Civil you...

Would you give the cops your guns under N.O.'s circumstances?

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SomeKid said:
I would never give mine up for the sake of gun control.
Agree 100%

I would never give mine up because the gov was unprepared. (Especially since I already paid for their preparedness.)
Disagree 100%. As I mentioned in another post, hurricanes are unpredictable. You don't know if and where it is going to hit until about 2 - 3 days before hand. If Floridians ran around like chickens with their heads cut off every time a storm came near, nothing would get done in during hurricane season.

Preparing for a hurricane is very expensive. First of all, all the police officers have to look out for their own homes too (putting up shutters and evacuating their families). They have to buy the supplies just like everyone else (unless they are looting them afterwards :eek: :p ). Then they have to worry about mandatory evacuations and all the complications that come with it. This includes traffic control, the inevitable accidents, and shutting down the city. Another aspect is pleading and begging with the people to leave. Finally, theyhave to take down the names of those who chose to stay to notify their next of kin and have a tally for search and rescue. If you think stocking up on weapons is their highest priority, you are sadyl mistaken. Their first thought is not "We had better arm up in case we run out of guns and ammo". Their first priority is the saftey of the citizens. Besides, the police station and armory is probably flooded as well.

Maybe I would lend some guns in restrospect. I would definately lend ammo since I have a pretty good supply.
Cops quitting.

I read on the news something about a lot of cops just quitting amidst all this.

I can see a new situation emerging for those who do hand over their arms.

Cop: Give me your weapons, I need them to stop looters.

Subject: Ok, here they are, please give them back in the future.

Cop: Ok, here is your reciept.

Subject leaves.

Cop walks off.

A year later, the citizen comes to the police with the information about his weapon.

Subject: Hello, I had a weapon I loaned during the hurricane, it was serial number ------, I loaned it to a Policeman to use.

Desk Cop: Well let me see.

Desk Cop makes phone calls, and checks while you wait.

Suddenly, you are siezed, slammed to the floor and arrested.

What happened?

Turns out, that cop walked off the job a few days earlier, but kept his uniforms, he got your gun, and he raped and murdered a few people. However, YOUR gun was left at the scene, and the only reason they had not come to your door was they had lost the records. Now that you admitted to owning the gun, you are going to trial for a rape and murder committed by some bad N.O. cop after you gave him your registered weapon.

Pleasent, isn't it? Hastert is right, we should buldoze it.

Also, something else some people may be interested in reading.

Time to shoot to kill?
I read on the news something about a lot of cops just quitting amidst all this.

I can see a new situation emerging for those who do hand over their arms.

Cop: Give me your weapons, I need them to stop looters.

Subject: Ok, here they are, please give them back in the future.

Cop: Ok, here is your reciept.

Subject leaves.

Cop walks off.

A year later, the citizen comes to the police with the information about his weapon.

Subject: Hello, I had a weapon I loaned during the hurricane, it was serial number ------, I loaned it to a Policeman to use.

Desk Cop: Well let me see.

Desk Cop makes phone calls, and checks while you wait.

Suddenly, you are siezed, slammed to the floor and arrested.

What happened?

Turns out, that cop walked off the job a few days earlier, but kept his uniforms, he got your gun, and he raped and murdered a few people. However, YOUR gun was left at the scene, and the only reason they had not come to your door was they had lost the records. Now that you admitted to owning the gun, you are going to trial for a rape and murder committed by some bad N.O. cop after you gave him your registered weapon.

It's possible you could get struck by lightning, too. :p
I find it unbelievable that the police don't have the "weapons" to handle the looters.

I would imagine a city as large as NO would have a swat team. Why aren't they sitting on the roofs and controlling "gremlins"?

As for "loaning/giving" them my gun, not a snow flake's chance in H***!
If it is a personal plea from a LEO who is a neighbor or friend, I would quickly LOAN one to that particular individual. Other than that they can deputize me and take me and mine along with them OR They can protect their corner and me and mine will protect our corner.

My friends and co-workers have been talking about the looters stealing from the hospitals. Maybe I'd leave leave my personal property and move my little arsnel to the roof of the nearest hospital. A situation like they are facing in NO is no time to worry about your entertainment center.
I know I'd be happy to sit on top of a hospital that is surrounded by looters with a good ole ranged weapon. scum
I might give them one of my 9mm's as long as I got a receipt and a promise of payment or replacement. Ammo should be available for them from the military. If they went digging long enough in the rubble, they could probably find all the guns they need. You knw as people ran to safety, they took what they could cary, not their whole collection or long arms. There are probably thousands of guns and millions of rounds of ammo laying in the rubble.
It depends . . .

If I was convinced that the police truly NEEDED the guns, then I would gladly loan guns that are NOT needed for the protection of myself and my family. In other words, I would not turn over all of my guns, under any circumstance, but I might loan guns that I considered non-essential.
Not a chance.

Let's forget the fact that you probably won't get your gun back in the same condition you lent it in.

Let's forget the fact that you might not get it back at all.

Let's forget that the government has a "FEW" firearms they could let the cops use in emergencies.

You lend your gun to a cop. He has an ND with it because it works differently from what he's used to. You get sued by the cop and the person he accidentally shot for giving him an unsafe firearm.

Only exception would be if the LE was a personal friend and I was confident that he knew how to handle the firearm I was lending him.
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I currently have but one gun, so no. Even if I had my brother's arsenal, still no. I am not reducing my ability to protect my family in order that somebody else might be protected by a LEO who may or may not be capable of doing the job. No offense meant to the LEOs present. I will assist my neighbors as best I can, but frankly the rest of the city will have to fend for itself.
No, most police dept.s have adequate arsenals, or accessibility to speciality weapons. Mine are for defending my family and friends should the need arise.
Ammo yes, firearms no.

I agree with a previous quote about the police have no obligation for your personal safety but a generic one to society. They should have planned ahead of time for such an occurrence.
Let's see here. If this is the same as N.O.--looters have stolen every gun to be had in the city. Am I going to hand over my protection for me (which will keep me from getting killed by looters who shoot other looters) and mine to a cop? HELL NO (pardon my french). We've all read tales of "police reports" which "require" them to "borrow" a law-abiding citizen's firearm (especially in the "I shot the theif who was entering my home to kill me" stories), and never given them back :mad: . They might want them to "help us help them"--in which case I'll say "give me a badge and the legal authority to shoot any looter I see on sight". If they're trying to take my firearms for their own use :eek: (keeping in mind it's after a N.O. debacle), there's no way they are getting them. Assuming my house still existed, or one of my buddies' still stood, I'd be sitting there on guard, everything at the ready (I have a small collection), to keep everything I own from being taken from me--posessions and family members' lives included.

They'd have an easier time telling an Anti to buy a firearm than to take my protection from me. However--I'd help them in any other way I could, if at all possible.
give them my guns, no.
ill sponsor some money for ammo though.
maybe a charity should be set up to buy the police some ammo. this would only be because of the current situation though and would end when all is back under control.
why not call in national guard from other states to help keep order?

If I recall correctly, the City of New Orleans, under Mayor Marc Morial, a few years ago sued the firearms industry. I'm confident that there are at least a few people still involved in running (should I say "ruining") the city who were around when that was going on, and supported it. (As I understand, at least Morial is not mayor anymore but who knows if the current one is any less anti-gun).

Now N.O. is begging on the street for citizens' guns?! The same citizens' guns that were such a huge "public health nuisance" a few short years ago? Suddenly they're an asset, and you want us to hand them over to you?

I think this is yet another ploy to take the power to help themselves out of the hands of the people, and force them to rely on those in governmental authority. We are well familiar with that line of thinking.

I'm not above a bit of spite: I am known now and then to let someone have to live with the repercussions of their own stupid, thoughtless decisions. How else are they gonna learn? Someone in power didn't do enough rational thinking about the utility of having an adequate supply of guns. Suddenly guns aren't "just good for killing people." Suddenly the government is recognizing how useful guns can be when TSHTF. Well, tough doodoo. I wouldn't give my property to the very people who have tried to take away my right to have said property. They can kiss it, for all I care. BTW, I have just enough guns that I could probably spare them one, maybe two that would be of use to them but not leave me without what I need personally.

The answer is still NO, though.

And as some point out, where is the promise to give them back to their rightful owners? Or is this acknowledged to be a donation kinda deal?

ill sponsor some money for ammo though.
maybe a charity should be set up to buy the police some ammo. this would only be because of the current situation though and would end when all is back under control.

Um, forgive me for asking, but IS there an ammo supply shortage going on there? I haven't heard of the police exactly burning through tons of ammo in the attempt to restore order to the place...

I haven't been availing myself of all the news daily as it happens, but have there been many reports of firefights? And are the cops burning through mag after mag?
