Cimarron sez shop wear...

Yep. I bought a 3.5" Thunderer to accompany my 5.5" Model P. Didn't have the zip tie cut at the gun show because it was brand spanking new from a dealer.


Got it home, cut the tie. There was something seriously wrong with the action.

Called Cimarron. Before I could even describe the problem fully, guy that answered the phone (Chip? Chet? Something along those lines) blurts out "It's probably not covered under warranty." Maybe he heard "gun show" and thought I got it used, maybe not. I don't know.

It greatly abbreviated my further description at least, as I told him with mild irritation, "It's a brand new gun and it doesn't work properly."

He paused, I swear I heard him roll his eyes, and told me to get in touch with Ryan Hoover at Hill Country Precision Gunsmithing. I think he was kind enough to give me the number.

Mr. Hoover, on the other hand, was receptive and communicative. The FedEx tracking info said the package was delivered and damaged(!). My email inquiry was answered promptly, assuring me that the damage was only to the outer box. I think the work took a day or two over the generic quoted time for warranty work, but I give a pass in this instance as it was over Thanksgiving and Christmas. Folks lives can get hectic during the winter holidays.

When I got it back it was as good as, well, it should have been in the first place.
MJN77 - the 4H guy is the fellow who said that they're converting their 4H program from Cimarrons to Rugers. As for our range master (another individual), I don't know what he likes better. I myself have no dog in the fight. I don't own any Cimarrons and my levers are all Marlins.

H. W. French - glad the call tag has been issued. I doubt if they can remove the dents though. If they were to through peening and filing, it will require refinishing.
Happy Anniversary!

Boy, how time flys. It seems like only a year ago I ordered my first .44 "Winchester".
Wait. It was a year ago!
So here we are, a year after the initial order and close to six months since the first one was returned to the Rep. Still no '73. I check in with the LGS every few weeks only to be told "anytime now". With Shot Show coming up I'm sure I will not be hearing anything else until at least February. No worries though, I already know what the response will be.
I must say that this gives me pause with ordering from Cimarron. I keep eyeing a Walker and '62 Police with the 4.5" barrel that Taylor's now carries as well. It seems from most of what I've read is that if there is a better quality it goes to Cimarron, though many others feel they are all the same with nothing special about the models that Cimarron sell.

A trip down to Fredericksburg isn't completely out of the question though...
Rod -
The overall quality of their product is still pretty good in my opinion though 80% of mine have seen a smith for action work (which I highly recommend). I have owned many Uberti and Cimarron branded percussion and cartridge handguns. More than any other manufacturer or importer.
This is the first rifle I have purchased from them and the first time I have had any issues what so ever that warranted a phone call. My beef is not so much about the product as it is the customer service that comes after the deal.
I will add that I have been watching this one carefully. I have had several Cimarron's and all were great but like you I never called for support. Scary that they have treated you this way.

I am also looking at a nice Cimarron 73 to go with my Cimarron 1860 Iron Frame. I bought it off the shelf and it was perfect so I am pleased but I have to wonder about another.

Like was posted above. Maybe a trip to Fredericksburg is in order to inspect prior to buy.
I shot CAS for 15 years till health issues have made me quit. I've owned several Uberti guns bought through Cimarron. My first two were a pair of nickle plated laser engraved Model Ps. The first time I shot them the plating started flaking of the face of one of the cylinders. They had me return both guns and replated them both. While shooting Comancheria Days in Fredericksburg, TX the elevator spring on my 73 broke on the 1st shot of the first stage of the day. Cimarron had a tent set up and had several guns & parts for sale. But they didn't bring any elevator springs. The next day they brought a spring and put it in for me before the match started & wouldn't let me pay for it.
I have heard nothing but good things about the Company and its Reps. I'm still holding out for 'em.
Perhaps my request has been backlogged. Maybe they are waiting for yet another shipping container. Maybe the container is stuck in Customs. Maybe all the would be replacements that have arrived in Fredericksburg are of inferior quality.
All I can say is a year later my pocketbook is a grand lighter and I've got nothing to show for it.
Except for this sweet thread of course.
Fingers Crossed.
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I guess now we can stop stomping on Cimarron. I'm happy for you that your new gun is coming. I myself am a very satisfied customer of Cimarron. All the Cimarron/Uberti revolvers I've owned have excellent fit, lock-up and finish. A few years back I ordered and received an 1862 police model. The bore had chatter marks. They took care of the problems and furnished a new replacement in a timely manner. Maybe you can count me as one of the lucky few, but all said, I felt prompted to relate my experience with them.
The intent of this thread is not to "stomp on Cimarron".
I still believe they offer a quality product. I have purchased many Model P's and percussion revolvers over the years for myself and family members. It is because I view them in such high regard that I was troubled by the response I received from CS especially when contrasted with the experiences of other single action manufacturers.
The absurdity of this odyssey ( of which I am a willful participant ) is the reason I keep this thread alive. It's not to dog pile on Cimarron.
Hopefully soon I can write the final chapter.
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So apparently that rifle that was "in Customs" wasn't really in customs. Nor was it even in the country. Maybe the next boat?
Wonder of Wonders, Miracle of Miracles

Showed up on the 11th. The rep personally dropped it off. The fit and finish of the replacement is far superior to the previous rifle. Better wood too.
Props to the rep and my LGS for seeing this through.
Congrats. I'm happy they finally pulled through. I do believe I would have hounded them to death if the same thing happened to me.
I'm extremely glad you finally got satisfaction. Living with that gun would have irked you to no end. You never would have shot it well, you never would have shot it as much as you otherwise might have.

Now you've got a gun you can truly love and get into shooting and maybe hunting with. You'll give it that extra TLC that only the brotherhood of firearm aficionados that frequent this site can understand.

Great job on seeing this through.