CCW badges......AGAIN!

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New member
Ok, I already did some searchin on the net about this subject, but most of the posts I found were old. I know the same argument for both sides are the same.

But our CCW LEO suggested getting a CCW badge. He suggested one that did not imitate any of the local jurisdictions, a simple star type badge.

The reason for this was for immediate apparent identification.

if there was a shootout, you could hold your ID and badge, yell CCW HOLDER, call 911 to bystanders. No one is going to approach you to see your tiny Wallet ID, and the badge is reassuring to the civilian. That way when the LE comes, they will be more knowledeable.
Other reason is that it is a quick ID to prevent you from being shot by Officers responding to an on going situation.
It also might prevent another CCW holder from shooting you as well.

I'm no cop wantabe, I just can see the reasoning on both sides, and as I trust the judgement of my LE friend, I'm stuck in the middle.

I know the concensus is against badges, but if I'm at a distance, and you see me with my drawn gun and cannot see the bad guy, are you going to approach me to ask to see my ID? If I flash a badge and yell CCW holder what would be your honest reaction? What'd are you going to think coming onto this picture?What's going to be your reaction to this senario?

1. I hold up an ID and yell CCW holder. from where you are, you cannot tell if it is a drivers license or CCW card.
2. I hold up an ID and CCW badge and yell CCW holder! You can not see the ID clearly, but you recognize the CCW badge?
and the badge is reassuring to the civilian

Um.. YOU are a civillian. I think the badges are an extremely stupid and redundant idea.

Do you have you gun to protect large groups of people? Then become a cop.

If I am in THAT much danger such that my life is at risk, and I neet to start calculating "if that person does X, I am going to (pull my gun/shoot/run)Im not pulling out a little badge that I got by sending in 5 UPC's and $5.95 S&H. Im pulling out my gun shooting.

These badges are a discrace.
People see a badge, they think "police." I am not a cop, I don't have a badge. Yelling "CCW HOLDER" probably won't mean anything to the average person. They'll see the badge, think "cop", and expect you to handle the situation. Crooks also think "cop" when they see a badge. Bad idea all around.
yeah, it will work great for getting you arrested for 'impersonating a police officer'.

that ccw badge doesnt have to be remotely similar to a LEO badge for a civilian to confuse you with having the jedi-skills LEO's automagically possess.

besides, any REAL ninja that carries has already mastered the ninja-mind-control skill that allows you to telepathically let the responded law enforcement officers know you are a good guy.
If the badges were only given to CCW holders it might be different. You can buy them easily though, whether you have a CCW or not.

In a gunfight friend and foe is determined by who is shooting which direction. In a gunfight the onlookers can reassure themselves. If you have cause to pull a gun, you have cause to keep your mind on what you are doing, not flashing badges.

Badges? We don't need no stinkin' badges.

If someone was shooting at YOU while holding up a CCW badge and yelling CCW holder, would you return fire? If not, you probably need a badge yourself.
The only reasonably reasonable reason I can see for the badge would be to put one of those little ones on your belt next to your gun in case of an accidental flash.

If you're still thinking about getting one try one of those see-through ID holder envelopes on a cord around your neck, like they have for airports workers.

A lot cheaper than the $40 a badge costs and people will be looking for something official looking, not necessarily something shiny

I'm sure Hank will be along soon to give his expert opinion on this topic
:D, the old "CCW Badge" thread again.

Hey, I don't care if you want one, get one, or "use" one. To me it's just saying, "Hey, I wanna play cops and robbers and I'm the cop".

Plus, the LEO's that respond may not like the idea of a civilian with any type of badge and will brand them a "wannabe" and maybe try to add charges like impersonating an officer.

As for settling down the "civilians", if a shiney piece of tin does that then true Americanism is truly dead.

As for yelling "CC Holder", all you will get is blank stares of HUH. Most don't know what that is, also, the LEO's are still going to hold you at gunpoint no matter what you yell.

Touched some sentitive button, did I?

Before you knee jerk jump on me, Reread my thread. I didn't say I wanted the badge, I am honestly weight the pros and cons without pre prejudice like some of your responses.

There is not ONE good reason for having one,
then why would the three CCW RCO's recommend it with approval of the sherrifs Dept?
The only reasonably reasonable reason I can see for the badge would be to put one of those little ones on your belt next to your gun in case of an accidental flash.

If you're still thinking about getting one try one of those see-through ID holder envelopes on a cord around your neck, like they have for airports workers.
No. Terrible, awful, idea. Impersonating a police officer. That is a crime. If someone sees a badge on your belt, next to your concealed weapon, they WILL think "cop."
There is not ONE good reason for having one,
I gave one

I have always cringed at the insulting wannabe argument.

There may well be reasons to carry the badge.
If your sherrif supports it, that's a good reason to carry it in his juristiction.

I personally don't see $40 worth of good in them
There is not ONE good reason for having one, then why would the three CCW RCO's recommend it with approval of the sherrifs Dept?
OK, why would ten CCW instructors recommend you do not buy one?

HVR, no offense, but CCW instructors are not the most reliable information source sometimes. I've heard them recommend that people don't carry semi-autos. I've heard them say revolvers are obsolete. I've heard them say Colts are junk. I've heard them say Glocks are junk. I've heard them recommend you carry pepper spray. I've heard them recommend you not carry pepper spray.

I've never heard one instructor recommend you get a badge that carries absolutely no authority, but I'll take your word for it, some in your area have. I have heard many instructors recommend you not get the CCW badge. So........where does that leave us? We must make up our own minds, not follow anyone's recommendations blindly. Credentials such as CCW RCO do not automatically equate to infallible advice. (What is a RCO anyway?)

To help you make up your mind, ask a few cops at the gun counter what they think about these badges. that will give you a fairer picture of how LEOs accept it in your area. Truth be told, a LEO is more likely to see and question that badge on your hip than you will need to flash it to calm bystanders, so ask a few of your local LEOs on the beat.
Having a way to identify the holder of a valid CCW/CPL is a good idea. Having a badge to do so? I'm not too sure.

Yes, the presence of a badge CAN help to identify you as one of the good guys.

Unfortunately, it can also grow into a charge of impersonation--depending on who the officers are at the scene.

If a person decides to use such a badge, extreme care must be taken to avoid saying or doing anything to give the impression that the identity of a police officer is being taken on. And remember this--when criminal charges are pressed, intent is one of the elements of the crime. Unfortunately, so is a standard that we have identified through the years as the "reasonable man" doctrine.

Simply put, this asks "What would a reasonable person do/think in this situation?"

Frequently, the answer will probably be that "a reasonable person, upon seeing a badge of the same size and configuration as that of a law enforcement officer, would assume that the holder and bearer of such a badge is in fact a law enforcement officer."

And the idea of making it a different size and shape? Hardly a remedy. Take a look at any Gall's catalog, especially at the custom badges. You will see all sizes, shapes and configurations, from plain squares, circles and ovals to some really creative and attractive badges. Take a look, for instance, at the New Orleans PD badge to see an example of an unusual and creative badge design.

In the end, though, the choice is that of the holder of the CCW/CPL. Just don't get yourself in a bind by doing so, though.

(By the way, we are civilians, too!)
I think I'm with the no badge crowd. The ones I have seen look fairly official unless you see them up close, so you might be looking at impersonation charges. I would hope that when an LEO shows after a shootout if you don't have a weapon pointed at him and you are waiting around for them he wouldn't automatically think you were a bad guy. You should be prepared to held at gunpoint until things get sorted out though.
Impersonating a police officer. That is a crime. If someone sees a badge on your belt, next to your concealed weapon, they WILL think "cop."
No it's not.
The badge does not say police anywhere on it.
Whatever they think is there problem as long as you do not knowingly attempt to persuade them that you are a cop.

I have a baseball cap that says NYPD on it my ex bought it for me as a joke when she was in NY.
Does that constitute impersonation.

They sell black T-shirts with POLICE emblazoned across the chest at the local flea markets.I have seen non police officer walk into the jail to pick up a newly released friend wearing these shirts why were they not arrested.

I used to wear a uniform that was the same color scheme as the local sheriff's deputies and carried a pest control bait gun that looked similar to a semi auto handgun. I was called officer on several occasions would that not be considered impersonating by your definition.

A definition that you got where exactly?
As I have said before, I want a T-shirt so when the time comes I can whip my cover shirt open like Superman protecting truth, justice, and the American way
RCO=Range Command Officer as per the CCW board instructions as what we were asked to call them. They are all veteran Law Enforcement. One is a buddy of mine and I do trust his judgement as he teaches firearms training for the sheriff dept. and has the class outline approved by the dept.

The senario after the shooting and holding out the badge and yelling call 911, CCW holder was given by two of the officers. Not my senario.

Shootouts are not alway over in a few seconds. Each might take cover and the gunfight ensues, so yes, flashing a badge to someone walking onto the scence might save one's life. If it saves my life, i don't give a hoot about the wanatabe a cop insults. Just look at all the what if senario threads on this forum. Looks like alot of guys that want to be save the universerse types, yet anyone mentions the pros and cons of having a badge and they deny it.

And as to the poster that said,
Um.. YOU are a civillian. I think the badges are an extremely stupid and redundant idea.

Do you have you gun to protect large groups of people? Then become a cop.

If I am in THAT much danger such that my life is at risk, and I neet to start calculating "if that person does X, I am going to (pull my gun/shoot/run)Im not pulling out a little badge that I got by sending in 5 UPC's and $5.95 S&H. Im pulling out my gun shooting.

These badges are a discrace.
calling others civilians does not mean that I am not. It clarifies the people that I am referring to. Apparently you did not read the thread without your knee jerking up. I did not say anywhere that I was trying to protect large groups of people. Where the heck did that one come from?
And I am calculating what to do ahead of time, now in this forum, not during the gun battle. Jeeze!
I'm not gonna charge someone with impersonation just because they have a CCW badge, but it also isnt gonna carry any weight if I see it. I'll still want to examine the actual permit and probably some other form of picture ID also. This also goes for people claining that they are cops. Without real ID its justa piece of tin.

I am firmly in the "no badge" camp, and as a matter of fact do not even carry my shield off duty, just my department photo ID, which is in a hidden compartment of my wallet. Part of my concern has been what might happen in a robbery or hostage situation if it were to be found. My family is trained to not let on that I'm a cop and to go to the ground at the first sign of me drawing my gun.
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