Changing EDC based on time of year?


New member
For those of you who live in climates that change drastically throughout the year (Midwesterners, Northeasterners, Mountaineers, etc.): Do you change what you carry or what you load it with based on the time of year/weather?

I got to thinking about this while reading about (insert single stack 9 here) being great for "t-shirt" weather. But what about when it's -2 F, with -15 windchill in mid January? Do you feel like you need more "umph" to pierce things the bad guys might be wearing (thick winter coats made of leather/heavy denim/tons of padding). I'm not trying to say armor, or car door piercing. I'm just talking about the heavy clothing we all wear when it's frigid.

I'm talking about carrying that single stack or subcompact 9mm in the summer while most are wearing a tshirt and shorts, and switching to 9mm +p, or even jumping up in cartridge (.40, .45) for the winter months. Or with your clothing becoming more concealing, do you switch to higher capacity autos because you can more easily carry larger pistols without issue?

I'm quite aware that I'm overthinking this, but I get curious about these things, and whether or not there are people that think/train this way. Or do you just carry the same thing year round because if it works in Summer, it'll work in Winter, too?
I wouldn't say you're overthinking things, but that's just my opinion. Heavier clothing does make some difference in bullet performance, and the caliber seems to decide how much of a difference it makes. If I'm going to carry anything from 9mm on down, I'll typically go for the heavier bullet. From .357 SIG on up, from the little real world testing I've seen, it's not as much of a worry.

As for changing guns, not really. You'll see me sometimes with a model 69 .44 during July and then again in January. I don't do a lot that requires constant change in how I dress, so tossing a light cover shirt over me in the heat is no different than a coat in the cold. I'm also wheelchair-bound, so that helps a whole lot with carrying most any gun I can tolerate for long periods.
yep in the winter I will put some guns in my carry rotation that i normally dont carry the rest of the year because they are easier to hide with all the extra clothes
The physically largest pistol I own is my CZ-85B. I carry it once and awhile, no matter the weather.

90 percent of the time I'm carrying my CZ P-07 with Streamlight TLR-3 IWB.

I live in the midwest and most of the time I do not find it difficult to conceal this combination. In the warmer months I usually just wear a slightly baggy T-shirt.

As for loading, I pretty much always carry 124gr JHPs. Usually Federal HST.

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Once in a while I will carry something different. Not often though. I do switch ammo though. A heavier bullet in the winter.
But what about when it's -2 F, with -15 windchill in mid January?

I stay inside! As someone who spent a few winters in North Dakota with the HIGHS for day warming up to -10, staying inside was the smarter thing to do!
I know there are folks who talk about using something like a pocket revolver or LCR size in the summer and then big gun when wearing a coat, I guess if the gun type is the same, it shouldn't pose too much of an issue. IMO, going from a revolver to a semi or something drastically different is not a good idea for a EDC gun. The ability to react with it without thinking about anything is paramount.
My carry varies by weather and or dress. Summer typically equals smaller and winter larger. A Ruger LCP is my gun when I'm dressed more formally.
There's two seasons in Florida- Christmas and the rest of the year.
While that may be a bit of an exaggeration, wearing an EDC in a long
hot season will change your perspective. Why change EDC for a couple
of cold months?
I carry a S&W M&P 9mm full size IWB regardless of weather. I have spent way to much time and money trying to find the perfect setup. Located in Indiana.
My carry changes because my clothing changes with the seasons. Concealed carry is always a compromise and wardrobe can be a major factor in deciding the point of compromise. If it's comfortable and convenient to CC a double-stack semi, go for it. If all you can manage is a little pocket gun, then that'll have to do.

Just be sure to get out and practice with whatever it is you are carrying that season. Some people get heated about dealing with the differences between guns. If you've got a few guns in regular rotation, and you shoot those guns in regular rotation over time, you should be okay. I actually like the idea of building general skill on top of specific mastery.
It makes sense to me to move up in caliber when folks start wearing heavier clothing. In the past, I have changed both pistol and caliber, going from a G19 in 9mm to a 1911 in .45 when cold weather hit. However, I no longer do that, having settled on "point and shoot" pistols in 9mm for carry. I'm more concerned about my performance than bullet performance. If I had a .45 with no thumb safety, I'd likely carry it.
I've carried a Glock 22/35 or full size 1911 for the past year, we get everything from zero to 110 heat index.
A few years ago I decided that a Glock 19/23/30SF was as small as I'd go.
Increased carry over time and prefer the best I can do all year.
Yes I do-Last winter up until spring I carried a SW MP9C and when the summer heat hit I switched out to a G43. But by the end of September I switched back to the MP9C.. I mostly switch out to the G43 because its easier to conceal when I'm wearing shorts..