CCW vs. Unlicensed Carry?

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CCW is unconstitutional. It flies in the face of the Second Amendment. Why don't newspapers have to pay a licensing fee if they wish to publish a paper? If you can't afford a lawyer, a public defender will be appointed? Why don't you have to go into debt and borrow the money? You don't pay a fee to attend church or to assemble peacefully. Much talk is mentioned about following the laws concerning carry; do what is legal. Well, go read the United States Code, Title 10, Chapter 13, Paragraphs 311, 312, 313, et al. Go read some quotes by the Founders concerning their INTENT of what and who the militia are. Take the Second Amendment, the US Code, and the Intent of the Founders, and tell me why you think the Second Amendment is not being infringed, and why we should be paying a tax to enjoy what is a right. Stuff any B.S. about the war on drugs and fighting crime. What about freedom? What about deterrence against tyranny? The States cannot usurp any right that is explicitly guaranteed in the Constitution. I can't understand this nonsense about the Commerce Clause - what a crock of feces. If the NRA has such hotshot lawyers and is out to protect our rights, why aren't they arguing these points?

Follow the law? Why aren't the true laws being enforced?
Gwinny, BlackHelo doesn't care. As far as it is concerned, we are facists. Of course, I bet its solution to facism is fullblown communism.

Sodbuster, good points. My thoughts exactly.
DeadCalm and Walt Marshall,

I hope that you will reconsider closing this thread. Even though, I can not agree with some comments, I see that most of us are following the topic on respectful terms. I hope to learn from others here and enjoy the topic. It is refreshing to hear guys here speak on such a "taboo" topic that even most gun rights political activistic organizations won't even touch w/a ten foot pole. Thanks all the same for bringing up the topic. Its interesting, if nothing else.

Black Helo,

I agree that Nazis are no good and I wouldn't waste a minute trying to exchange information with a group if I thought they represented such an evil. Maybe you know something that I don't, but so far, I haven't heard Cornered Rat say anything that would lead me to believe that he was anyone other than a man of integrety. Certainly NOT a Nazi.

I realize that there have been many who have done evil things under the name of "Christianity". I don't even agree with many groups of those who claim to be Christians today, on many issues and Biblical doctrine any more than any one Jew would be in agreement with every other who claimed to be Jewish. You are entitled to your opinion, but you need to realize that those who represent Jesus Christ hold NO animosity toward the Jews. Those who harbor any ill will toward the Jewish people, come under the direct disciplinary justice of Jesus Christ. Why? Because He, Jesus the Christ (Jewish Messiah/"Annointed Savior") made the covenant to Abraham in Genesis 12:1-3. Hitler, who murdered both Jews and Christians, was not a representative of Jesus any more than any other anti-semitic individual. Any Christian that knows even the basic Bible teachings of the first, second, OR third covenants should be the best friend that Israel has. Until you've challenged yourself to study the Bible to learn enough about the Messiah to make an intelligent comment concerning His followers, please refrain from lumping all religious hate groups together as "Christ-ians". They don't represent Him any more than you do, not that I'm lumping you together with them. You simply don't represent Him; that's all. Jew-haters don't either; nor are they "Christian", translated "one who is like (resembles) Christ". If you are a Jew, I hope that you will consider the Jewish Scriptures of Isaiah 53 to start with.

Sorry to get off of the subject. Just thought that this issue had to be put to rest so we can go on with the topic at hand.

"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)

[This message has been edited by EQUALIZER (edited October 03, 1999).]
Just MHOP but something not addressed here that I think would be of great help to all CCW holders is the recognition by all states of others issued CCW's.It would make it a lot safer to travel both from the selfprotection standpoint and for dealing with differences in laws between states.
This is my first day on this site and I do have to say I think I have found a home.
We seem to be getting back on track. I'm happy to withdraw my request to lock down this thread. Mr. Marshall, I guess it's your call.

A good discussion; hated to see it wrecked by the kinds of flames so common on "that other board."

BlackHelo, shame on you. We're all waiting for your apology.
There is a clause in the U.S. Constitution that requires the states and the national govt. to recognize the public acts, records , and judicial proceedings of each state. See Article IV, Section 1. This section also giver Congress the responsibility of detrmining how such acts, records, and proceedings shall be proved. The Framers anticipated such a problem as beemerb describes.
Despite all the well-meant moral or ethical posturing of my fellow members, my advice is, "Don't get caught!" Isn't that simple?

Remember: When you attempt to rationalize two inconsistent positions, you risk drowning as your own sewage backs up... Yankee Doodle

[This message has been edited by BigG (edited October 04, 1999).]
BigG, it may seem simple to just 'not get caught'. But it isn't. Let's say I'm driving along and my tail-light burns out. A cop pulls me over. I tell him I didn't know it was burned out but will stop at a gas-station and get it fixed. Well, he wants me to see which light and asks me to step out and take a look. Lot's of cops also insist on patting down anyone that is asked to get out of the car. There, I'm busted. I wasn't DWI, wasn't speeding or otherwise "asking for it" but got caught anyway. This is hypothetical, and as of yet I haven't been "made". However, every time I go out the door I realize that I may get caught, even though I'm not attracting LEO attention. -Kframe
Kframe, perhaps what BigG is trying to tell you is; while the Kframe is truly the best gun, you may need to settle for a Jframe in a Thunderwear crotch pouch holster. Most people doing pat searches tend to avoid the crotch. They work great with either loose or tight pants. Just don't wear a belt if you wear tight pants.
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