What this has come down to is you, in response to my links to moderate muslim organizations, the Koran, and historical info...simply repeating yourself. That is what you are doing, without really getting to any substantive issues. You totally dropped the comparisons to the brutality of the Byzantines and Europeans, the point that the most widely accepted Islamic scholars condemn terrorism, and substituted instead:
y very existance, and the existance of Western society, causes this extremism. I will not commit suicide, nor will I tear down my culture just to please people who want to return to the 14th century and bugger boys in "paradise" for all eternity.
Sir, with all due respect, your problem is that you are getting at least 80 percent of your information on Islam from missionary websites, and not from reputable historical or academic sources.
Let's go to the specifics of your last post now:
Yet they use "classic" Islamic terror techniques. Go figure. And explain how cutting the heads off white tourists advances their cause for independence, rather than scoring points with allah.
When's the last time a Malay, Thai, or Filipino terrorist attacked someone outside of his tribal territory in SE Asia? It's never happened. Not even once. There's one distinguishing factor that should tip you off. Another: these folks are known for malay-tradition, not for "wahhabist radicalism." They are not religiously, linguistically, or culturally related to the Arabs who bombed the world trade center in any way.
Prove it. Show me evidence of even one mosque in America that was taken over by militants, that was retaken by moderates.
This is a silly demand for proof. When a Church goes bad, its members leave to other churches. It is not necessary to show that Pat Robertson's group has been reconquered by non-money grubbing Christians to claim that Christians in general oppose that kind of televangelism. Likewise, the existence of Islamic scholar groups condemning the influence of radical mosques and starting their own ought to do the trick...and it's all there at, which you clearly did not take the opportunity to read.
As for Al-Taqqiya....every last verse on the page you mentioned deals with denying one's faith in order to remain alive. That is not a "duty to lie to infidels", it's a duty to save one's life. It has precisely zero application to this debate. Muslims are allowed to say that they are not muslims in order to stop themselves from being tortured and killed. That is the extent of Al-Taqqiya.
Uh, no. The Russians never specifically targeted children. And the Russians treated everyone the same, yet it's only the muslems that are committing terrorism.
No, the Russians didn't treat everyone the same. There aren't Russian armies levelling neighborhoods in Kiev. There are and have been Russian armies doing that in Grozny. If you think the Russians did not kill kids...see your relatives' example. I think "entire families" included kids. It's hard to kill 20 something million people without including kids, and that's what the Russians did this past century.
You're trying to whitewash Islam by disowning the terrorists, but the terrorists are in fact muslems, and are in fact following the koran, despite your attempts to hide this connection.
This is a repeat of a claim that you have once again failed to support with any reference to a widely accepted Islamic authority. I already responded with several Quranic quotes and two Imams from both major factions in Islam who've issued Fatwas against terrorism. I won't bother to respond again unless you can come up with Koran quotes or at the very least fatwas from one of the major fiqhs to support your point. Every single verse you quoted, if you bothered to check...
1. Applies only to the pagans who were trying to kill Muhammad in Mecca
2. Is followed by an explicit command to make peace whenever possible, and to spare anyone who asks to be spared.
My very existance, and the existance of Western society, causes this extremism. I will not commit suicide, nor will I tear down my culture just to please people who want to return to the 14th century and bugger boys in "paradise" for all eternity.
Again, see historical examples. Christians lived very well under Muslim empires until after World War I. That's a LONG time of coexistence. This point is simply a denial of any serious look at history or even the modern terrorist movements and their relationship to mainstream Islamic teaching. I've cited Islamic teaching and historical facts to make this case. You, in turn, have repeated yourself. I'll have to ask you again to explain the Turks, the Emirate of Spain, the warm reception the monophysites gave to the Arabs in North Africa and Syria.....AND, the fact that in modern times, Terrorists aren't calling for the end to non-Muslim rule in Syria. You didn't address any of those points, so if you want to keep a valid argument on this point, please do.
Your theory that the terrorists are not muslems is beyond Disney, you're deep into Teletubbie territory there. Denying the truth about Islam and terrorism is a sure-fire recipie for failure and defeat in the war on terror, a war that we must win. And we will win, if our resolve and nerve holds.
Yes, my knowledge of muslim practice and history is far beyond Disney. It is not cartoonish like yours. I'm interested, and I hope that answering this question won't cause you to ignore all the other points I've raised:
If all of the 1.2 billion Muslims are against the US, then how on earth do you plan to win? The religion isn't going to go away any time soon, especially not if you buy that all muslims are fanatics willing to die for it. So just how exactly is your "resolve and nerve" going to beat it?
What you're doing is dreaming up a "war of the worlds" that doesn't exist and never has. There are evil people in every time and culture, and if you are honest about what those people are and why they act, you can work to stop them. If you choose instead to lump everyone who speaks the same language or has a similar name in with those will do nothing but end up advocating genocide.