Cheap beer and cheap guns

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My beer is Budweiser, my bourbon is Booker's, and my guns are varied!
Americana right there.

Except unfortunately today Budweiser in brewed by Inbev (Belgian), Jim Beam, the maker of Booker's is owned by Suntory Holdings Ltd (Japanese), and my EDC pistol is a Springfield Armory XD 40 Sub Compact (Croatian).
Sevens, the CZ SP-01 Phantom IS loaded, but if you look to the right you'll see a funny looking plastic container of...gun powder...:)
A-ha! I see you eventually found your way in to my trap! :D:p

Smokeless powder is not an explosive. It's combustible. The primer in the loaded round is explosive. ;)
I drink cheap beer,,,

I drink cheap beer (Pabst Blue Ribbon) ,,,
So I can afford to buy and feed good fiery-arms.

I have 2-4 beers after work,,,
PBR saves me $3.00 or $6.00 every day.

21-22 drinking days per month,,,
That's $63.00 to $132.00 each month for ammo.

Besides, if I could get used to drinking Korean OB in the 70's,,,

PBR is like liquid manna from heaven in comparison.

Unlike most people though,,,
I freely admit I drink beer for the alcohol.


Beer - never have, never will. Gimme a Dirty Dr. Pepper or Throwback Mt. Dew and that's high livin'!

My Dutch FiL likes pilsners and my Dutch BiL is a Guiness man, so there's that, I guess.

Guns - Like others have said, I prefer a quality used gun to the same $$ spent on an inexpensive new gun. That line of thinking is also the explanation why I never buy new cars - I let the first owner take the depreciation hit and I don't have to worry about the first smudge.

The cheapest gun I own is a RIA 22TCM/9mm combo. Because 22TCM. :D
I have the same attitude towards cheap beer as I do cheap guns. If you know what you are getting into, there's nothing wrong with it. Just don't expect it to be as good as high end stuff, and you'll be fine.

If you want to spend your money on a high point, and don't mind the issues that come with it, then go for it! Just don't expect it to be a Sig.

I have both High Life and Founders in my fridge at the same time. I don't expect high life to be anywhere near the quality of founders. But, on a hot day after mowing the lawn or working on a deck? High Life hits the spot.
I blend my beer. Take a 12 pack of Rolling Rock and a 6 Pack of stout and blend it 2 to 1. Cheaper than drinking stout and tastes better than straight Rolling Rock. Works for me, YMMV.
My 2 USFA Zip Pistol. Takes 10/22 mags. Got the first in 2013. Made a trip back to the factory. Did shoot 10 rounds in a row once.
Got my second one because it is tan and was only $120 NIB. Added to my unusual gun collection.

Cheap guns are a guilty pleasure of mine. I have ridden motorcycles most of my life, and firmly believe that it is more fun to ride a slow bike fast that to ride a fast bike slow. For the same reason, I get a real sense of satisfaction from shooting a cheap gun well. I expect tight groups from a $1000 pistol, but am thrilled to put all the rounds in the silhouette with a $100 pistol. As for the beer, I never mix it with the bikes or the guns.
Boncrayon. So according to the NRA you are saying if someone has alcohol at home one can't own firearms? Read OP please..
As a matter of fact my state's CCW allows me to drink alcohol while carrying Same rules as DUI.
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