CCW badges......AGAIN!

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I'm not gonna charge someone with impersonation just because they have a CCW badge, but it also isnt gonna carry any weight if I see it.
That is the exact sentiment and some times word for word answer I have gotten from almost every LEO I have bothered with this question,including a county sheriff and a chief of police
If you noticed by my last post I have asked ay least few LEOs about this topic.
If you check the time of when I first posted on this thread till now you could logically deduce that I did not asked them all tonight.

What does that tell you about my interest in this topic :)
Well OK, cue up the theme from "Andy of Mayberry" and call him Barney Fife. Carrying a CCW badge and telling someone they aren't into playing cops and robbers is like saying Osama Bin Laden is a friend of America, just not true. You can play the knee-jerk card all you want, but having a "fake" badge, that's what it is afterall, is ridiculous. What's next, a light and siren on your head?? :D You want to shoot someone legally, take up paintball.
Any person, even the criminals, can hold up some silly badge and make themselves look like legal gun holders to the public or to the police.

Most of the general public don't even know or don't want to know that people are even carrying concealed. What makes anyone think that they will respond to someone holding some badge and yelling "I'm a CCW holder!"

Like a person is going to worry about reaching in his pocket to grab his CCW badge during a life and death shootout.

The police don't need to know if you are a legal CCW holder during a shootout. The only thing they need to worry about is that you aren't shooting at them and they can always can ask to see your CCW permit after the shootout is over.

The key to concealed carry is "concealment" and not advertise that you are a CCW holder when you open up your wallet and there's this shiny CCW badge.
If one is unlucky enough to be involved in a shootout and still has a gun in his hand when the Law arrives (those with the real badges), be prepared to give up your gun and be put in 'cuffs. Most LEO's I know will not hesitate to take control of all the guns they can and the people they belong to. Then they will deal with the ones on the other side. They don't know who the players are when they arrive and will do anything they can to ensure their safety.

If one finds it necessary to have that gun out, I would suggest having a cell phone in the other hand with 911 dispatch on the other end. Give them a good description and the reason you have your gun out so at least the responding officers would have some warning as to your intentions. If you want to be readily identifiable, consider taking off your pants. There should be no mistaken ID's then :D As to the idea of a "Badge". I'd file it in the "Not Good Idea" file.
if there was a shootout, you could hold your ID and badge, yell CCW HOLDER, call 911 to bystanders.
This is probably not such a good idea.

I do not think it is necessarily a bad idea to have a "concealed carry badge" or whatever other name they go by; on the front of your trouser belt under a jacket etc. Such that it can be made visible when desired, and might cause sufficient hesitation as to preclude getting shot at by the good guys.

And I do not see what all the fuss is about badges; they are meaningless unless matched with an identifying document issued by the issuing agency or department.
I think SWMIKE has a good idea about having a cell phone with the dispatcher on the line, also SENDEC is correct in saying you must have ID. Fl. requires you to have a permit AND DL or some other valid ID to carry a firearm concealed.
I personally don't see much point to carrying a CCW badge. On the other hand, though, I can care less if other people want to carry them.
Here in FL it's not recommended but it is legal(shield type)
the star badge is for SO only and will get you arrested.
Got a thing in the mail a few weeks ago about ordering a CCW badge I was so impressed by the idea I threw it in the garbage. :barf:
Definitely NOT a good idea...

My first thought to wearing a badge if I'm CCW was this: If I'm advertising that I'm carrying, then I'm not CONCEALED anymore. Isn't the whole point to CCW that it NOT be "open carry" or known to the public that you're carrying? If you wear a badge indicating it, that totally defeats the purpose.

My second thought: The badge = target for the Bad Guys. They want to be the only ones w/ guns in a situation. If they know you have a gun, too, you'll be the first one taken out of the picture.
I'm not trying to be hard on you, or disparaging of your RCOs, but pulling out a badge (or anything) and yelling ""CCW holder!" just seems to be tactically unsound to me. Doing anything other than seeking cover, finding an advantage, and protecting yourself and your family just doesn't make sense. In a gunfight that is hard enough to do.
What joab is proposing might have some merit, but I disagree there as well. The same badge might draw some very unwelcome attention to you from people who would otherwise leave you alone.
That badge isn't suited for a number of states, including New Hampshire, since it's a "license" not a "permit." Think "marriage license" vs. "marriage permit."
Boy, some of you guys cannot read or something.
where in the original post does it say that I was told to yell
CCW holder BEFORE shooting?

Why are you guys reading this into it, makes me wonder the intelligence of the posters. READ THE ORIGINAL POST!

I stated that they recommended that you might have to yell that AFTER shooting someone and people came onto the scene after the BG was injured or dead!

Second senario is that the gunfight goes on longer than intended and by standers come onto the scene, and you want to identify yourself to someone as the good guy.

Whatever they think is there problem as long as you do not knowingly attempt to persuade them that you are a cop
only in your vision of that little thing we call 'reality'. go ahead. carry your shiny badge and flash it while yelling 'ccw holder'; then come back after the mess and tell us how many other people knew what a ccw holder was and were comforted by your actions.

btw, can i get a badge made up that says i'm not a fat disgusting pig? that way i can show it to people and they will be convinced simply from seeing my badge that i am indeed not a disgusting fat pig. because badges dont lie!

I stated that they recommended that you might have to yell that AFTER shooting someone and people came onto the scene after the BG was injured or dead!
no, you said
if there was a shootout, you could hold your ID and badge, yell CCW HOLDER, call 911 to bystanders. No one is going to approach you to see your tiny Wallet ID, and the badge is reassuring to the civilian. That way when the LE comes, they will be more knowledeable.
How do you, as a civilian, know when your gun battle is over and it's time to start flashing your $25 badge and telling people to call 911? How do you know the man you just shot does not have a friend who is smarter than him just waiting for you to come from behind cover? How do you know he will not pull a BUG and spatter your grey matter with it? You cannot stay in control of the situation while flashing badges.

Your gun battle is over when the police show up and have taken control of the scene, not when you have hit your target. Trust me, people will call 911 without you commanding them to with your badge.

Why are you guys reading this into it, makes me wonder the intelligence of the posters. READ THE ORIGINAL POST!,,,,,,,,,
This is pretty insulting. I did read your original post. From the ones that followed, I'm not certain I desire to read any more. Have a nice day. :mad:
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