Cellular phone discipline

Ah yes, turned into a troll. All too easy.

Jim <== pee'd at least 4 times today with the door unlocked and my back to the door. Slowly going mad trying to figure out how to live in a house with 14 rooms and 7 outside doors. But I try to never pee in the same bathroom twice in a row. Luckily my offices also have 4 bathrooms. But wait, counting the shipping docks there are 5 outside entrances and two overhead dock doors. How to cover them all? Oh my God, what to do? WHAT TO DO????????????????????????????????


I haven't EVER felt the need to carry a gun. And despite having a **** load of money, lots of possesions, a killer wife half my age and conspicuous consumption. Did I mention my retiring personality? And yet, STILL no need to play army at home. :)

But I'm comforted knowing I've made so many rational friends. Truly, I don't care if you carry a gun in the bathroom. But some of us, you know, the normal people, think you might be a weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee bit too worried.
Fun cell phone facts:

-On some cell phones when you dial 911 the phone gives off a very loud siren noise before completing the call alerting everyone in the area that you just called the cavalry. It is also fun to not know about this feature and have the siren go off just as the phone arives at your ear.

-If you press and hold the 9 button for a few seconds any cell phone in the United States will automatically dial 911. No need to add 911 to your speed dial list it is already there.

-the key tones, ring tones, and voice generally all come out of the same speaker on the phone. You can cover this speaker with your hand to mute any sound coming from your dialing.

-It will take a few minutes for the cops to arrive after you call 911. It is safer tactically (I am begining to hate that word) to deal with the problem at hand before calling the cavalry. Remember the cops come to pick up the pieces not save the day.
-If you press and hold the 9 button for a few seconds any cell phone in the United States will automatically dial 911. No need to add 911 to your speed dial list it is already there.
Funny. On mine, pressing and holding 9 dials my mother's house.

OTOH, pressing & holding 1 on my phone dials 911.

Now for the real question: if you have to press & hold one key for three seconds, how is that faster than hitting three keys, one second at a time? Anyone?

Now for the real question: if you have to press & hold one key for three seconds, how is that faster than hitting three keys, one second at a time? Anyone?

It may not be faster, but it's a mechanically simple motion than hitting three keys, then hitting dial.

Under stress, or when you're injured [which you might be], you want all the motions you need to go through to use emergency equipment - guns, cellphones, doesn't matter - to be as simple as possible.
"Now for the real question: if you have to press & hold one key for three seconds, how is that faster than hitting three keys, one second at a time? Anyone?"

Might be useful if you've just been robbed and shot and are laying on the ground, and you can barely find the strength to pull out your cell phone, and just use what strength is left to hold a single button until the thing starts ringing. Under any other circumstance, yes, it would most likely be faster to just dial 9-1-1.
The ringing cellphone screwed me up royally last week. Just as I was about to do an easy putt - ring, ring. Aaaaaaargh!! :eek:
As a LEO, when I go on duty I keep my phone on vibrate only. Ain't nothing worse than trying to sneak around and do something and the friggin' phone rings!

For those of you programming 911 into your phone, PLEASE, PLEASE, keep your key pad locked! I don't know how many calls we've received in 911 where you can tell someone has their phone in their pocket and has accidentally dialed 911, tying up emergency lines.
You might as well wear full camo everyday incase you have to hide.
Hey! I do that! Matter of fact, I'm wearing it right now at 11:40 PM, mainly because I don't bother changing for changing's sake when I get home like most of my co-workers. Then again, I work in a town that starts with "Fort"and does not end in "Worth", so I am hardly unique in this aspect.
Starscream: I'd rather him drive off and our police do their jobs. They get paid good money out here i'd rather it be put to use then lose 25 bucks and my phone.

<laughing hysterically!> My starting pay as a rookie cop was $17,000 a year, and I know places that pay less!
I have read this thread with amusement and decided to ignore it, but then saw this and had to comment.
But it made me realize that after the fact, these women could have called a cop to claim that I had hit them!. After all, the cars were now rearranged in that order.
Think about what you just wrote dude. The damage was to the rear of your car and the front of theirs.
When we stopped again, this time MY car was behind HERS. Two young women got out, OBVIOUSLY slightly inebriated.
What an oxymoron, there is no such thing as OBVIOUSLY slightly inebriated. This would be the reason to call the police. You are a proponent of carrying in the bathroom, place your cell on silent, so that your tactical position isn't compromised, all in the name of safety.

Now, you have right in front of you, two people with a 2000 lb tactical weapon, that actually can be called, a one shot man stopper, and you let them drive away!

I think you need to get your head out of, your tactical cell phone tones, carry in the shower, etc... and get some common sense. You worry about all the what ifs, with a slight chance of ever happening scenarios and fail to see an obvious threat, to alot of peoples lives, and just ignored it.
"But it made me realize that after the fact, these women could have called a cop to claim that I had hit them!. After all, the cars were now rearranged in that order.

Think about what you just wrote dude. The damage was to the rear of your car and the front of theirs."

Actually, he said there was no noticable damage. In that case, the women could infact claim that he hit them (whether they'd win that argument is another story). There would be no vehicle damage, but we all know these women could grab their necks and claim whiplash, even with a bump so small as to not cause vehicle damage. It's his word against theirs if there is no witness.

And I'm not so sure how easy it would be to keep them from leaving the scene until the police got there, because he didn't even have a cell phone. The most he could do was write down their license plate and call the police when he found a phone.
Just cover the phone speaker when you dial. When I used to work night shift I used to turn off my phone so people wouldn't back me at 7:00AM. When I turned it off my phone played songs, I would just cover the speaker and it wasn't audible at all to my wife, who was usually sound asleep when I got home.
Except for the incomming calls and alarms I don't have my cell phone set for sounds for any other features, such as pressed buttons, on/off, etc.

I didn't never thought of having them off for any tactical reason, which is now a good additional reason, but I was just didn't care for all the "beeps" when pressing the buttons.