Cheapest handgun you purchased?

Jennings J-22. $79.95. It's fairly reliable, not perfect, but no .22 is perfect - I'm going to take it to the range and see how it performs after 20+ years.
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Bought a used Hi Point C9 a few months ago for $120 out the door. Has been great! Very reliable, accurate, fun to shoot. I have other guns more suitable for defense and carry purposes, but I love my Hi Point!
Jennings J-22. $79.95. It's fairly reliable, not perfect, but no .22 is perfect - I'm going to take it to the range and see how it performs after 20+ years.
Be sure to bring some Band-Aids. The Jennings' slide is like a meatgrinder on the web of your hand - at least mine is.
Paid $50 for a used RG .38 spl snubby in 1980. I later sold it for $20 when I could afford a better pistol.
Colt Diamondback .22LR.

It was given to my neighbor by his sister-in-law after his brother was killed in an accident.

He said he had no use for it, that his wife did not want a gun in the house, and he asked me if i would give him $50 for it.

I told him what it was worth, but he didn't care, he just wanted to get rid of it. I ended up insisting that he accept $100 rather than $50, but I still felt a bit guilty about it.:o
Chrome Raven .25 I bought new in '84 for $35. I kept it for 5 years or so and sold it for 50 bucks if memory serves. Great little shooter and never malfunctioned for me.
I wouldn't say cheapest, but most inexpensive firearm I've purchased new is a Ruger 22/45 MKIII, paid $219 out the door in 2007.

If you want to go best was a Browing 1885 Highwall in very good condition, chambered in .30-06..........for about $300.
I've been buying guns since 1968 so naturally I bought a lot of used handguns in the late 1960s and 1970s at what would NOW be considered bargain basement prices. Sadly, all were sold, traded or given away years ago.

Of the pistols I still have in my possession, a few were acquired at bargain prices.

About 10 years ago I bought a 4" USN Victory Model at a local pawnshop. It was priced at $100 due to a bulged barrel. I told the shop owner that it likely would not sell due to the damage and he invited me to make an offer. I blurted out $60 and he accepted. Dammit. Didn't really want anoither project. I found a 5" barrel on ebay for $5 and swapped it myself so I have a total of $65 (and a couple hours of labor) invested.


Maybe 5 years ago I saw this Model 14-3 on Gunbroker with a $100 starting price. I bid and nobody else did. Has finish issues but tell me you wouldn't have bought it for a C note.


$100 because action was frozen. I figured it was just hardened grease and I was right. After flushing with solvent it worked fine. I load the 38 S&W and this is a hoot to shoot.

Like a lot of people, I got a Raven .35 for $50.00. From my brother, who inherited it when dad died and didn't want it any longer. Good little shooter, lives in my medicine cabinet.

Otherwise, a Ruger MkII Target for $125.00. My first gun. I still have it, twenty odd years later.

There's also the Marlin Papoose I bought for $80.00. I got it after I watched the gun store owner pay a guy $40.00 for it. I waited until he left the store, then asked if the gun store owner if he'd like to double his money. He said yes, and he appreciated how I'd done so, not overbidding him in his own store. Good manners sometimes have their reward.
This one was $60 a couple of months ago. Came with half a box of ammo, and the brass from the fired rounds. 1895 Ngant revolver.

I have Jennings J-22 that was given to me in a tackle box full of lures. When I tried to give it back he told me to "keep the darn thing". The J-22 is gaurenteed to jam at least once per magazine.