Cellular phone discipline

If there is a chance me or someone will get hurt for 150 bucks and a snickers barwhatever I'll call the cops and let them do their jobs.

You can fight tooth and nail and die or you can submit and die.


Not sure what you are trying to say?

If your state offered the "peons" the permits by shall issue (not may issue) would your comments change or be the same?

I do have a few questions:

1. What if the ETA of the LEO's is 10 or more minutes? Have you ever sat at work, 10 minutes till quitting time on a friday (providing that you get the next two days off) and find that it seems like a long time? I bet it seems longer under stress and allot can be done in 10 minutes by the BG.

2. I'm really not sure what you mean with the second quote that I posted. Die if you do, die if you don't, why bother? Hmmm.

Seems like a defeatist attitude to me. My life isn't worth someone elses but, my life isn't worth protecting or taking the chance to ensure my survival instinct.

God forbide that anything bad happens if I am present, but this is life and bad things happen. It's better to prepare for what may happen then to decide what you could have done to be prepared after it happened.

Blackmind was just putting out a "what if" and it wasn't born of paranoia. He was just putting out a scenerio of what could or what may happen if.

And your snide "examples" are just funny (not haha). Yes, anything can happen, so therefore, it's best to be prepared as much as you can and stop sniping at people that bring up a scenerio that one may not have thought about and can ponder on it as if it's justifiable or not.

And, lastly, LEO's are paid to do a job, but unless you have one by your side 24/7, you can't put your plan A as "the LEO's will protect me". They, if it's like here, are far between and many miles from your exact place of emergency.

Well, not lastly on the last one but lastly now: I really get annoyed when people such as yourself do what you do and tries to discredit or make fun of someone that has a good question that others can ponder and then add their comments without malice and condensation.

Okay, I guess I'm finished now.

After that nearly incoherent rant by Starscream, I'm finished discussing this with him. Then I note that he says he's in California -- another strike.

Go do what you want, dude. And I'll do what I want. Each according to what he feels is justified. But with your attitude of ridicule, I have to wonder why you're even here on a firearms board, if you look down on what many of us do, and how we think.

Maybe you're one of those "gun owners" who is just a hunter, has only a double-barreled shotgun, and does not feel a brotherhood with other gun owners; can't see why we "need an assault weapon"; and thinks we're paranoid if we CCW... :rolleyes:

Starscream]I'd rather lose some stuff then
risk me or anyone getting hurt.

Interesting typo. It's ironic how you nailed the possibilities with it.
First you lose the stuff (since you're so willing to give it to the robber as if you didn't have to work to earn it)...

THEN, you risk you and someone else getting hurt (by putting your faith in the robber being such a good person that he won't hurt you after he's got your stuff).

Starscream said:
As far as robberies go. There isnt anything material in this world worth my life. If there is a chance me or someone will get hurt for 150 bucks and a snickers barwhatever I'll call the cops and let them do their jobs.

You make me laugh. Even if you were in the can at the 7-11 and became aware of the robbery, do you really sit so optimistic that the cops will get there before the guy has done whatever was on his mind to do, and is off on his way? You put a seriously disturbing amount of confidence in the ability of the police to manage to get themselves between victims and criminals as the crimes happen. Perhaps I would too, in your shoes: perhaps it's necessary in CA to put that kind of blind, reasonless faith in LEO because the government won't allow you the means to protect yourself. I can see how one would be a nervous wreck if he couldn't carry AND didn't have faith in the cops. So maybe you have that faith out of psychological necessity.

Starscream said:
If there was a chance I could get the drop on him and not risk anyone getting hurt, maybe but still what is there in a 7-11 worth losing a life over.

Maybe for some it's the principle of the thing: an opportunity to see to it that a scumbag armed robber ends his career that day, never having an opportunity to rob or hurt another innocent at a later date.

We have cops for a reason, to catch crooks.

Before they are crooks who need to be caught, they have to have victimized someone. :rolleyes:

Ergo, cops don't protect people from getting victimized, they go and collect up the victimizer after he's created a victim. Probably more than 90% of the time, they arrive after the damage has been done.

I'd rather lose some stuff then risk me or anyone getting hurt. If you piss him off and he blows the mother of 3 away trying to shoot you as you run around the store fighting him. Hows this, in the firefight that ensues, he hits 2 peopel and you get him...Great trade off, two dead innocents and 1 dead waste of life. I'd rather him drive off and our police do their jobs. They get paid good money out here i'd rather it be put to use then lose 25 bucks and my phone.

I'll just close by saying what I'd bet $10,000 that at least ten other people here are thinking:

You make a lot of the arguments that the "antis" make. :barf:

Tactics. A cell phone can provided a diversion if it has the technology. Mind you, using one while driving should be a capital offence.
here's a thought for the cell phone. Throw the thing so that it hits the wall on the other side of the BG and distracts him, even for a second or two, and then take him out :D .

Seriously, it might work though. Anything to break his concentration.
I read recently that at A&M Galveston... and my memory is rusty so anyone with knowledge please chip in... anyway, as I remember it, at A&M Galveston a kid was walking home when he was robbed at gunpoint. He gave the guy his wallet, but his phone then went off. The ringer scared the gunman and he flinched, pulling the trigger! The kid's alright though, thank God.

I keep my phone on vibrate or silent when walking around at night. I figure if someone's going to rob me, I'd rather be able to deny I have a phone... if the POS goes off, it'd be hard to explain it away. "What? No, that was... uh... look over there!" *runs* :p

It is a valid idea, though. Provided you can actually feel the darn thing vibrating, then I see no problem keeping it on vibrate permanently. At the least, it makes you the most courteous cell phone user ever (now if I could just get people to stop having loud conversations while they're on the bus....)
Maybe you're one of those "gun owners" who is just a hunter, has only a double-barreled shotgun, and does not feel a brotherhood with other gun owners; can't see why we "need an assault weapon"; and thinks we're paranoid if we CCW...

Or maybe hes like me and wonders about the mindset of folks who live their entire lives looking over their shoulder and just itchin for the chance to play "hero"

Or maybe hes like me and wonders about the mindset of folks who live their entire lives looking over their shoulder and just itchin for the chance to play "hero"

I haven't seen this :confused: .

Unless we're going back the the shower thing (and we don't mean IN the shower but in the bathroom itself).

If I may, direct your attention to The Armed Citizen in the October 2005 issue. Granted the man of the house wasn't in the shower or the bathroom at the time but the wife convinced the intruder to allow her husband to go into the bathroom to take some meds.

Luckily, the bedroom was attached to the bathroom, but we all don't have that in the floor plan of our home.

Yet, the intruder allowed him to go to the bathroom. So having or carrying a gun into the bathroom, really isn't such a stupid idea afterall.

If it's allowable, I can scan the page and post it if it doesn't break any copywrite laws. This way, you will see that I'm not lying to you.

I'm sorry, I read the title "Gun in the shower paranoid?" and just figured the word "in" meant IN.

Now I sometimes forget the difference in definition between cement and concrete. But I thought I was on pretty firm (concrete??) footing with the meaning of "IN".

And IN is goofy. Now, if you are a CCW man (or woman) and you need to take a shower, I figure you might occassionally drop trou, so to speak, in the bathroom and then a weapon in the bathroom as opposed to actually being IN the shower makes perfect sense. You carry IWB and you take your pants off in the bathroom, you pretty much have the weapon IN the bathroom. Now if you take your pants off in the shower, You are SILLY GOOFY. :)

But that's just me.

Jim <== So uppity, I don't even have a cell phone to get tactical and disciplined with. I have people your people can call to arrange for us to talk. :)
You know what got me to get myself a cellular phone?

I was driving home from work one night, waiting at a RR crossing while the long train went by. A van was in front of me, cars on each side. In my rear-view mirror I saw a car coming up behind me -- slowing, but not stopping. I got bumped. Not hard enough to push me into the van in front, though.

So when the other vehicles crossed the tracks, I did as well, and signaled the idiot behind me to do the same.

When we stopped again, this time MY car was behind HERS. Two young women got out, OBVIOUSLY slightly inebriated. :mad:

There was no damage to the cars, but I was checking the hell out of my little crapbox Hyundai. I didn't want to involve police and insurance companies if I could avoid it, and so I was ready to tell the women to just get out of there if there was no damage.

The driver started getting agitated, saying, "Oh, come on, there's nothing wrong, what, you want to call the cops, go ahead, here's my cell phone, call the cops, blah blah blah." (Apparently a sloppy attempt to use reverse psychology.)

I got assertive (more so) and told her, "LOOK, I'm gonna check to see that my car is undamaged before I tell you to blow, but not before then. And IF there's no damage, then all will be fine. So just CHILL for a minute, and chances are there'll be nothing to have to bother with." <words to that effect>

But it made me realize that after the fact, these women could have called a cop to claim that I had hit them!. After all, the cars were now rearranged in that order.

Beyond that, I've found that cellular phones are almost infinitely convenient. Get lost on the way to somewhere, call them. Won't make it in time, call them. Need the movie times? Call them. Call-ahead seating? Call them. Getting picked up at the airport, and your plane just landed, and they can't wait at the curb for long periods? Call them. See a crime in progress? Call the police.

Apart from the discourtesy of using phones loudly in places where people never used to be able to use a phone, I can't think of a reason not to have one. I can directly control how courteous I am when I have a phone; the simple fact of having it does not mean I have to be a discourteous boor with it.

I've had cellular phones forever. 5 of them at the same time for all of the different countries and systems I have to work in, here and abroad. Recently Cingular screwed up my rate plan and refused to correct the billing. I paid the bill, cancelled the service and after 2 weeks still have not found another service that I will tolerate. My Cingular service used a Motorola GSM V3 Razor. No other service uses GSM except T-Mobile. Verizon and others use other service types. All of the phones are HUGE. I'm waiting and the longer I wait the more I realize that I like being off-line sometimes.

I don't need a gun in the bathroom and I don't need a phone in there either. If I don't answer the phone at the office or at home, call me tomorrow :)

But I still have 4 foreign phones and will likely get another US provider when they get a phone that compares to the V3 Razor, which is about as large as I will tolerate.
I especially like the idea

of throwing it against the wall. :p
At least once a week I want to offer to do that with someone else's phone....

No, I no longer own one.
I don't need a gun in the bathroom and I don't need a phone in there either.

How do you KNOW you will never need to use either of those from the bathroom?

You might step out of the shower and hear breaking glass, or a door being forced. Without a means of defending yourself OR summoning police help, what would you do?

Your post is a good one. I've never thought about that scenario.

I personally hate when my phone beeps every time I push a button, so I turn that annoying feature off right away! So, if I'm dialing 911, that won't be an issue.

But as far as ringing vs. vibrate... I've had mine set to vibrate before, and rarely can tell it's "ringing." On the other hand, my speaker is on the front of the phone, and I keep it in the coin/watch pocket above my main pocket in my jeans, so I have to keep the volume up more to hear it ringing through my jeans. Not a good thing if I'm trying to hide from a BG robbing the store I'm in. I guess for my own safety, setting it to vibrate when out in public would keep me the safest.
I think I'll just keep my phone on whatever ring I want, and not worry about a bg hearing it lol, that's a little exsessive if you ask me. You might as well wear full camo everyday incase you have to hide.
Having a phone in the bathroom saved my Grandmothers life. She slipped in the tub and broke her hip. She couldn't get out of the tub but luckily (or paranoidaly?) she had a phone in the bathroom and called my Mom, who then went over and made her decent and then called the EMT's.

Yup, if my ol' Grandma wasn't so paranoid, she could have died in her non paranoid state :rolleyes: .


Okay, I ask you this, what makes you think that calling others names and second-guessing their mental health is justifiable by you? Give us your credentials that give you the right or the medical background to pass judgment on others.

Until then, it is you that I firmly believe have a mental illness, not the others that you have projected your true self upon IMHO that is.
