Civil you...

Would you give the cops your guns under N.O.'s circumstances?

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It still hasn't been answered as to why these officers need other people's guns. I don't get that. Where'd THEIR guns go? What am I missing?
Let's see... I have my .45 and a 870.
My wife has her .357 and a 11-48.
My daughter has the .38 snubbie and Raven the black Lab.
My son has the other .357 and the CAR 15.

Sorry officer. No guns available here. They've been issued to family members to protect us. That safe? I dunno what in there. We never could get it open...
I said no. But if they promised to replace it with a fully transferable class 3 M-16A2 or equivalant when all was said and done...HECK YES!
*It appears that I was wrong on some other threads, N.O. is not under martial law yet*

Place the city under martial law for the duration of the evacuation.

If placed under martial law, then they no longer have to ask. Think about it ;)

I voted that I didn't know, would have to really think about it since I know that I would never see them again, even if I had a reciept.

give up guns

The article reads (not exact quote) Police were asking people to give up their guns before boarding buses etc....because they needed the firepower. Now, what happened to the cops personal shotguns and rifles? everyone can afford a pump shotgun and at least a lever action rifle. I got written up once for carrying an unauthorized weapon while looking for an ecaped attempted murderer. (where's the logic in that, write up the good guy because he wanted to protect himself from the bad guy?) If you are in the police business, you owe it to yourself to purchase some extra weapons, you never know when a riot will break out and you need more than what the department gives you.
The article reads (not exact quote) Police were asking people to give up their guns before boarding buses etc....because they needed the firepower. Now, what happened to the cops personal shotguns and rifles? everyone can afford a pump shotgun and at least a lever action rifle. I got written up once for carrying an unauthorized weapon while looking for an ecaped attempted murderer. (where's the logic in that, write up the good guy because he wanted to protect himself from the bad guy?) If you are in the police business, you owe it to yourself to purchase some extra weapons, you never know when a riot will break out and you need more than what the department gives you.

Their personal firearms might very well be in their flooded houses. After all, the majority of them probably live(d) in the city. Even alot of the Department equipment is probably underwater in various precinct buildings and vehicles.
Have the government send them some military guns. They would not get mine, what am I to protect myself with? A kitchen knife?

It is funny most of the U.S. Military is in Iraq when they need to be home and helping out these victims. I hope they have enough in reserves to help..... probably do... the media always focuses on 100 percent negative.

Very sad shame what happened to New Orleans.
The request for arms by the police in this disaster is not unusual. I would get a receipt from the person with his badge number, also a countersignature of another officer.

The people boarding buses to leave the area are going to have to give them up when the official shelter is reached. You are not allowed guns, knives, clubs, pets, alcohol, personal meds or radios in the shelter. I took a shelter management course from the ARC some years ago and those were the rules.

Consider this; if you use certain meds at certain times each day and need to take them for your personal life assurance, you will try to avoid a public shelter if at all possible. Those 20 thousand or so people in the Superdome probably did not have too much of their meds with them but even if thay had and had given them up I really doubt that they could count on the proper timing and dosage of the medicine. How would a person that lost most everything show ID if it was lost?

I understand a great number of arms were taken from people entering the Superdome. that was part of the reason for he long delay to enter.
Under no circumstances would I give the cops any of my guns. I would be happy to go with my gun and let one of the cops spot for me. A few looters added to the casualty count might send a message. This situation is not going to get better anytime soon.
The way I am interpreting the question is "would I give up my gun for the sake of gun control to make things safe in the NO city where crime is rampant" Not "the police need my gun for their own use."

To that, I say no. I haven't heard this report, but that's what it kinda sounds like.

The only reason I could think that they would 'need" my gun and not have their own guns was because they lost their armory in the flooding and they are looking for shotguns and rifles (AR15s). I dunno. I still wouldn't give them up. What ever happened to the concept of the parish/county sheriff raising a posse of private citizens for Law and Order? That is still legal isn't it?

Either inerpretation works.

I would never give mine up for the sake of gun control.

I would never give mine up because the gov was unprepared. (Especially since I already paid for their preparedness.)
Certainly not... :mad:

The New Oeleans situation is the kind of thing I CC for.

It is in fact, a condition where you are most likely to need it.
Certainly not... :mad:

The New Orleans situation is the kind of condition to for which to CC.

It is, in fact, a condition where you are most likely to need it.
If I lived in NO I certainly would not go to any shelter if I have to leave my pets behind. Soooo...I guess I stay with the guns too. As for the I think I can spare a shotgun. I can always get another 1300 somewhere. Or one of the 10-22's I have. No, they can't have my 8mm since that I have the most ammo for to last a long long while. But give them up to 'make the city safer'...HUH???!! I don't see how giving my guns to the authorities will make it safer when you have some of those very 'authorities' looting.

Have any of you heard of some of the people shooting at the rescue choppers? Whats wrong with people that a 'little' water comes down the street and they think anything goes like its the day after and all laws/correct behavior has gone out the window like in Mad Max? No courts for those people. Just get rid of them.
N.O. Civil Unrest

I have no intention of insulting anyone's political preference but it is reported that the Mayor of that flooded city is liberal and the Governor is likewise. So as a general rule it is my opinion that they are anti-gun.

I think it will take National Guardsmen or Army in great numbers to rush the Superdome andeither kill or disarm and arrest the criminals inside who are doing the hell raising. I feel that the NOPD is not up to the job. And normal self supporting people do not seem to be the problem, just those who stole the firarms. I would have left before the storm and all of my firearms would have been secured in the family vehicle going with us. No, the NOPD would not have mine.