Cheap beer and cheap guns

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OK just bringing up I drink cheap beer (Milwaukee's Best Ice).
That aside i bought 2 inexpensive guns off Buds for ships and giggles.
(Keep in mind I have a LOT OF GUNS.)
Bought another USFA/Zip pistol in Coyote Tan. A jam-o-matic but it is Tan and was only $120.
The other is a Cobra Patriot 45ACP. Wanted one for years. (I have 7 1911's in all variations). If you research the 45 Patriot they are not bad for the $275 I paid for a new one. Look better than a Hi-Point. Also take 1911 mags. Be fun to give it a buff and fluff and see how it does with the right ammo. Heard silver tips shoot flawless.
I will toss some pictures on when they come in next week.

And so it goes. A incurable gun addict.
US Firearms, managed to discontinue the best made SAA in the country and produce junk zip staple guns that no one wants. Hate to see those beautiful SAA's go the way of the do-do bird.
Ah but I have many many guns that are expensive. You name it I have one. I just like these orphan types to see if they work or if I can get them to work.
I have 2 Rogak pistols (at discount prices)that are boat anchors. I tried for years to make one working gun but gave up after a couple years. Any one want to buy a Rogak...LOL
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When I drank, I drank MB Light. It's pretty good beer.
I also have an appreciation for the less-common guns. Most are junk, but many are quite good firearms.
Nothing wrong with 'inexpensive guns". They are some of my favorite shooters.
Arcus 98DA

Been looking at the Gran Power K100 at J&G for $300.
Good beer and good guns

I don't buy cheap guns. I found you can buy a good used gun for price of a new
junk novelty gun.
Rolling Rock is a premium beer, made from pure mountain spring water in the
glass lined tanks of old Latrobe. Green Death!
Quality counts

I can only hope that each and every one of you, quickly, learn that life is to short to: Dance with ugly people, Drive a dirty car, Drink cheap whiskey, or own cheap firearms.


Sevens, it appears that you and I assume others missed the implied message in my post. After reading it again, I realize that I did not do the best job of explaining myself.
My post was not about owning less than pristine firearms or drinking the most expensive beer, or my ego, which can be outsized, from time to time. It was an attempt to explain that no one should have to SETTLE for less than they really want. If someone is happy with less than pristine firearms or anything else that is just fine, be happy with and enjoy what you have. I will again suggest that no one should have to settle for less than they really want, and can expect to be able to own.
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I find it curious, 'old bear', that quality appears to be of utmost importance to you, but yet it appears nowhere in your post? What a pity. Can only hope that one day... (meh, I'll be honest -- don't hope & care even less)

To the subject:
Funny that cheap guns are being compared with cheap beer. Not a bad comparison, but I would ask of the op...

Since you say you have many guns, and some not at all cheap, I am curious if you also often enjoy expensive, high-brow beer as well? Because it would seem uncommon to drink all manners of exclusive beer and continue to swill The Beast also. :p

Myself, I enjoy the full spectrum of guns and I can also enjoy my cheap ones, too. And the subject here quickly reminds me that I cannot stand or listen to beer snobs and gun snobs are often equally worthless.

Y'know what I fully understand & appreciate?
Folks that are passionate with the things they enjoy... and can be that way without tearing down something else to do it.
I have a rifle that wouldn't get $50 in a pawn shop, a rebuilt Spanish 1916 Mauser that was rebarreled to 8mm, and is only used with cast loads to preserve the old girl. Still a fun rifle to shoot.
Rolling Rock is good stuff. Also like Mudshark when I have the extra cash. ;)
A cheap handgun I own that puts a smile on my face:

Norinco T213, 9mm
It's the Chinese copy of the Tokarev. Solid as a rock, runs flawlessly on my handloads and is an accurate pistol. If I want to point out some complaints... it has many sharp edges, the "necessary for import" added manual safety is awful and the front sight is tiny and hard to pick up quickly. But what a pleasure to shoot!

And one added, comical bonus on this pistol... some guy in a Chinese factory had the task of putting English lettering on the slide and simply judging by the non-linear fashion in which they appear, the guy did not have one big stamp with all of his lettering, the guy had single letter stamps.

And on mine, he actually misspelled "China" as "CHIAN" and now I have to look closely at every other T213 I come across just to check his spelling.:D
cheap guns and beer

before i retired i drank expensive beer. never had any left over on week end camping trips my cooler was the favorite in the crowd. after retirement i learned to like MBL now i have beer left over on every trip. lack of funds changes a lot of things
Mass-produced American lager all tastes pretty much the same. If you aren't going to buy a real beer (stout, Belgian ale, doppelbock, etc) you might as well buy the cheap stuff. I used to brew and judge contests and so forth.

I like good guns. That means they work well. The price doesn't matter. I have killed dozens of deer, squirrels, rabbits, etc with my Chinese SKS. It is a good gun, regardless of its cheap price.
reminds me of a neighborhood bar back in Cleveland.... a lot of the old timer cops use to down all kinds of cheap swill... Hams, Schaffers, Blatz, Lowenbrau, Meister brau, POC, Pabst... while the beer was cheap, the model 10s they had weren't.... especially the 2" versions.
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