Century Arms FN/FAL L1A1 ?

butt hole stock

DSA does not carry these. Maybe Entreprise does.

Whether inch or metric, I really do not want to try one of these.
Did you have yours fitted?
Do you use a lot of cosmoline to get a good cheek-weld?
I hope you clean it well after firing?
Does that come with a cleaning rod and patches?
Are squib loads a problem?
And the gas regulator, does Master Blaster use the 9 setting?

I could go on all day.:D
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I don't think anyone currently carries those horrors. They were a way to deal with the now pretty much defunct "Imported Assault Weapons Ban".
Even if you find one you will need to make changes to the lower to make it work as it had to not just be different from the regular stock, but not be interchangeable with it either. Because of this the lowers were "neutered" into a non-assault weapon configuration to allow attachment of the thumb, err butt hole stock:barf::barf::barf:
Sorry I forgot there are a lot of young pups here who were kids when the Clinton Assault Gun Ban. Pistol grips were outlawed along without other features. They came out with a thumb hiole stock which was coined the name Hillery hole or butt hole stock....people in general hated the stocks.
where i can find out more about this receiver, Its marked UB 61. Does that mean BSA ?

It would help tremendously if you would post a picture of that marking on the receiver. Here are standard Imbel markings:


  • Imbel2.jpg
    250 KB · Views: 45
  • Imbel5.jpg
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  • Imbel8.jpg
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You're welcome, mate.
I used magic marker for the face & an Arkansas stone for the job, slow & easy & re mark frequently. Best way is to do it at the range if possible that way you can test as you go & re-mark before more material removal.:cool:
Hillery hole or butt hole stock....people in general hated the stocks.

Actually, I am old enough to remember the thumbhole stock vs. pistol grip. I was trying to be funny. I actually admired Hillary for standing by her liar dirt bag hubby when he got caught staining Monica's dress. I always thought Hillary was glad Bill hired out for that. It was the most fun to come out of DC in years. And then Starr had to keep it in the press. Hilarious.

It was one of those bans that got me to buy my SAR-48 while I still could.
If you poke about you should still be able to find SA battlepacks of .308 for about $65~70 still, although the supply is reducing so act now as that comes out to about $0.46 a round for decent ammo.

Unfortunately I still see folks delaying buying because prices were climbing, but it emphatically is not going to get better & if you buy now you'll be able to laugh at the folks who will be complaining about .308@ $2.50 a round when you got a bargain.:eek:
I started out reloading some time back in the 70's. Back then ammo was about $20.00 for a box of 20 centerfire rifle rounds. There weren't the deep discounters operating so ammo was expensive.

But as the surplus glut hit the market in every caliber imaginable I quit because I just couldn't compete with the 17c a round prices that were the going rate back then for all the calibers I used.:eek: Instead did a CLR ( Clean, lube & repair) , packed up all the equipment & put my ammo funds into buying before it went back up.

Sure enough the Brit, South African, Canadian, Portuguese & other ammo was grabbed & used as it is a consumable after all. Now I'm back to reloading again. Luckily a lot of the ammo I bought back then was reloadable so in some cases I'm still running on glut-priced supplies. LC '68 cases bought as a 50 cal ammo can full for $15.00 ( including the can) back in the day I bought every can the guy had.:D