CCW badges......AGAIN!

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I get the idea of using something after an incident to let other people know you're not the bad guy, so you don't get shot. But will cops arriving even see this badge thing you're holding up? I think the only thing they will see is a gun. If they show up you better put it down quick, that is, if you haven't already holstered it.

That shoots down the only possible advantage I can see to one of those.

So, I think the ccw badge is a dumb idea. Screams wannabe cop, and I'm sure it would look that way to a jury. It would probably look that way to a cop, too.

my $.02 worth.
God I've seen it all now. Some of you are good for a laugh. Any average joe smo can get a CCW permit assuming you're not a felon-big deal. It doesn't give you anymore rights than someone without one.
That's what I've been saying all along. Apparently some people here can't get it in their head that if they used a CCW in the manner they talk about on here they'd be in prison.
As an investigator on site at the minimum at a shooting scene I would take not only the guns involved but anything like a badge as evidence to let the DA decide just what to charge. Carrying a "badge" could be construed as intent depending on the situation and might color the whole incident for a jury don't Ya think? :confused:
I have run into a couple of "badge" carrying CWP holders over the years and have ended up later arresting at least one who's "badge" went to his head one night where he drew his gun for no real reason that we could find other than ego. I'm in the bad idea camp for now.... :D
Carrying a CCW badge is a very, very bad idea. I have been asked by students if they should buy one, and the answer is always the same NO!

FWIW, I would ask to see the resume of any "former LEO" who advises that this is a good idea. The first thing that springs to mind is that they may be "former" because they gave out some very bad info while on the job.

This one's run its course.

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