Cellular phone discipline


Has anyone given any thought to whether to keep their cellular phones set on "silent" at all times?

With all the "you walk in on a robbery in progress" and "you are in the back of the store when the robbers walk in" threads, it got me thinking. Some people said, "If I could be undetected by the robber, I might back off and summon 911 help rather than try to be Mr. Tactical."

What if your phone was going to beep beep beep while you dialed 911??! That might alert the robber to your presence, and your activities! :eek:

I am now giving serious thought to leaving my phone on silent/vibrate mode all the time (except maybe at home, but possibly even then) for the reasons that I may not wish to alert certain people to the fact that I'm using the phone.

Your thoughts?

Mine can mute the key tones while retaining an audible ring...I suppose this is a good idea, but man, I just don't think as tactically as some of you. :eek:
It would just be a shame to get killed because your cellular phone blabbed on you to a badguy, that's all. :(

I never thought about this but I thank you for bringing it to my attention. I will play with this idea and get back to you. Since I read your post, I've now switched my ringer to "vibrate".
What if your ring tone is that of a Gunshot, maybe multiple? It may be enough to scare them away? (or it could be the most stupid thing that I've ever mentioned :o )

My ring tone is the sound of a 12 gauge being racked. ALWAYS get's people's attention when I'm in a crowded room. :D

Just kidding about that ... but would that be a cool ring tone to have or not?
I keep the key tones muted, because I think they are annoying. I keep the ringer set to vibrate, because I find other people's ringers annoying, and I don't want to be the person I hate :)
I have mine set with a deadmans switch if i dont press the number 5 every 10 min it automatically calls 911.

I like when my phone rings though, my general ringtone is an MP3 of the Rolling stones paint it black. if its my girlfriend then its metallicas nothing else matters.

then i have about 13 other ringers depending on who is calling.

I think in a robbery situation youre better off giving the POS what he wants then sneaking around like Steven Segal
The important thing is to not just keep your phone on vibrate but too also eliminate the key tone. Another suggest would be to put 911 on your speed dial, like as slot 9. That way it would be just one button to push, and on my phone speed dial is silent, while my key tone can be turned down but not turned off.
I have mine set with a deadmans switch if i dont press the number 5 every 10 min it automatically calls 911.
That's pretty annoying.
I think in a robbery situation youre better off giving the POS what he wants then sneaking around like Steven Segal
That's right, children, just do what the bad man says and everything will be ok.
I have mine set with a deadmans switch if i dont press the number 5 every 10 min it automatically calls 911.

That's pretty annoying.
I think in a robbery situation youre better off giving the POS what he wants then sneaking around like Steven Segal

That's right, children, just do what the bad man says and everything will be ok.

The deadman's switch is a joke. Just trying to keep up with the cult of paranoia around here.

Given the choice, letting an armed suspect rob the quicky mart without someone getting hurt or playing uber tactical ninja operative in the back and risking the guy getting paranoid and popping someone, I'd prefer the former.

My ring tone is the sound of a 12 gauge being racked. ALWAYS get's people's attention when I'm in a crowded room.

Just kidding about that ... but would that be a cool ring tone to have or not?

When my buddy calls my ringtones is my SKS being cocked :D seriously
In addition to programming 911 into your speed dial, you should program the local police number as well. Because on a cell phone, at least in Southern California, 911 dials the Highway Patrol.
"I keep the key tones muted, because I think they are annoying. I keep the ringer set to vibrate, because I find other people's ringers annoying, and I don't want to be the person I hate"

Agreed. I get sick of hearing peoples phones go off all the time in stores, at restaraunts, etc, so I leave mine on vibrate to avoid being that irritating person.

Interesting point, though. I never thought about the robbery situation. The beeping phone would draw some unwanted attention. I guess I'd be fine since mine is always on vibrate.
I have mine set with a deadmans switch if i dont press the number 5 every 10 min it automatically calls 911.

You can't be serious.

I think in a robbery situation youre better off giving the POS what he wants then sneaking around like Steven Segal

Well, at least you spelled his name right. :rolleyes: [Seagal]

Um, are you really one of those adherents to the appeasement philosophy when it comes to robbers, or were you being sarcastic?

What happens when you appease a robber because he "promises not to hurt you if you give him what he wants," and then -- because he's the kind of human scum who would be a robber in the first place -- he doesn't honor his "promise"?

Do you understand why there are those of us who will fight tooth and nail, rather than encourage a human POS like this by giving in to whatever he demands? That is NO way to live life. How could you respect yourself after doing that?

The important thing is to not just keep your phone on vibrate but too also eliminate the key tone. Another suggest would be to put 911 on your speed dial, like as slot 9. That way it would be just one button to push, and on my phone speed dial is silent, while my key tone can be turned down but not turned off.
Well, on my phone, the "Silent" profile sets the keytones to silent as well as just the ringtone. It is customizable, also, so that I can start with the basic preset "Silent" profile and then override certain characteristics, like whether I want the keytones active or not, or whatever.

I have to look at the phone manual and make sure about whether I have one-touch 911 operating.

Starscream said:
The deadman's switch is a joke. Just trying to keep up with the cult of paranoia around here.

"Cult of paranoia"? Maybe you should read about just how quickly TScanHTF in the recent thread titled "I didn't get shot." "Paranoia" can get legitimized into "preparedness" awful quickly when you find yourself in proximity of bad people. (In that thread, consider what the "non-paranoid" people did: they stood there, five feet away from a guy who was waving a gun around trying to fire it. Not seeking cover; just gawking like idiot sheeple.)

Starscream said:
Given the choice, letting an armed suspect rob the quicky mart without someone getting hurt or playing uber tactical ninja operative in the back and risking the guy getting paranoid and popping someone, I'd prefer the former.

Good. Fine for you. YOU give up your stuff to Mr. nice robber. Me, I'll do myself and society the favor and use my legal, moral and ethical right to oppose him. Maybe if you're lucky, he won't be around after he tries that crap on me, to later rob your girlfriend.

So how many guns are in your house? Do you have one in every room? How about within arm's reach at all times? How do you know that one will work? How do you know the primer int he bullet you have chambered isnt a dud? Are your windows bullet resistant? At anytime do you sit in view of a window in which a sniper could pick you off? Have you mapped out possible nests within 800 meters? How many locks on your door? (Each door not total) How many alarm systems? One could fail. How many escape routes do you have? Have you mapped out kill zones for the kids to lay suppressive fire while you snap BG's necks? How secure is your internet connection? How well do you know your neighbors? How do you know they aren't al-Qaeda operatives?

Never know what could happen, with the same probability as your phone going off at the exact moment as you're at the same scene as a robbery you could become the target of the guy who used a public john right after you could be pissed because you spilled a few drops on the seat, he used a seat cover but it soaked through and he got your piss on his ass and he goes bananas and uses his military training (post truamatic stress disorder) to snipe you at home. Or some old person could have a massive stroke behind the wheel and side swipe you and you never make it to 7-11. going to stop drivng anytime soon? thousands of people die in cars every year... more probable than your phone going off at the same exact time as the stop and rob is being robbed.

As far as robberies go. There isnt anything material in this world worth my life. If there is a chance me or someone will get hurt for 150 bucks and a snickers barwhatever I'll call the cops and let them do their jobs. If there was a chance I could get the drop on him and not risk anyone getting hurt, maybe but still what is there in a 7-11 worth losing a life over.

We have cops for a reason, to catch crooks. I'm not going to risk my life to keep my phone (insurace, id get a new one), my keys( odds are he's got a car and i have a spare, if he steals my truck insurance covers that too) a nice crkt knife (ohh no 50 bucks) , my zippo (20 bucks) and my wallet, I dont carry cash since debit works everywhere and I can have my cards cancelled before he gets out of the parking lot. A new drivers liscence is a phone call away and ive got more pictures. Tell me, whats worth my life over?

If he didnt kow i was there, I'd call 911 but it's not a huge reason to turn off my ringer all the time in case i happen to be in a 7-11 in the head at the exact same time as someone decides to rob the place. I turn it off when it needs to be off (school, work, movies, restuarant) and leave it on in day to day life, why? Silent I'd have no idea anyone called and vibrate is rough on batteries and with my looser fit pants I dont always feel it.

Moral and ethical right to stop a guy robbing a 7-11, again we have Police for a reason. He's probably armed I'm not, I cant carry the city and county wont give me a permit. So lets see, fists and knife vs gun.....hrm...naw not worth it. So after you get shot doing a cops job and I watch him get arraigned on the 10 o clock news I'll have a glass of bourbon and remark to my GF "Well he tried to do the right thing"

You can fight tooth and nail and die or you can submit and die. Odds are rushing an armed attacker will get you shot faster than saying "Here buddy it's the tan tacoma out front you'll get about 25 MPG so you may have to fill up twice on the way to mexico." Im not an expert, but i think just being cool does better, any cops got numbers on this?

I'd rather lose some stuff then risk me or anyone getting hurt. If you piss him off and he blows the mother of 3 away trying to shoot you as you run around the store fighting him. Hows this, in the firefight that ensues, he hits 2 peopel and you get him...Great trade off, two dead innocents and 1 dead waste of life. I'd rather him drive off and our police do their jobs. They get paid good money out here i'd rather it be put to use then lose 25 bucks and my phone.