Celebrity posters

- The walking, talking thesaurus of the English language!
- The Scimitar of Slam!
- The Puncturer of Pomposity!
- Conquerer of Gaul, but didn't want it and threw it back!
- Truly a major defender of the RKBA!
- Destroyer of the devious!
- Exposer of the Deceptive!
- One mean Mutha!

Oh! Oh, yeah! Got another one!

- Prosecutor of Parsers!

Ooo! I LIKE that one!!

(This is kinda fun! :D)

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited September 03, 1999).]
I don't know where you guys come up with this stuff..... I have always pictured DC as a cheerful, cute, gregarious girl with a thing for politics and way with words. Sure, she seems confrontational at times, but I really think that is just her way of flirting.
Rob - buddy - you must be an engineer (state of mind) with that viewpoint.

Still got your pocket protector?


"Hear the voices in my head, swear to God it sounds like
they're snoring." -Harvey Danger, "Flagpole Sitta"
Me? Just a farmer.

Though, Frank Sinatra once bought me a gelato,sat me on his lap and sang a song...I was 7....still have a major crush on him :)

My Uncle Tony was an airline pilot and let me fly a DC8 (sorta).

the rest is for the history books ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Just a farmer. Riiiggghhtttt.
Was it MacArthur who said something to the effect, "I'm just a common soldier"?
Well here gos. I was in a Heavy Metal band in 87. I lived in L.A. and met many famous people there. I was at a small party for "Warrent", the night they got signed. I lived in the same appartment complex as "Guns And Roses", partied with them often.
We were a good band and had a good chance of making it but I got a stomach full of that scene and came home.

In my other lifelol, Ben Rodgers Lee (of turkey call fame) was my father-in-law. I met several outdoor writers and such while hunting around the country w/ him.Hunted w/ Monty Burke (sp)in ID. Hunted turkeys in NY w/ Paul Butsky (sp)and spent 12 hours in a van from TX to MS w/ Tony Kinton (writer), a real "alpha hotel". Ive been backstage w/ Ted Nugent twice(he and Ben were friends). We rode w/ Ted in his rented car from the coliseum to his motel. No party, no hot chicks, we talked for a while and left him so he could go to sleep. Ted is one of the hardest working men I ever met.

After all that, I now live in rural AL and wouldnt trade it for the world. Aint life funny?

..........Luke 22:36,,,,RKBA! ...m16

[This message has been edited by m16a2223 (edited September 07, 1999).]
When I was 11 years old, I was the star of the film--"Hunting Safely with Your Children--What you both Need to Know" along with my father. We're still just regular people, though, like back in the day. :)
You people need to add some smileys--I'm in a college computer lab and I'm getting some looks for laughing at "those crazy people."


"Hey you, let's fight!"
"Them's fightin' words!"
Wow, surrounded by all these famous people.

Me, I almost shook hands with then-President George Bush.

- During his first Presidential Campaign, Ronald Reagan spoke at Camden City Hall--just across the street from my daycare center.

- Billy Graham drove by our car when we were passing through Asheville

- I heard Derek Prince minister at the memorial service for one of the founding members of Intercessors for America.

- I appeared in a few local newspapers for area happenings.

- But my biggest claim to fame is being directly related to the Hatfield side of that feud that happened out along the WV-KY border.

And now, I'm trying to keep a low profile so I'm not constantly badgered by the local and national media ;)

Exodus 22:2 -- Biblical precedent for home defense.
I'm sorta' new here but I'm not sure if I could be called a "celebrity".
I currently do paintings for limited edition prints, but I'm only well known in NC. Before I got into this line of work I designed paint schemes for some of the Winston Cup race cars, as well as the design and Airbrush work on many of the teams transporters. Throw in some NHRA Top Fuelers, Busch teams, and Craftsman Supertrucks and you can tell my work is known Nationwide.
Oh yeah, My picture was in National Rifleman a couple of times too, does that count?

[This message has been edited by Outlaw1 (edited September 08, 1999).]
I had a beer at a party once with a guy who once dated a girl whose second cousin lived next door to the ex-wife of the sister of the brother in law of the guy who drywalled the house of Elvis' mailman!

I think that's how it went...

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.
- My main claim to fame is being DonL's evil twin brother :)
- Husband of 16 years and father of 4 (and damned proud of it too!)
- Once stayed at the same hotel and bumped into Jake "the Snake" Roberts.
- Painted the Nuke Proof team van
- Lover of Oreo cookies
- #1 Flincher, Detroit Area Chapter, Terra Haute Torque & Recoil Society
- Paint god and pope of pigment (inside joke)
- All-around nice guy

OK, so the last one isn't true. ;)


Detroit Area Chapter
Terra-Haute Torque & Recoil Scoiety
That was you!?
I held the nozzle open for you at the keg!
Wow, now I'm famous too :)

"A right is not what someone gives you; it's what no one can take from you." - Ramsay Clark

"Rights are liable to be perverted to wrongs when we are incapable of rightly exercising them." - Sarah Josepha Hale
Well, I'm not famous.
I have, however, had several chances to talk weapons with the gentleman who was in charge of the Marine's weapons R&D department a few years ago. :) After seeing what he had to go through, I'm kinda glad I'm not on "the fast track", all the moves and new schools...
Oh, yeah- there are some fairly well-known tactical and shooting types I've been known to harass from time to time. ;)

The elite of America's shooters are much more approachable than so many other groups.

Some of the folks I've been happiest to meet in person were Clint Smith, Bud Malstrom, Steven Hayes, Masaaki Hatsumi, Fumio Manaka, and Jack Hoban. I still even like most of them! I was somewhat underwhelmed by Cold Steel's Lynn Thompson, while John Ross was a great and personable guy. Eric Ching is a super-nice gentleman that I hope to meet in person some time. I just missed Jeff Cooper at the SHOT show.

People I would most like to meet include Peter Kokalis, Billy Joel and Arnold Schwartzenegger. I also really would like to meet Ken Cox, Thaddeus, and Rich! :)
Fun reading, this thread...I guess most of us have had a brush with minor celebrity. Mine happened when a guy took some pictures of me at a silhouette shoot (I didn't even know it at the time) which were later published in Shooting Times magazine. And after all the times I had unsucessfully tried to get them to print my stuff, too! They didn't even send me a free copy or ask for a model release. Gee...does this mean I can say I'm an 'ex-model'? slabsides

An armed man is a citizen; an unarmed man is a subject; a disarmed man is a slave.

Is your Stephen Hayes the 1st American to be taught in a traditional ninjitsu ryu in Japan?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Well,lets see....... I worked at a Music shop in the late 80's and the band Stryper was playing nearby and came in to get a new wireless for their bass player. Just the bassist and drummer came in. Him and I sat and watched a Whitesnake video,discussing it as we're both drummers. Other than that,not much with me. I went to Hollywood this last summer and never saw a single star anywhere-except possibly a side glance at what I thought to be Julia Marie Dreyfuss driving a Mercedes pulling out from Beverly Hills. And then I work with a guy who met Arnold Schwartzeneger at a Chicago Planet Hollywood-got his photo with the family and all. Even chatted with him for a while. Here I go to Hollywood and nothing and he stays here and meets a big star...... go figure....
Back to the original purpose of this thread.

I see that Gale McMillan of McMillan Stocks and Rifles has just joined us (big bore discussion in The Art of the Rifle). Welcome aboard! This place is definitely getting classy.
Does this count? I know (actually hes my uncle) the president of the Jelly Belly candy company so I get free candy, so ha beat that :)