, doesn't jam, run out of ammo, or require a permit. In OR knives are frowned on by LEO, but a female could pull it off. You can use the continuum of force to give a warning { after you have it against a body part }. The most important thing is don't let him see or hear it. His first clue may be a slice below his bellybutton with his guts falling to the ground. You'll have to change your attitude from one of fair play,give him a break type of thing to pure aggression. The key is SUPRISE,SPEED, RUTHLESSNESS,AGGRESSION,and DECEPTION. You have a lot of options, for ex. you could cut behind his knee as you walk away. Plus most men are protective of their private parts, so that is an excellant target. Sorry if this seems gross, but in your situation i'd go for it. Best, Lyle
As Eagle0711 mentioned about a knife, check your state regulations. Even with a CHL, some states still consider a concealed knife illegal.
I know, strange but true.
Dear Steam: Your'e correct. I live in ory-gun and the Sheriff,s office told me that I couldn't pack a knife with my CWP. Here it's socially acceptable your shoot an attacker if you are threatened with bodily harm. You can legally carry tactical folders or pocket knives. Anything with two edges, dirks, and butterfly knives are considered a dangerous weapon. They sell a lot of assisted openers so if they are not totally concealed they seem to be ok. I'd check the laws, I know a lot of cops don't even know. I don't know Siggygirls situation, but if a gun is out then a small razor sharp knife would beat nothing. I believe that If a female was in danger one could be deployed and be legal. Michael Janich addresses this subject, and his DVDs would be a good investment. If this were my daughter i'd surely help with what must be a difficult situation. Thanks, Lyle
Lyle, wow your description of defense with a knife woke me up this AM. It's funny how different types of lethal force inspire different feelings in me. A few months back I started considering a handgun for defense, not just pleasure. I trained some and felt ready. Then when I did some training with my shotgun and saw what buckshot did to the target, I saw a person instead and felt unsure if I could live with the aftermath. Strangely enough, same feeling with a knife. But when I think it through, dead is dead. Shouldn't matter much how I get them there as long as it was required. It took more reading and contemplation after the shotgun experience to fully accept (as much as anyone can) that dead is dead and sometimes it is going to be them or me. I choose them.

I did consider a concealed knife, of less than 3 inches. The good news is that I have decided on a multi-system completely feasible defense approach for the office. But like another poster suggested, I'm keeping it to myself. This thread was enormously helpful in me becoming prepared. Thanks all!
Knives need more training than firearms to be effective in SD situations. One of the biggest issues with knives is that females carry them, think they are safe, and are easily disarmed because they are overpowered and don't know how to use them. I've even seen females carrying the "wrong" type of knives (box cutters, flat edged 2-inch buck knives etc). The "right" type of knife is built for the purpose of maiming, has serrations (interesting bit, knives with serrations are much better stabbers because a flat edged knife will create a vacuum in the body and be extremely hard to pull out after the first stab), is fixed, and is as long as can be reasonably carried. Obviously laws get in the way of those last two, so most SD knives end up being 3-4" folders with serrations. Grips/handles are equally important.

I took a HTH course with a former Israeli Drill Sergeant. Part of the course was unarmed knife defense. He imparted some wisdom when it comes to knife attacks. There are only two types: HTH combat in a formal military setting, and crimes of passion. Crimes of passion is what we would focus on here. When you see a stabbing on the news, it's never the victim was stabbed three times, or 5 times, or even 10 times. They are always stabbed dozens of times. This is because if someone is stabbing someone else, it's because they are mad, heartbroken, drugged up, etc beyond reason. As been alluded to by other posters, knife crime is almost always extremely brutal and violent. But we can use this to our advantage. The biggest advantage is that rarely do people die from one stab. This takes time, is very noisy, and is usually something a person with a little knowledge can fight back against. In fact, this former IDF Sergeant claimed, it takes, on average, seven stabs to kill someone. Remember, this is a crime of passion, not a trained operative assassinating someone in the dead of night with a Rambo knife. They will not know where to stab (they probably won't care), how to stab, or how to defend should they meet resistance. They may try to use a non-SD knife in the attack, further limiting their effectiveness. Defending unarmed against a knife attack is surprisingly simple when you keep in mind those factors. But we aren't talking about a knife defense, we are talking about a knife attack.

I carry a knife, specifically a Leatherman Skeletool, with serrations. I would never dream of using it in self defense except as a very very last resort.

SD Knife classes are available. I know Glenn knows some people who do them, or at least I think I remember him posting something about it a while back. These classes are a necessity should anyone decide to carry a knife in self defense because of the intricacies and "personality" of knife combat.
Siggygirl,congragulations for making the effort to protect yourself. Other posters have offered you some good options. That's why wer'e here. The knife could work for you for many reasons. You should be on firm legal ground with the length described. You don't have to stab or slash if you choose not to. The knife can be used as a fistload to add power to a punch, or a pommel[ butt end ] strike. You don't have to worry about hurting someone in the next room. Even the blade allows you the option of a minor injury thru death. You can use your femininity to get close, and you probably know the male ego is easily exploited. The bottom line is have a plan and make sure it's them laying in the ground and not you. Sounds like you are headed for success. Good luck, Lyle
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